SPSW Result - Learn Plus Still Not Resolved...

KatJ Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
Hi Everyone :001_smile:
I was just wondering if there is anyone else waiting for Learn Plus to be fixed in order to get SPSW result? :confused1:
I had my SPSW test on 26 June (with BPP) but still have not received my result. AAT has been “fixing” Learn Plus problem and posting “updates” about the date and time of the next update on the Learn Plus since June! Last week they said they had expected this problem to be fully fixed by 9 August. On the 9th August there was an update that the next update will be on 13 August, now the next update is on 15 August. So, the problem has not been fixed. My provider (BPP) has confirmed I am among those unlucky ones whose SPSW work still can’t be accessed. :crying:
I sent an email to AAT and got a standard reply that it takes 6 weeks for results to be posted (well, it’s been more than 6 weeks now). I called AAT, their Customer Service wasn’t even aware of this “problem”. They said they didn’t have any information about when it was going to be fixed and advised me to keep checking their updates and that’s basically what I have been doing since June.
It’s really frustrating that I have worked so hard for a whole year, finished all other tests of Level 3 and now that I have to look for a job I have nothing to prove I have finished Level 3 and all because of this “problem”. :crying:
I also think it’s very unprofessional of an organisation such as AAT keep posting “excuses” in the form of these so called updates and not actually providing more information about WHEN this problem is FINALLY going to be fixed! It's taking way too long! :confused1::crying:


  • LeeIOW
    LeeIOW Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
    Hi KatJ,

    Did you ever get your result for SPSW?

    I completed the exam Wednesday and noticed the last update (25/09/2013) stated the issue had been resolved, I hope this is the case as i'm also waiting on this result to confirm whether I have completed Level 3.

    Lee :001_smile:
  • CeeJaySix
    CeeJaySix Registered Posts: 645
    Hi Lee,

    Mine came in within a couple of weeks when I sat it 2/3 months ago, as far as I know LearnPlus is now working correctly in that respect.

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