Costs and Revenues - just a moan! It's too hard :-(
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Hi All, I don't expect any replies but I'm feeling a bit down in the dumps at the mo. I failed Costs and Revenues back on 31st May and have the resit next Wednesday. I've had Indirect Tax, Spreadsheets and Cash Management exams inbetween which I have concentrated on and managed to pass 2/3 so far (awaiting results for Spreadsheets) which means that hopefully only Costs will be left.
I've spent the last 2 weeks working through the BPP text and question bank, doing a chapter a day as I wanted to avoid cramming. Not that it's any excuse but I'm pregnant and to be honest could do without the stress! But hey ho.
I'm finding that hardly any of it is going in and sticking in my head. I've tried doing the exercises over and over and writing my own revision notes (3 A4 pages so far!) and I'm not really sure what to do. I posted on another thread that I was finding it difficult and someone kindly suggested buying some Osborne books but I just haven't had the time to look into it properly.
I'm going to attempt the past papers over the weekend but I did this last time and found that the actual exam, the one that I failed, wasn't laid out like the past AAT ones so I'm not looking forward to doing them as I'm wondering would there be any point?
I'm sorry to be so depressing and stuff but this unit has really got me down and I'm finding it so difficult. There's just TOO much to remember! I guess everyone understands things differently but I guess my brain isn't wired for this kind of stuff!
Thing is, it's in my best interests to pass as I'll have this hanging over my head throughout the rest of my pregnancy if I don't and I can't move on without completing it.
Sorry for the moan I just had to get it out!
I've spent the last 2 weeks working through the BPP text and question bank, doing a chapter a day as I wanted to avoid cramming. Not that it's any excuse but I'm pregnant and to be honest could do without the stress! But hey ho.
I'm finding that hardly any of it is going in and sticking in my head. I've tried doing the exercises over and over and writing my own revision notes (3 A4 pages so far!) and I'm not really sure what to do. I posted on another thread that I was finding it difficult and someone kindly suggested buying some Osborne books but I just haven't had the time to look into it properly.
I'm going to attempt the past papers over the weekend but I did this last time and found that the actual exam, the one that I failed, wasn't laid out like the past AAT ones so I'm not looking forward to doing them as I'm wondering would there be any point?
I'm sorry to be so depressing and stuff but this unit has really got me down and I'm finding it so difficult. There's just TOO much to remember! I guess everyone understands things differently but I guess my brain isn't wired for this kind of stuff!
Thing is, it's in my best interests to pass as I'll have this hanging over my head throughout the rest of my pregnancy if I don't and I can't move on without completing it.
Sorry for the moan I just had to get it out!
Hi AATchick
First of all, don't stress over the exam, or any exam for that matter. The calmer you are going into an exam, the better you'll be able to think/remember the syllabus.
I sat CRS on Wednesday, the layout was exactly the same as the mock papers so hopefully yours will be too. I find sitting the mock papers is the best form of revision. I don't know if it'll help but I like to go through the mock papers on the AAT website, write down where I went wrong, revise those points and resit the mock papers again. This may work for you, it might not but it's worth trying if nothing else is working!
If there are any parts you're struggling with, just post them on here. I'd be happy to help where I can0 -
Don't beat yourself up too much. Pregnancy can have very strange effects on you, in ways you'd never imagine. During and after my first pregnancy, I could barely string a sentence together. It felt like my brain cells had been replaced with cotton wool and my memory just deserted me. I lost all my drive and people I met must have thought I was some kind of idiot. During my second pregnancy, it was like my brain was on fire, I soaked up knowledge like a sponge and was so committed to my studies. Bearing in mind those two periods were only 20 months apart, I was like two different people. I have no doubt that pregnancy hormones were the reason in both cases, they just had opposite effects. As things are now settling down, I can see I am settling back into a happy medium between the two states!
It doesn't solve your current worries about C&R of course, but try not to let it knock your confidence. Despite what anyone says, it is difficult studying whilst pregnant if you can tell that your brain isn't quite as sharp as normal.0 -
I can sympathize because I finished level 3 in June and had many stressful and self doubting moments, I can remember one weekend when I must have cried for about 2 hours (oh dear). I know this doesn't exactly help but at least you know you're not the only one.
I think the actual exam is quite similar to the practise tests so I would do these and have the answers up so you can check as you go along, if there is anything where you can't work out where the answer has come from then ask on here, people helped me a lot on here.
