Continuity of practice cover

Hello everyone, I'm in the process of applying for AAT accounting license. Would anyone be able to provide continuity of practice cover? I don't know if it's important but I'm in Sussex. How did you dealt with it when you started? Many thanks.

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  • reader
    reader Registered Posts: 1,037 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    I used a friend at work.

    If you attend AAT branch meetings/CPD/events you can try networking and pick up a contact/continuity partner.

    You can use the "find an accountant" option on the main AAT homepage and contact a few AAT accountants in your local area to see if they can help.

    Ask any of the people who you studied AAT with at college.

    Or use this forum. I'm sure someone will pop up and help you out.
  • reader
    reader Registered Posts: 1,037 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
  • sjkr
    sjkr Registered Posts: 74 Regular contributor ⭐
    Thank you @reader.

    @tetl1 I could help if your work can be completed electronically. I am at the other end of the country! I also need cover, the majority of my work can be completed online as I work from home anyway. Let me know if we could make an arrangement!

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