Back to studying after 2 years where to start?

stacee31 Registered Posts: 17 New contributor 🐸
Hi All

I gave up my AAT studies a couple of years ago due to various reasons and I have now started to continue.

I have the following units to pass before I can gain my AAT qualification. My question is, which one do you think is best to start with? I am finding it really hard to get motivated and back into it again that I just dont know where to begin :-(

Indirect Tax
External Audit
Cash Management
Professional Ethics

Any comments will be really appreciated!

Thanks, Stacey x

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  • Whirlwind
    Whirlwind Registered Posts: 249 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Hey then welcome back!

    I'd definitely complete the level 3 units first, probably ethics first as its mostly common sense. I sat auditing in March and found it rather dry and boring, so definitely do that last!!

    All the best with your choice!!
  • stacee31
    stacee31 Registered Posts: 17 New contributor 🐸
    Thanks for getting back to to me Whirlwind :0)

    I have heard this about the Audit paper, god kows why I chose it, I think it was infulence from people at work!

    I am home study at the moment, when you studied for the audit paper how long did it take between your course and booking the exam? I was thinking about giving myself 4-6 weeks of studying each paper before taking the exam, would you say that was too little time or too long?!

    Thank you :-)
  • Whirlwind
    Whirlwind Registered Posts: 249 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    I hated studying it as it was sooo dry but once I'd passed it my opinion changed (unsurprisingly) as I realised why it would be useful where I work!!

    It was my first level 4 self-study. I think the hardest part was getting into the critical mind set of looking for weaknesses in an organisation and then making recommendations for remedies - a bit too negative for me!!

    I followed the online lesson/study schedule with 4 weeks to study and revise EXA, which was enough time as I have done a bit of junior audit work. I found that the BPP college exams booked up rather early so I would book myself an exam at least four weeks in advance.

    Just a heads up on one of the written tasks was on 'disaster recovery plan' which I'd never heard of, although my waffle earned me an exceeded for that question!!

    You will be fine ... I mean I passed it!! I am just waiting for results on FNPF, not as confident about that one!!

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