I would also suggest setting yourself an allocated amount of time to revise and maybe a treat after, say revise for 2 hours then relax in front of the tv for the evening, have a chocolate, or go out and do something. I always found it easier to revise if I was going to have or do something nice afterwards.
Good luck and try not to let it get you down.
Kelly0 -
Thank you so much for your inputs everyone it really helped me gain some perspective. Ive noticed throughout my pregnancy i was as sharp as a tack at the beginning but its all getting a bit too much these days!
I went through 2 past papers yesterday, the first i was ok with and the second completely threw me! Im going to keep going through them today, tonight and tomorrow and just keep practising. The formulas for breakeven points and margin of safety are now stuck in my head although ive found that on the second paper i was taking time just to work out what the question was actually asking me as thats half the battle!
Still do not feel confident at all about this unit but will absolutely try my best. Really really hope i dont have to resit again :-(
Thanks all x0 -
Hi AATChick,
Whilst studying the level 3 modules, I was able to pick them all up fairly quickly and have a thorough understanding of them - until I hit CRS! I couldn't understand it at all, and nearly walked out my classes because of it. One day I got every single question I attempted wrong. I signed myself off work for a week to prepare and try study for this. I repeatedly tried questions and mock exams until I was sick of them. I got angry and upset about the constant mistakes I made - but then my outlook changed. Look at it in a positive light whilst revising, and try having a joke with yourself about mistakes you make, that way you'll remember the mistake, so will be able to remember the correct way for the exam (well at least I did) Practice as much as you can, if you're really stuck - post on here and get help (I'll try where I can, but in all honesty there's probably better people on here!)
Let us know how it goes and i'll keep my fingers crossed!0 -
Hi Cudey,
Thanks very much for your post it did make me feel lots better!! If I don't pass this time I am considering taking some time off work to study for it, I work full-time and am trying to sort out stuff at home for the baby's room but at the moment am forcing myself to sit and go through it every spare moment I have. Like you, I get really angry and frustrated with myself when I keep getting things wrong, especially as my other college buddies passed the exam first time with no qualms, it does make you feel quite alone in your struggle doesn't it!!
I'll keep practising and practising right up until I take the exam. I'm usually awake at 6am at the latest every morning so will now use this time to revise even more. I just hate the way that all the past exams have have a similar theme in that the past papers are similar to the real thing and now all of a sudden it's been turned on it's head and thrown me into completely unfamiliar territory!!
xx0 -
I found some of the questions wasn't quite straight forward with this exam too, so I would say that's another key point for it, make sure you know what they're asking and have a banana to help you concentrate lol.
Just keep positive & how good you'll feel once its over.
Not sure how much help I'll be with it being over about 6 weeks since I did this but if you post some of the questions in here where you're going wrong I'll try to help. X0 -
Hi Kelly7, thanks for the advice and words of encouragement :-)
I had a horrid day yesterday, I picked up my books last night properly, and started working through the BPP practice assessments and my brain just did not want to WORK and I admit I fell to pieces! Hubby suggested that I was just having an off day (had an awful day at work too) and to try again tomorrow.
Well this morning came and I felt loads better about things, first thing this morning and at lunchtime at work I went through some questions in the practice assessments but also tried the Green Light tests. I got 80% in one of the sections first time but then struggled a bit with the 2nd, BUT after doing some more exercises I found I'm remembering it more every time.
Still really worried about this exam Thursday but I'll keep trying and see how I go. Wish me luck! x0 -
Hi Kelly7, thanks for the advice and words of encouragement :-)
I had a horrid day yesterday, I picked up my books last night properly, and started working through the BPP practice assessments and my brain just did not want to WORK and I admit I fell to pieces! Hubby suggested that I was just having an off day (had an awful day at work too) and to try again tomorrow.
Well this morning came and I felt loads better about things, first thing this morning and at lunchtime at work I went through some questions in the practice assessments but also tried the Green Light tests. I got 80% in one of the sections first time but then struggled a bit with the 2nd, BUT after doing some more exercises I found I'm remembering it more every time.
Still really worried about this exam Thursday but I'll keep trying and see how I go. Wish me luck! x
You're following the exact same story I did by the looks of it! Keep it up. If you make errors in the mock, remember it's fine, it's part of the learning curve. Keep positive, if you believe you can do it - then you can! Make sure you can relax before the exam. I tend to chill outside if the weathers nice and have a coffee/green tea and rejoice that i'm not in the office.
