Is it common for university graduates to enrol onto Apprenticeship/school leaver programmes?

ztap024 Registered Posts: 1
A little on my background: I've achieved an A and B for A-level Maths and Physics respectively back at school and then I decided to pursue an MSci degree for Physics at a decent London University. Though unfortunately graduating with a 2:2 back in 2012 and having worked retail jobs since as well as a 2.5 year employment gap (I know it's bad). I feel like there's little to zero chance of going onto a graduate scheme since most ask for 2:1s and even if they do ask for 2:2s, the application process is fiercely competitive and gruelling.

But despite all my set backs and all the effort I went through in job-hunting for numerous roles (including multiple interview rejections), I managed to get offered an 18 month finance apprenticeship role for a local council, going onto study AAT Level 2 and 3 and earning around £16K per annum. Part of me sees it as a foot on the door but considering that I'm almost 30 and that I've come from a scientific background, is it still a good opportunity or am I selling myself short?

I do feel that it's a step backwards considering the straining effort I went through at university but beggers can't be choosers right?

What's everyone's take on this and do many university graduates go onto apprenticeships designed mainly for school-leavers and is this sort of path usually common?
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