How many AAT members are there?

Paul C
Paul C Registered Posts: 193 Dedicated contributor 🦉
Does anyone know, roughly , how may AAT full members there are? And what's happening to numbers, up, down etc.

I have met a couple people this week who are unsure whether they will renew their membership due the cost. Which set me thinking about how the AAT is doing / performing in membership numbers and I suppose financially.

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  • BeccaLouJ9
    BeccaLouJ9 Registered Posts: 896 Epic contributor 🐘
    In PQ magazine this month it said something about number of members.. this year AAT signed up 24,388 new student members. But 'retention of students and affiliates is down to 64.9%'.

    If I am reading correctly they have 122,697 students & members, compared to 122,730 last year. (48,960 F/MAAT, 73,737 Student & affiliate).

    B x
  • Raging Pineapples
    Raging Pineapples Registered Posts: 110 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    I suspect numbers are a tad misleading, simply because many use AAT as a stepping stone to further qualifications. I suspect there are some who get CIMA, ACCA, etc and then feel they would rather let their AAT membership expire.

    So it may not be that AAT is in any way bad, or getting worse, just a side effect of its members moving on to more in-depth qualifications.
  • Paul C
    Paul C Registered Posts: 193 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Thanks both.

    Good to see the numbers are at least fairly similar year on year. I agree that some people move on to "more in depth qualifications" [I love that phrase Chris].

    The person I spoke to is not currently studying anything else, which is why I was so surprised. Then someone else said to me that AAT is encouraging Branches to share events "to save money" [ not someone from AAT so by no means an official viewpoint ]. So it started me wondering.

  • Rinske
    Rinske Registered Posts: 2,453 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Even if they share events, that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's a chance to either do more networking or where the presenter can use the feedback on one event to improve the talk on the next.

    The same with the online events (do they work yet?)
  • M Norine
    M Norine Registered Posts: 6 New contributor 🐸
    thanks Paul
    I agree with Raging

    Just logged in here and its telling me the following:

    Welcome, M Norine.
    You last visited: 30-10-09 at 20:51

    hence I have been studying ACCA, but god nows when i finish it off
  • AK002
    AK002 Registered Posts: 2,492 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Check the accounts, think it's disclosed in there.
  • messedup89
    messedup89 Registered Posts: 1,281 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Im not renewing my membership because of the cost, even with the reduced subscription for styudying acca
  • gregory
    gregory Registered Posts: 37 Regular contributor ⭐
    And my case is that I can not apply yet for membership due to little experience. But I can not have more of it as I am not able to find a job (even as a bookkeeper) due to lack of experience...ehhh
  • Paul C
    Paul C Registered Posts: 193 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Sorry to hear that Gregory! I think there have been a few threads in here giving advice on getting accounting experience. Good luck with things.

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