Proffessional Ethics Help with Revision?

Luby Registered Posts: 51 Regular contributor ⭐
I am currently looking at professional ethics and am just lost at how to revise for this subject. My tutor has given me two booklets totalling 120 pages and whenever i start to read these i get a few pages in and lose interest and feel none of the information is going in. Does anybody know any sites where there are interactive quizzes available? I have already done the two on osborne books and the aat scenario questions. Any other material would be appreciated


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  • guinea pig
    guinea pig Registered Posts: 402 Dedicated contributor πŸ¦‰
    Do you have access to a library? I used the Osborne Tutorial & workbook, which were good, and if you could borrow them that would help.
    Best wishes
  • Jo Clark
    Jo Clark Registered Posts: 2,525 Beyond epic contributor πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ

    I don't have any material as such for this module, however there are some excellent resources on the AAT website.

    Try the following - they are great fun to work through and really make you think about the issues involved. You will need to access using your MyAAT login. This link will also allow you to link/download the AAT Guidance on Professional Ethics.

    This link will give you access to four lectures, a quiz and a case study review.

    Hope the above helps.

    Best wishes.

    ~ An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest ~
    Benjamin Franklin
  • Luby
    Luby Registered Posts: 51 Regular contributor ⭐
    Thank you both I will look at trying to borrow the osborne book as i begrudge buying one in all honesty, those links were very helpful Jo thanks especially the lecture ones I hadn't found them myself.
  • Jo Clark
    Jo Clark Registered Posts: 2,525 Beyond epic contributor πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ
    You're most welcome Luby - 'tis my pleasure to have helped and as I have said in another post - if I can help others I will :D
    ~ An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest ~
    Benjamin Franklin
  • jojo1979
    jojo1979 Registered Posts: 75 Regular contributor ⭐

    I sat my ethics exam a few weeks ago and i found the Kaplan book useful. Hope that helps

  • lisagreenwood
    lisagreenwood Registered Posts: 19 New contributor 🐸
    Is that just the Kaplan Study book? I am studying from home through Kaplan and this is my last exam at this level. I have found all the other exams ok, but this unit is so boring and it's been hard getting things to sink in. My exam is the 28th April.
  • jojo1979
    jojo1979 Registered Posts: 75 Regular contributor ⭐
    Hi Lisa. It was the combined text and workbook i used. Its the new one out. I borrowed it from the college library. IO found that a great help

    Good luck with your revising and be sure to let us know how you get on.

    Good luck

  • Budgie
    Budgie Registered Posts: 56 Regular contributor ⭐
    Hi folks,

    Is this Unit 32 you're talking about, under the old standards? If so I found the BPP Passcards for this unit really good.

    I'm the same as you, just pages and pages of words, theory and paragraphs, and I wasn't taking things in. But the Passcards condensed it and made it more manageable - definitely helped me pass.

    Hope it goes well, don't give up :-)
  • lisagreenwood
    lisagreenwood Registered Posts: 19 New contributor 🐸
    Hi Jo,
    Thanks for that, i will let you know how i do. Numbers i don't seem to struggle with, reading text especially when it's not really interesting reading and remembering it is more difficult for me. Did you do ok with your exam?

    A lot of people are mentioning the BPP pass cards are helpful for this unit. I think i will try and track some doewn this wkd. I have got the little book from Kaplan that comes with the workbook but anything that helps has to be a bonus.

    I will be glad when this unit is finished.
  • Luby
    Luby Registered Posts: 51 Regular contributor ⭐
    Thanks i have the osbourne book now and will look at reading through that if only this was an interesting subject haha. May try and find the BPP Cards if lots of people are recommending them, anything to reduce it down from 85pages :S.

    Does anyone know what


    stands for I can only remember about halve (Objectivity, Confidentiality, Integrity, Due Care?, Professional Behaviour & ??)

    I remember reading this somewhere but now can't find it.

    Thanks for all the help hopefully be well equipped for my exam :)
  • Jo Clark
    Jo Clark Registered Posts: 2,525 Beyond epic contributor πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ
    Hello Luby

    When I studied Professional Ethics I learnt the following - PIPCO

    Professional Competence and Due Care
    Professional Behaviour

    The D in your list is linked with one of the two "P"

    Also try using ASIFS for the threats to the principles -

    Self Interest
    Self Review

    Hope this helps.
    ~ An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest ~
    Benjamin Franklin
  • BeccaLouJ9
    BeccaLouJ9 Registered Posts: 896 Epic contributor 🐘
    Haha, Jo you teased me with this- by not revealing, but now I know! Very useful way of remembering.. hopefully!! Thanks x
  • Jo Clark
    Jo Clark Registered Posts: 2,525 Beyond epic contributor πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ
    Ooops - sorry Becca - thought you may have read this in your BPP book.

