How does AAT distance learning work?

AAT Administrator, Tutor Posts: 102 🤖 Admin 🤖
edited February 2015 in Getting started with AAT
Distance learning is a flexible way to study AAT from home at your own pace. This means you can fit your studies around your other commitments, so it's ideal for people who need to accommodate the demands of caring for children or working.

There are two main types of AAT distance learning:

1. The printed materials are sent out to you. You can work through them at your own pace, with or without the support of a tutor.

2. You study in a live online classroom environment with a tutor, or you can use online resources such as pre-recorded classes and practice assessments.

The exams are all computer-based, and are held regularly throughout the year. You can take an assessment whenever you think you’re ready.

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