AAT level 2

Hi everyone
Would like to start AAT level 2 in accounting as a distance learner ..there r so many training providers can't decide which one would be appropriate for me !!!
Please help me out !
Fees also matter . How is Osbourne ..?
Pls share ur experience as a distance learner and help me to choose right one .

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  • nadia48
    nadia48 Registered Posts: 13 New contributor 🐸
    Hi, I'm self studying with the osborne book and like them, very good as far as I can tell so far
  • Sajuti_paula7
    Sajuti_paula7 Registered Posts: 4
    Thanks nadia
  • MarkA
    MarkA Registered Posts: 18
    I am currenty with First Intuition online learning (not the live one) as that was the best method for me because I am doing it around work. I have financial experience in my job but not accounts position based so having help was reassuing for me
    I passed Level 2 with Merit but it took a while. I had an issue with one asssessment and had I gone on my own and the previous assessment centre I would not have solved it and passed but First Intuition &their centre were reall helpful so I renewed my Level 3 wth them on the basis of that too.
    Not the cheapest way, and I feel you could do it self learning but maybe for ease it depends on your circumstances.
    There is very little explanation support or content from AAT and it's a bit jumbled, except the practice assessments which are brilliant so I felt the need to have experience supporting me. First Intuition's folder/documents and practice questions and online tuition are really good.
    Obviously I have nothing to compare, but I did watch quite a lot of other providors free videos of their online tutorials, and FI was the one that seems best pitchd at my level of understanding.
    I think the best method it depends on you're experience, exising knowledge, study time and budget!
  • Helenadjdj
    Helenadjdj Registered Posts: 2
    Sorry for jumping on the thread but one of the problems I am currently having when looking at providers for AAT 2 are that some aren't transparent with their costs (namely in that exams are extra). Does anyone have any recommendations of suppliers that are transparent here?

    Also does anyone have any experience with Kaplan? This is where I first went to look as it is so well known but seems to have a lot of negative reviews.

    I'm looking to ideally complete everything within three months and wonder if this is viable.
  • Sajuti_paula7
    Sajuti_paula7 Registered Posts: 4
    Thanks Mark
  • MarkA
    MarkA Registered Posts: 18

    Sorry for jumping on the thread but one of the problems I am currently having when looking at providers for AAT 2 are that some aren't transparent with their costs (namely in that exams are extra). Does anyone have any recommendations of suppliers that are transparent here?

    Also does anyone have any experience with Kaplan? This is where I first went to look as it is so well known but seems to have a lot of negative reviews.

    I'm looking to ideally complete everything within three months and wonder if this is viable.

    Hi Helen,
    I t was a while ago I did the comparision, so cannot recal exactly, but yes an issue.
    Here is First Intuition as a guide.


  • Helenadjdj
    Helenadjdj Registered Posts: 2
    Thanks - will have a look at this tomorrow.

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