
Hi, I have a degree in MBA Banking & Finance from Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan and would like to know if you can provide me any exemptions from Level 4 Advanced Diploma in Accounting? Thank you.


  • ChristianB
    ChristianB Registered Posts: 197 Epic contributor 🐘
    Hi @mukhtarali410

    Please contact our team on +44 (0)20 3735 2434 or join@aat.org.uk. Exemptions are offered on a case-by-case bases, so we would have to look into your circumstances before making a decision.

    I have now left AAT. If you require any assistance with the forums, please contact membership support: https://www.aat.org.uk/contact-us
  • mukhtarali410
    mukhtarali410 Registered Posts: 2
    Hi Christian,

    I have sent my all qualification certificates with CV in email to join@aat.org.uk.

    Thank you
  • Jamesn1981
    Jamesn1981 Registered Posts: 6
    Hi, I am currently a member of MIAB (Member of International Association of Book-Keepers), which I obtained through Open University, and I am looking to do AAT level 3, though I'm slightly rusty on my debits & credits. I would prefer to do level 3 AAT, though will this cover parts of debits & credits again?
  • H1234
    H1234 Registered Posts: 4
    I have a BA Hons degree in Accountnacy and Financial Manangement, obtianed at the University of Gloucestershire, would I be able to get any exemtions on the AAT course?
  • AAT_Team
    AAT_Team Administrator Posts: 505 🤖 Admin 🤖
    Hello @H1234 - we don't offer formal exemptions for your qualification. The minimum requirement for you to be awarded the AAT qualification is for you to complete our Level 4 Diploma in Accounting which is the final level of AAT.
  • H1234
    H1234 Registered Posts: 4
    How would I go about getting this level? How much would it cost?
  • AAT_Team
    AAT_Team Administrator Posts: 505 🤖 Admin 🤖
    You would need to buy a course from one of our training providers. They set their own prices so they do vary from provider to provider. You can study from home or in a classroom. To find a training provider, please go to www.aat.org.uk/trainingproviders
  • bristoleno17
    bristoleno17 Registered Posts: 8
    i studied economics degree in Spain also AAT level 3 bookkeeping and Sage 50 payroll level 1-2.
    i would like to study AAT accounting Level 4 ,with my other certificates can i get a exemptions in AAT L4 in mandatory or optional units?



    AAT LEVEL 4 The mandatory units:
    Management account budgeting
    Management account decision and control
    Financial statements
    Professional level synoptic
    Optional units
    Personal tax
    Business tax
    Credit management
    Cash and treasury management
    External auditing

    thanks so much!
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