Management Accounting Techniques Study duration

GBe Registered Posts: 6 New contributor 🐸
Hi All,
Does anyone have a rough idea of how much time it takes to study the Management Accounting Techniques module topics in the Study planner?

Many Thanks
p.s. posted as a discussion as it didn't allow Question category.


  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    I may seem like a twat but what is the study planner?
  • wilburnet
    wilburnet Registered Posts: 93 Regular contributor ⭐
    If you can commit 10-12 hours per week then I'd say 12 weeks. Don't put off Excel practice until last. Also take a look at First Intuitions revisions on You Tube
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    @wilburnet He is totally right. I would increase it to around 15 hours per week as preference, but it all depends on the content taught and how easy it is for you to retain the information. And yes do not leave the excel part it is very difficult.
  • GBe
    GBe Registered Posts: 6 New contributor 🐸
    Thanks to both of you; that's really helpful.
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    Did you pass?
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    If you did well done.
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    My scores were dreadful at first. 63% then 2% added to 65% even though I couldn’t access tasks 5 and 6 which were 32 marks. Then reset it and got 81 and then they told me that they used some sort of algarethm to get me to 90% which is really odd.
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