Letters of Engagement - Book-keeping?

HBAccounting Registered Posts: 5 New contributor 🐸
I starting out as a MIP and have a licence for book-keeping, payroll, VAT, management accounts and computerised accountancy systems.

Some of my clients are/are going to be doing the basic book-keeping themselves and I will offer help with the other stuff, posting payroll journals and reconciling banks etc. I have looked at all of the sample LOEs available and there doesn't seem to be one for this kind of service. I can't see anywhere whether I have to provide one or not to offer this service.

Also what about just book-keeping for clients, again I can't see a LOE to cover this?

Starting to pull my hair out a bit as I am worried about not having this sort of stuff in place, but it's not proving very easy!

Any help will be appreciated!


  • MarieNoelle
    MarieNoelle Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,368
    Hi there
    Remember that the templates provided by AAT are just that - templates for you to adapt to your specific circumstances. The LOE's purpose is to set out who does what so it is clear for both parties.
    You could include a paragraph stating that the client is responsible to maintain their own books and as part of your service you will provide a review of the bookkeeping, bank rec and journal entries.

    If you provide a full bookkeeping service you could state something like:
    It is agreed that we will:
    a) give you access to [accounting software];
    b) provide training if necessary and/or answer queries on bookkeeping entries;
    c) post and /or review entries of, purchases, expenses, sales invoices from records and any other documents relating to the company’s transactions and activities provided by you.
    d) reconcile the balances with the bank statements;
    e) post manual journals as needed.

    Hope this helps

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