Business Awareness Level 3

brightsky18 Registered Posts: 41 Regular contributor โญ

I ve read a few posts regarding this subject. It seems like mismatch in exam questions and the publication a person has prepared from. Which publication covers the most of the syllabus by Aat?
Any exam tips for writing this exam?


  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    got 78% haha
  • brightsky18
    brightsky18 Registered Posts: 41 Regular contributor โญ
    Still very good enough! Congratulation!
  • Mila86
    Mila86 Registered Posts: 26 Regular contributor โญ
    edited July 2023
    @anony123 when you got the results?
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Literally yesterday, cause their were errors and shit. So I got 78 and there will be a 2% rise so it should come to 80. Some tasks I thought I did well bad in I actually did descent.
  • brightsky18
    brightsky18 Registered Posts: 41 Regular contributor โญ
    See its always good to look out for the bright side even when the logical rational part says ' I think I didnt do ver well' Well, just my belief. Congratulation! How are you celebrating. Enrolling for level 4?
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    I have got notes for both the MATS and business awareness. So if anybody wants these, they were helpful to me. I will sell these and I wonโ€™t charge much.
    There is really simple steps to follow plus how I had a go at the practice questions on first intuition.
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    The MATS for task 5 and 6 I have not got because you really need to have a go on first intuition
    For the business awareness I have got all the 11 tasks.
    If I can be told ASAP, because then I can scan them in in case needed for next year.

    Thank you everybody and good luck for your exams ahead.
  • brightsky18
    brightsky18 Registered Posts: 41 Regular contributor โญ
    Hi, left you a pm.
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
  • AATChloe55
    AATChloe55 Registered Posts: 3 New contributor ๐Ÿธ
    Hello, I have done the business awareness exam 4 times and frustratingly got 69% twice (which includes my latest result that I got last week) and 68% once. I'm not really sure where it is going wrong so I was wondering if I could have some advice? I've got my next resit on the 26th of September and I really want to nail it.

    My latest result was:
    Task 1 - 18/20
    Task 2 - 12/18
    Task 3 - 12/17
    Task 4 - 7/10
    Task 5 - 7/10
    Task 6 - 6/13
    Task 7 - 7/12

    Tasks 6 and 7 on the 4 attempts have been my weakest tasks and I would like my marks to be higher than what I got above.

    I passed all the other exams on the first attempt and I did not think I was going to be doing this exam again. Any advice will be appreciated.
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Canโ€™t give you any advice as I passed with 80

    Practice your English as task 6 is English based.

    I got 10/13
    And 12/12

    Did you not get it remarked the ones on 69%.
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Have u watched the must see YT videos. Enter YT then first intuition business awareness 2022.

    Pretty much that all sums it up.
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Just take your time in the exam

    So many peeps just rush it
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Make sure that you are familiar with PESTLE
    Money laundering
    how to analyse information that is given to you
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Will this be your fourth or fifth attempt?
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜

    I really enjoyed this exam. It was very interesting.
  • wilburnet
    wilburnet Registered Posts: 93 Regular contributor โญ
    @ANONY123 Have you completed now the full AAT Level 3? Are you moving then to Level 4
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Yes sir
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Where have u got to?
  • AATChloe55
    AATChloe55 Registered Posts: 3 New contributor ๐Ÿธ
    This will be my fifth attempt unfortunately. I have been looking at the first intuition YouTube videos. I thought I had managed my time well. No, I didn't get it remarked. Thank you for the advice!
  • wilburnet
    wilburnet Registered Posts: 93 Regular contributor โญ
    > @anony123 said:
    > Where have u got to?

    TPFB start of next month is exam, then BUAW and MATS left to do.
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Okie dokie
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Chloe best of luck
  • AATChloe55
    AATChloe55 Registered Posts: 3 New contributor ๐Ÿธ
    Thank you! I am considering a possible remark but I'm going to make sure I'm prepared either way.
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Only get it remarked if 1-2 away btw
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    I need to see what you are finding tricky
  • stranger345
    stranger345 Registered Posts: 1
    Hi all could you please help me with task 6 where you have to write the similarities and differences of cafe.Please i am struggling and this is my 3rd resit
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Sorry bro I cannot even remember the similarities and differences about the cafe but I hundred percent got that one and I think it was a six market which I got 10/13.

    It was so long ago and if I could remember I would tell you.
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    How close on the other ones?
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