Struggling to pass

Did the exam in October and came out with 64% then again in December and have got 65% I feel totally deflated by it and am now worrying about the next 4 exams I have to sit. Has anyone else struggled or have any advice? Thanks


  • Count_Upoften
    Count_Upoften Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸
    You're not that far off the pass mark. Does the feedback detail a specific area that needs a bit of focus or is it across the board? If it's the latter, then I'd suggest more practice questions on all topics, otherwise you're likely doing well enough in some areas, so focus on specifics.
    Every topic is different and you're likely to have strengths and weaknesses in different areas so don't despair at the whole course content based on one exam.
  • Sophietyra
    Sophietyra Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
    I’ve really struggled with if as my first unit on Level 4. I sat the exam in December and got 59% then again in February and got 64%
    I think i am going to move on to the next unit and revisit this one in the Summer.

    Level 4 is a big step up from Level 3 and i got exceeded on Task 1 & 2 but then below requirement for Ratio analysis, conceptual framework, and International Accounting standards, i think a lot of it was me feeling overwhelmed and panicking.

    Good luck when you resit, don’t give up
  • AndrewLeyland
    AndrewLeyland Registered Posts: 41 Regular contributor ⭐
    you got someone to practice with? I got my partner to test me on remembering the formulas and when it got to the questions it helped a lot. Also some days it depends on the question. Also have you checked out you tube videos on topics and see that get other resources and practice questions from the different providers?
    RegardsCiaran Andrew Leyland
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