AAT to ACCA - timeline for registration

Lewisham_lass Registered Posts: 52 Regular contributor ⭐
edited June 2020 in Where can AAT take me?
Hey folks. I am progressing through my final Level Four modules, and have had a look at ACCA'S exemptions calculator this morning - it looks like I would be exempted from the three Applied Knowledge Exams and so would go straight on to the ACCA Skills level starting with ACCA - Corporate and Business Law (LW) potentially in the March sitting of the exam.

I know there are exemptions to be applied for however and also I need to register for ACCA membership and these exemptions - does anyone know how long this would take ? Just trying to come up with a timeline of the year ahead. Would be grateful of advice from anyone who has been through the process themselves, any advice much appreciated.
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