How much overlapped between L4 AMAC and L3 MATS

20465856 Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
Hello everyone,

I'm a little bit bold to say this. I'm skipping AAT level 3 and go straight to level 4, now I'm wondering how much overlapped between L4 AMAC and L3 MATS? For example, if I don't study the basics of MATS, can I still do AMAC? Does AMAC rely intensively on the basics of MATS? I'm asking this so that I may consider to self-study MATS before studying AMC.

I'm aware that AAT is more about the process rather than the result and I'm also aware that MATS is an interesting unit to know/study. But I'm really in need of an accounting qualification to increase my employability. I can always study MATS after my qualification but I'm just wondering if it is really necessary that I study MATS before I ever think of doing AMAC.

Thank you!


  • davealucas
    davealucas Registered Posts: 150 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    I would recommend you do level 3 MATS first. L4 is quite a step up from L3, many students struggle with L4, but more importantly L3 MATS teaches you the techniques of Management Accounting where as L4 AMAC takes those techniques and asks you to interpret them in a written report.
  • 20465856
    20465856 Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸

    I would recommend you do level 3 MATS first. L4 is quite a step up from L3, many students struggle with L4, but more importantly L3 MATS teaches you the techniques of Management Accounting where as L4 AMAC takes those techniques and asks you to interpret them in a written report.

    Thanks a lot for the answer!
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    I haven’t done Level 4 and I would not want to do level 4 as the content is a lot. I would recommend doing L3 as well as our teachers say you need to build on the all the levels ie. Level 2 then l3 and then l4. If you haven’t done l3 before, you are most likely to not understand some of the concepts.
  • wilburnet
    wilburnet Registered Posts: 93 Regular contributor ⭐
    AMAC unit will expect a lot of assumed knowledge from not just MATS but the costing unit in Level 2
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