Personal Tax AQ2013 Green light test - wrong answers


Just wondered if anyone can help verify this for me? I have been studying the Personal Tax FA2016 unit (my final exam unit) and have been taking the green light tests. All is going well and I have been getting between 80 - 100% which is great.

However, I did the Rental Income FA2016 test and got three answers wrong: query numbers 5595, 5608 and 5621 - all regarding calculating taxable rental income. Each answer I gave was after the personal allowance deduction, therefore it then becomes taxable. Before personal allowance is applied, it would be total rental income (not taxable). All the answers were for total rental income, before the personal allowance was deducted.

I still passed the test because all the other answers I gave were correct, but I just wondered if this can be corrected?

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