I was frustrated and kept worrying/beating myself up about CRS but I just kept practicing and I think I peaked in the exam and it all came together with a level head, and perhaps that's what you're doing - You're just building up to the exam day where you'll crack it. :001_smile:0 -
Thanks Cudey, i really hope im going the same way as you :-)
Will do green light loads at work today if i get the chance and do another practice assessment then look over my revision notes tonight. If i dont pass tomorrow ill be very annoyed with myself! Xx0 -
Hi guys please think of me at 9.30 - 12 when i will be sitting my exam and probably pulling my hair out :-( eek x0
Good luck AATchick, let us know later how you get on.~ An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest ~Benjamin Franklin0
Good luck! I had terrible pregnancies even without complications, so I think it's fab you can even do the study on top of working. Go easy on yourself as its a tough time. It took me a year after having my youngest to even contemplate studying. Fingers cross for an easy baby and you should be able to continue during mat leave.0
Hoping you come on with a pass *fingers crossed. Xx0
Aww thanks guys for your messages and words of encouragement! :-)
I can now tell you that the results of my Costs and Revenues exam were that I.......
(I know, still in shock!)
This time the exam was almost identical to the practice assessments which meant the first time round I must have had a very difficult one - I think it's the only time I've known that I passed the exam I was sitting before I got the results and I found out I'd exceeded in most areas too :-)
I also found out that I passed my Spreadsheets exam which means I have COMPLETED AAT Level 3... I'm still in shock to be honest as I never expected the final results so soon!!!!!
Just want to thank you all for being there at times of despair and I'm happy I can finally concentrate on my pregnancy :-)
Feeling very happy at the moment x x x x0 -
Come on AATChick - The champagne is waiting on ice here! :001_smile:0
Well done :thumbup:0
Congratulations~ An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest ~Benjamin Franklin0
Aww thanks guys for your messages and words of encouragement! :-)
I can now tell you that the results of my Costs and Revenues exam were that I.......
(I know, still in shock!)
This time the exam was almost identical to the practice assessments which meant the first time round I must have had a very difficult one - I think it's the only time I've known that I passed the exam I was sitting before I got the results and I found out I'd exceeded in most areas too :-)
I also found out that I passed my Spreadsheets exam which means I have COMPLETED AAT Level 3... I'm still in shock to be honest as I never expected the final results so soon!!!!!
Just want to thank you all for being there at times of despair and I'm happy I can finally concentrate on my pregnancy :-)
Feeling very happy at the moment x x x x
My bad - I responded having not seen your post!
Well done AATChick! :thumbup: I knew you could do it, and sounds like you did follow my story on the way - hopefully I can now follow yours and complete my level 3 on 13th August!
All the best for the pregnancy :001_smile:0 -
Thanks everyone :-) really appreciate it. And what have you got left, Cudey? :-) xx0
Ooh nice, good luck for that although I'm sure you won't need it :-)
Enjoy Level 4... if all goes to plan I should be starting that next year when I'll probably be back here again stressing out! Hehe x0 -
Ooh I thought I'd replied to this, welll doooone. You must be so pleased. Time for you to have a relax now ready for your new litlle family addition xxx0
Hi Kelly7, thanks :-)
My boss has told me that he's very keen for me to start Level 4 via distance learning when I'm on mat leave so no rest for me I'm afraid :-( x0 -
Is he still pressuring you to study whilst on leave?? I know I've given my thoughts on your other thread, but seriously, tell him when he's had the experience of giving birth, and of raging post birth hormones, and months of no sleep and feeling like a zombie, and ensuring the dreaded post natal depression doesn't hit, then he can start to break the law by insisting that you continue studying just to ensure you fit in with his plans.
I'm making the assumption that I'm older and stroppier than you, but seriously, you need to be telling him to back off, and that you will study if, and only if, you choose to. The law insists on maternity leave for a reason.
Baby will be a toddler before long, and then off to school within what feels like about 12 months. Don't ruin those lovely few months because you're stressing about the study you should be doing. You'll be back at work before you know it. Study if you want to, but only if you want to.
