Stuck between two training providers. Eagle education or Bpp. Anyone have any experience with these?

MatthewP Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
Hi, I'm looking to start level 2 foundation course very soon, but im stuck with deciding on which training provider to go for. Its either Eagle education or Bpp? i know that there is a significant difference in price and i was just wondering if there was a reason why bpp was more costly than eagle as it seems you get the same resources to complete the course.

Any knowledge on either training provide would greatly be appreciated.

Thank you Matthew

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  • MatthewP
    MatthewP Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
    I see, Thank you for your answers, its really making me consider doing the lvl 2 myself now. I was wondering if i was to go about doing it by myself, how do i register to sit the exams? As i think i tried to register with AAT website and it said i needed to provide a training provider.

    Thanks Matthew
  • Adele69
    Adele69 Registered Posts: 320
    You'll need to check out your nearest assessment centres, or one you can get to. Most are also training providers but you don't need to be signed up as a student with them, you can just book to sit the exam. There are issues with some of the CBTs though, such as Computer Accounting Systems on L2 (basically Sage), Professional Ethics and Spreadsheet Software (Excel) on L3 and the Project on L4 as these are tutor marked.

    I paid £75 at First Intuition to sit my first L4 exam last month. I don't know if earlier levels are cheaper as I'd done those in an FE College. Most exam centres near me were around the same figure, this one was easier to book to sit at the date and time convenient for me.
  • MatthewP
    MatthewP Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
    edited February 2017
    So how many exams is there in total? And what your saying is that i need to book one module with a training provider to do the exam? Plus how do i register with AAT if i cant provide a training provider on registration?

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