Anyone using Pegasus Opera 3 out there?

KaySarah Registered Posts: 215 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
We are binning our current Construction Industry Financial software and Pegasus Opera 3 is under serious consideration. Wondering if anyone has used it and would be prepared to share views? Is it as good and solid in it's structure as Sage? We can't use Sage as it doesn't have a good construction project management "bit" that integrates well.
All comments greatly appreciated.


  • BenA
    BenA Registered Posts: 56
    Hi, I am a user of Pegasus 3. The company I work for upgraded to 3 from 2 around 12 months or so ago. I have never really used Sage other than for AAT exams. I am starting to use it for my wife's new start up too, so I cannot offer a full comparison for you. What I can say is that it is a great all-rounder. Every department within our company uses it. It is extremely easy to navigate and easy for the administrator to 'block-off' certain areas of the software. There is also, I would guess you would call it a 'bolt-on' called XRL. This takes a lot of getting used to but once you've got a very basic knowledge it is very easy to construct your own reports which are a welcome addition to the start SDB's etc. You can also set up alerts to provide valuable information to users through the day/week One particular module I really like is the credit control module. It does everything you would expect and more. I self taught this module it is that easy to pick up. It has help me reduce our overdue debtors to a very low % at the end of each month. If the company issuing Pegasus to you are of a good standard you will be able to adapt Pegasus to whatever your needs such as adding fields and amending fields to become more useful to you. The one bug-bare I have is, if a debtor is on hold and a payment is received from them, the system does not issue an alert once the payment has been posted, but this is the only issue I have come across in the 12 months+ that I have been using it.
  • KaySarah
    KaySarah Registered Posts: 215 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Thank you so much for this information BenA - It's good to hear from other users rather than Sales talk. You have set my mind at ease.

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