Sage Supplier4 Help please

Blonde Accountant
Blonde Accountant Registered Posts: 86 Regular contributor โญ
Hi, when setting up a new supplier on sage, can I set it up to have euros instead of pounds. What I mean is the invoice is in euros, so does Sage have the facility to change the currency. Sorry if I am not very clear, I can't seem to get across what I need to say. Thanks for any help.


  • mc25
    mc25 Registered Posts: 232 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    If all the other transactions on that sage are in GBP figure you will need to set it up in GBP then convert the Euro amount to GBP when you come to process the invoice, otherwise I think you will have issue when you come to reconcile the bank.

    I hope this helps.
  • coojee
    coojee Registered Posts: 794 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    You can with certain versions of Sage, you'd need to check your particular version. I think it's only the more expensive ones though and I'm talking ยฃ1000 + here. If you have a euro bank account aswell and pay them in euros then it's not going to cause a problem with your bank rec. If you convert sterling into euro to pay them then any difference just becomes an exchange rate difference and/or a bank charge.

    Whatever you do it's going to be a mess. If you're able to enter it as euro's you'll still need to translate it into sterling for every reporting period. No easy answer really.
  • Blonde Accountant
    Blonde Accountant Registered Posts: 86 Regular contributor โญ
    Thanks for the help x
  • Londina
    Londina Registered Posts: 814 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Client Manager is the version which has multicurrency, you can post invoices in Euro and insert the exchange rate, it does the change automatically, you can also run reports in Euro or GBP.

    The cost is not that different from the usual Sage 50 and it has also other funtionalities, example you can memorise regular journals and recall them when you need them! ;-)
  • coojee
    coojee Registered Posts: 794 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Client Manager is the version which has multicurrency, you can post invoices in Euro and insert the exchange rate, it does the change automatically, you can also run reports in Euro or GBP.

    The cost is not that different from the usual Sage 50 and it has also other funtionalities, example you can memorise regular journals and recall them when you need them! ;-)

    Client manager is for accountants in practice so that they can download their client's Sage information and work on it remotely, it's not meant for industry use. I got the impression the OP was in industry. In industry the package that has foreign trading is Sage 50 Accounts Professional which costs over ยฃ1000.
  • Londina
    Londina Registered Posts: 814 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    no, industry can use too Sage Client Manager, because it's the only version that has multicurrency, I know companies who do use it just for this reason.

    Then they can provide their accountants with their Sage file, like when they use Sage 50 version
  • coojee
    coojee Registered Posts: 794 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    no, industry can use too Sage Client Manager, because it's the only version that has multicurrency, I know companies who do use it just for this reason.

    Then they can provide their accountants with their Sage file, like when they use Sage 50 version

    From the Sage website:

    "Designed exclusively for accountants in practice" "Please note your practice must be a certified member of an Accountancy body to use this software."

    Maybe their accountants use Sage Client Manager and they use something similar but I don't see how it can be this version.
  • Londina
    Londina Registered Posts: 814 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    or pretty sure their accountant bought that version for them! At the end of the day Client Manger is exactly the same as Sage 50, the only difference I know are:
    -able to memorise journals

    I don't see why an industry company would not use it, since it has those bonus! and by the way, I have never used that accountant's link option!
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