Practicing certificate advice?

I've been advised by one of my colleagues that I should look into obtaining my practicing certificate. She said it would look good for me, both in my current role (showing commitment to the company), and on my CV if I decide to move on later. This makes a lot of sense, I hadn't seriously thought about it before.

I am both FIAB and MAAT, so I was wondering if anyone here has any advice regarding if it might be "better" (for some vague definition of the word) to obtain my practicing certificate with one organisation or the other? Are there any objective differences between the two bodies' requirements, or the services they allow a Member in Practice to offer?

I'm just considering my options at the moment, but I would be glad of any advice from others who have been at this point in their own career at some time. :)
Accounts Executive, ғɪᴀʙ ᴍᴀᴀᴛ
QBO & Xero certified advisor

Level 2 Certificate in Accounting - 17 Jun 2015
Level 3 Diploma in Accounting - 22 Jan 2016
Level 4 Diploma in Accounting - 19 Dec 2017
MAAT - 27 Mar 2018

Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business...
F4 Corporate and Business Law - 4 Jun 2019
F5 Performance Management - 15 July 2019
F6 Taxation (United Kingdom) - 3 Dec 2019
F8 Audit and Assurance - 2 Mar 2020


  • CSan89
    CSan89 Registered Posts: 207
    What is your job role if you don't mind me asking? Looking at the guidance for getting a licence, you need to get things like PI insurance, practice cover etc which seems overboard unless you were becoming a partner of the firm you are at.

    Also, looking at your footer, you are currently studying ACCA? I would suggest carrying on with that as you may find that a practicing certificate with them opens more doors and I believe studying for a higher qualification is showing commitment to your employer.
    AAT Level 2&3 - 2016
    AAT Level 4 - 2017
    Personal Tax, Business Tax and External Auditing

    ACA/CTA -
    Certificate Level - Jan 2019
  • burg
    burg Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,438 mod
    To add to CSan89's comments. If you are studying ACCA yo can only do self-employed work up to TB so they may be concerned if you get a practicing certificate from another body.
    Also this has come from a colleague. What do your bosses think?
    As a boss myself if one of our staff got a practicing certificate without first explaining I would presume they are setting up themselves ready to quit. Not a problem per se but it should be discussed before hand.

  • KoopaCooper
    KoopaCooper Registered Posts: 224
    @Burg - tbh, when my colleague suggested beginning an application for a practicing certificate, that was what I thought too - that it might look like I was getting ready to walk, rather than as an expansion of my skill base.

    @CSan89 - my job role is Accounts Senior - I take all the accounts work up to TB stage for Ltd company clients, as well as VAT and other ad hoc work.

    I'm not actually studying ACCA yet, but I did think that may well be more beneficial to me than a practicing cert at this stage (and that getting one with ACCA when I finish would probably be better than getting one with AAT - no offence meant to AAT xD)

    The other thing to bear in mind is that the colleague who gave this advice recently became an ex-colleague, having resigned after a rather protracted notice period. Apparently they parted on somewhat bad terms, most of which occurred during said notice period. I don't know if the advice was a veiled suggestion that I should prepare to get out while the going's good, or actually advice to benefit me remaining IN the firm...
    Accounts Executive, ғɪᴀʙ ᴍᴀᴀᴛ
    QBO & Xero certified advisor

    Level 2 Certificate in Accounting - 17 Jun 2015
    Level 3 Diploma in Accounting - 22 Jan 2016
    Level 4 Diploma in Accounting - 19 Dec 2017
    MAAT - 27 Mar 2018

    Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business...
    F4 Corporate and Business Law - 4 Jun 2019
    F5 Performance Management - 15 July 2019
    F6 Taxation (United Kingdom) - 3 Dec 2019
    F8 Audit and Assurance - 2 Mar 2020
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