    If I think of anymore I'll let you know :)
    ~ An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest ~
    Benjamin Franklin
  • guinea pig
    guinea pig Registered Posts: 402 Dedicated contributor πŸ¦‰

    We learnt from the Osborne book;

    to remember;
    Professional behaviour
    Profesional Competence & due care

    Hope that helps, & good luck!
  • Luby
    Luby Registered Posts: 51 Regular contributor ⭐
    Moment of truth

    My tutor finally gave me the osbourne book (only two weeks before the exam) and it is PPCIO the D is part of one the Ps as you said. No wonder i couldnt find it again. Thank you all for your help today is the big day to find out if its all worked. 2 and a 1/2 hours away from my exam :S nervous now haha
  • pirate
    pirate Registered Posts: 469 Dedicated contributor πŸ¦‰
    you'll be fine,
    they may ask you for the D they did in mine so dont forget due Care
    and remember everything stems from the fundamental principles and independence
    Ifs it unlawful its unethical
    and if you dont want to stand up and defend yourself or you dont know how its probably unethical or at least gives you doubt
    good Luck
  • BeccaLouJ9
    BeccaLouJ9 Registered Posts: 896 Epic contributor 🐘
    Good Luck, I did this yesterday and passed! Yay! And although it was slightly harder than the practice ones I've tried it wasn't too bad! Be confident in your answers- in this one a couple of the options for the questions could be right, in my opinion, so make sure you are completely sure of your answer! You'll be fine!

    Good Luck!!
  • pirate
    pirate Registered Posts: 469 Dedicated contributor πŸ¦‰
    Hey BeccaLouJ9
    congrats thats brilliant.
    It was one of those I was not really sure about starred at paper for ages before writing but then had to write so fast as nearly ran out of time that my hand was killing me for days.
    Anyway is this the new or the old
    submitted mine 10 days ago still not heard hate the wait to be honest especially when just not sure of the outcome. its the last one I have to do and all I hve left is Unit 10
  • BeccaLouJ9
    BeccaLouJ9 Registered Posts: 896 Epic contributor 🐘
    It was the new one. I did it at 1.30 and looked online at 5.00 and my result was on my Statement of Acheivement.

    Obviously there was no writing for my one because it was computer based, but I wonder how different it must have been to yours presumably on the Old Standard?! Luckily I only took 20 mins, so not even achey fingers from typing for too long! :)

    Fingers Crossed for your Results!!

  • pirate
    pirate Registered Posts: 469 Dedicated contributor πŸ¦‰
    Hey there is something to be said for the new standards then
    It took me the full three hours of solid writing

    I was going to go to the new standards so instead of doing 3 skills tests Ie unit 31 part 2 and 3 and Professional Ethics I would have had to do Spreadhseets and Prof Ethics, but as I had paid for the old books and learning decided to continue.

    well done though another one in the bag absolutely fab
  • Sparkly
    Sparkly Registered Posts: 139 Dedicated contributor πŸ¦‰
    Jo Clark wrote: Β»

    I don't have any material as such for this module, however there are some excellent resources on the AAT website.

    Try the following - they are great fun to work through and really make you think about the issues involved. You will need to access using your MyAAT login. This link will also allow you to link/download the AAT Guidance on Professional Ethics.

    This link will give you access to four lectures, a quiz and a case study review.

    Hope the above helps.

    Best wishes.


    Thanks JC for posting these links. I've found them really useful. There are a good way of aiding learning. I was only able to find them by clicking on the links, not from My AAT for soe reason. Are there any for any of the other units?
    I'm hoping to get this skills test out of the way in the next week or so (old style) then just Audit to go (thats hoping that I passed Cash Management and credit control!). Oh,and unit 10 project still hanging over my head!
  • pirate
    pirate Registered Posts: 469 Dedicated contributor πŸ¦‰


    Ive only got Unit 10 as well but am swtiching to the new style to complete it

    Good luck on passing all your units

  • BeccaLouJ9
    BeccaLouJ9 Registered Posts: 896 Epic contributor 🐘
    I tried that link above before, is it only for old standard? I can't find new standard in the drop down?

  • Luby
    Luby Registered Posts: 51 Regular contributor ⭐

    First time ive been on here since sitting my exam and Yep i passed :D I must confess i was 50/50 whether I had passed. Couldnt believe some of the questions it seemed nothing like the practice papers there were so many technical questions on mine that had definate answers not as many work situation questions as i expected but its over with for now ... and yes pirate you get the results instantly with the new way of doing them on CBA which is good when it works but i hear Lvl 4 had a lot of problems with there CBA's causing a few failures thankfully I never experienced any problems with mine. Two more units left both to be sat on the 21/06/2011 and I will have passed this level

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