<gets off soapbox> :blushing:0 -
I completely agree with Nps you have to push back and only do it if you want to. There is no way on earth I would have been able to study during maternity leave. I had a bad sleeper first time which is pretty typical, she just cried non stop for the first four months and didn't start sleeping well until nine months. Even my good sleeper (baby number two) wasn't sleeping through the night until a year - when I joined this forum and bought my L2 books. Hopefully you will have a better sleeper but it would be awful to have this hanging over you at a time that is often just about getting through the day (and night). Good luck!0
Is he still pressuring you to study whilst on leave?? I know I've given my thoughts on your other thread, but seriously, tell him when he's had the experience of giving birth, and of raging post birth hormones, and months of no sleep and feeling like a zombie, and ensuring the dreaded post natal depression doesn't hit, then he can start to break the law by insisting that you continue studying just to ensure you fit in with his plans.
I'm making the assumption that I'm older and stroppier than you, but seriously, you need to be telling him to back off, and that you will study if, and only if, you choose to. The law insists on maternity leave for a reason.
Baby will be a toddler before long, and then off to school within what feels like about 12 months. Don't ruin those lovely few months because you're stressing about the study you should be doing. You'll be back at work before you know it. Study if you want to, but only if you want to.
<gets off soapbox> :blushing:
I'm a single bloke in my twenties with no children, so I cannot relate to NPS's post experience wise though thoroughly agree with everything she mentioned, but surely it's common sense?
Level 4 is a year I believe. Perhaps if he's being a complete backside about the situation, you can say you'll do a few module IF you can. Certainly don't feel pressured into it as he hasn't really got a leg to stand on here in my book.
However - If you do decide to do the study - I'll see you in the Level 4 forum as I passed my last Level 3 exam today :001_smile:0 -
Hi guys, sorry it's taken me a while to reply to your posts, had a hectic few days!
NPS - thank you for your well thought out and detailed answer, you've said exactly what I felt like when he first suggested it to me. He's still claiming that because it's for personal development not work (ie I don't necessarily need it to do my job) that I'm able to do it on leave. I have reminded him of his initial 1 year out plan but he came out with something that made me realise why he's doing it - my work colleague had passed all of his AAT and CIMA exams and has yet to do his final year when he started raising a family.. that was 5 years ago and he never got round to completing the final year. My boss has said he is concerned that the same thing will happen to me and it's imperative that before he retires that 2 people in accounts are fully AAT qualified. He keeps saying I'm lucky to have them paying for it (which he's right, I am) but he's really forcing me to do this and it's getting my back up a bit. If he had just said "we'd like you to consider looking at some of the level 4 materials in your own time, possibly when you're off, then that would be good, see how you go" but he didn't say it like that it was more "you have to do it now as you'll be too busy when the baby comes and of you take a year out you won't want to go back/forget it all".
Thanks Vlee and Cudey for your inputs/comments too. My boss doesn't really have much common sense. When I announced my pregnancy he told me I didn't have a job to come back to (and then admitted he was thinking aloud and shouldn't have said it) and when I first agreed to do AAT (which my work forced me to do as they said if I didn't they'd employ someone else that would) he said for every 1/2 day a week you attend college you will have to make the time up!!! Needless to say I wasn't impressed and managed to argue my case in not making time up but I had to fight to get to that point! So I hope this gives a little more understanding as to what I'm dealing with!
thanks for listening guys. I have my appraisal coming up so know it's going to be mentioned soon. Just hope he doesn't catch me on a bad day.... x0 -
OK, so we guessed there was a reason he was pressuring you, now we know what it is. Fair enough, I see his point, but he's still wrong, and still leaving himself wide open to employment law breaches. Plus he's mentioned that 2 people need to be AAT qualified within 2 years, so he is insinuating that you WILL need AAT for your job and therefore it's not just for your personal development. He's on really dodgy ground and I'm guessing your HR department would have a fit if they knew the full details.
I've just also realised that I've maintained that you can study with a newborn baby if you want to, however this was based on my own experiences, but of course, I self studied so could do it. Had I had to attend college etc, there is no way I would have done it as I didn't leave either of my babies for the first 6 months, nor would I have considered it, so it would have been impossible. So I'm now even more aggrieved on your behalf as you're being asked to do far more than I could have even considered.
On the point he made about not wanting to go back to it after a break - well, it's amazing how much becoming a parent can focus your mind and push you into wanting to achieve as much as you can in order to better support your family!
Good luck with him, I think you just need to stand your ground and perhaps casually mention all the statutory laws he might be breaking. A more in depth chat with HR might also be useful - get someone else to put their foot down for you!0
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