iXBRL Tagging for Annual Accounts to Companies House- Taxfiler

amhorton555@yahoo.co.uk Registered Posts: 13 New contributor 🐸
Hi all,

I would appreciate some advise on accounts iXBRL tagging to Companies House, I will be using Taxfiler to submit accounts is the tagging a relatively straight forward thing or do you encounter any problems? I've never actually submitted the accounts before so any help would be much appreciated, Thanks


  • douglasstroud
    douglasstroud Registered Posts: 301 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    It’s easy, the software will do it all for you and there is a help function on there, but you will need a presenter ID to be able to submit to Company House
    Taffiler used to do a free trial or demo that you used to be able to go on and use as if you were actually doing a set of accounts, not sure if they still do but might be worth a try just to get the hang of it
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