Software and requirements for micro company

BarbaraK Registered Posts: 18
Hi All!

I wonder can I get some advice?

My husband has micro company and asked me can I do his accounts. I have never worked for accountancy practice so I am not sure where to start, but because it's challenging I would like to give it a go. What software do I need? What do I have to remember to do each month apart of payroll? Is there anything else I have to do or remember?

Your help will be much appreciated!


  • douglasstroud
    douglasstroud Registered Posts: 298 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Not sure that 'giving it a go' is the right approach when there could be charges and penalties involved if you get it wrong,
    What sort of business is it? Is it VAT registered?
    Did your husband seek advice before setting up the Company?
  • BarbaraK
    BarbaraK Registered Posts: 18
    He has set up company and has professional accountant but he is looking to reduce the cost. He is not VAT registered and will not be. He needs payroll, self-employment and CT600 to be done so it' s nothing complecated.
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