Business Awareness Exam - Failed

mxrraiia Registered Posts: 6 New contributor 🐸

I desperately need some help to improve my mark. I failed twice and wondered why I had lower marks than the pass mark of 70%. I was hard-working to get passed but it said otherwise. :/

Do you have any resources or advice that can be useful for me?


  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    Just try your best I got 80.
    Yt videos on first intuition were really helpful
    Writing you just gotta write.
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    Only 2 passed in our class, so don’t get upset or anything.
  • mxrraiia
    mxrraiia Registered Posts: 6 New contributor 🐸
    I will try my best to watch YT as I can.
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    When is ur resit?
  • wilburnet
    wilburnet Registered Posts: 93 Regular contributor ⭐
    Has anyone taken the BUAW unit exam lately? How did they find it. Currently studying for it there is a lot of material to get through
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    Hi Wil,

    There is a lot of content from PESTLE, to money laundering to TARA.

    The real exam is much much harder in my opinion than the real one.

    Just two passed in my class.

    I passed with 80%, I may still have some resources you can use 🤗
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    Is there an update to the spec or the books this year?
  • unknownm97
    unknownm97 Registered Posts: 7 New contributor 🐸
    I studied/revised the osborne book twice. Sat exam and got 82% on first try. The real exam is much different, and sometimes they'll ask something that would have not been covered in your particular study guide. What I found helpful was looking aat practice paper as it gives the best layout. If you just understand the concept in the most basic manner, you will be able to replicate it in a detailed manner in the exam. especially PESTLE. understand what each means really well and you will smash the question. I only messsed up big on communication because i left it too late!!
  • unknownm97
    unknownm97 Registered Posts: 7 New contributor 🐸
    anony123 said:

    Is there an update to the spec or the books this year?

    what do you mean?
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    Is there a new 2024 guide. I know there was aq2016 and 2022.
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    @unknownm97 Yes, very true. It’s builds a basic foundation on the AAT practice assessment. I felt some questions that came up we weren’t even taught about. I don’t know how others feel. Even people in my class thought the same as me.
  • JuanCMP
    JuanCMP Registered Posts: 3 New contributor 🐸
    I already fail :/ after study very very hard, revising all the exercises (wb, stb, and mocks). My weakness was the PESTLE exercise which was very dificult. Keep trying.
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    I had already learnt the PESTLE before in A level business so that wasn’t new to me. For me, I know them in detail but then applying it to different situations was the difficult area.
  • wilburnet
    wilburnet Registered Posts: 93 Regular contributor ⭐
    New Examiner reports are now available for all AAT units including BUAW for the period up to June 2024.
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘

    When is your exam? If you can give me your number, I can send resources over to you.
  • unknownm97
    unknownm97 Registered Posts: 7 New contributor 🐸
    anony123 said:

    Is there a new 2024 guide. I know there was aq2016 and 2022.

    I have had a look at BPP's books. Their question banks had "from Sep 23" but now they have renamed it to exam kit and says "september 2024"

    Osborne doesn't mention any update as such
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    Sometimes the books don’t change, or there is very small changes eg. new legalisations about VAT etc. BPP and Osbourne are very similar.
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    Well whoever passed the exam well done.

    Whoever is taking it, it is much harder than what I originally thought. Just read the question, and you’ll be all good.
  • unknownm97
    unknownm97 Registered Posts: 7 New contributor 🐸
    JuanCMP said:

    I already fail :/ after study very very hard, revising all the exercises (wb, stb, and mocks). My weakness was the PESTLE exercise which was very dificult. Keep trying.

    what did you get?

    Mine were as follows:

    Task 1 - Organisations and ethics for accountants 18/20 [Exceeded]
    Task 2 - Analysing the external environment 16/18 [Exceeded]
    Task 3 - Business structures, technology and data security 14/17 [Met]
    Task 4 - Ethical and legal compliance 7/10 [Met]
    Task 5 - Microeconomic environment and sustainability 9/10 [Exceeded]
    Task 6 - Communication and visualisation 6/13 [Below requirement]
    Task 7 - Risk and big data 12/12 [Exceeded]
  • unknownm97
    unknownm97 Registered Posts: 7 New contributor 🐸
    anony123 said:

    Sometimes the books don’t change, or there is very small changes eg. new legalisations about VAT etc. BPP and Osbourne are very similar.

    I don't think similar, i skimmed BPP for business awareness and lot of stuff in there that was not osborne. I also feel they over inform in the book. Not needed at all
  • unknownm97
    unknownm97 Registered Posts: 7 New contributor 🐸
    JuanCMP said:

    I already fail :/ after study very very hard, revising all the exercises (wb, stb, and mocks). My weakness was the PESTLE exercise which was very dificult. Keep trying.

    What part you need help on most? do you not understand the pestle or you do but can not apply?
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    I got

    I can’t access them right now because I’m not taking level 4.
  • JuanCMP
    JuanCMP Registered Posts: 3 New contributor 🐸
    edited September 2024
    That´s were my mark, 64%.

    Task 1 - Organisations and ethics for accountants. Met 16/20
    Task 2 - Analysing the external environment. Below requirement 8/18
    Task 3 - Business structures, technology and data security. Below requirement 9/17
    Task 4 - Ethical and legal compliance. Borderline 6/10
    Task 5 - Microeconomic environment and sustainability. Met 8/10
    Task 6 - Communication and visualisation. Below requirement 7/13
    Task 7 - Risk and big data. Met 10/12

    I will check every exercise carefully and delve into my mistakes.

    If anyone has mock exams or exercises, apart from the Osborne or AAT ones that I already have, please would you send them to my email ( Thank you in advance for this help.
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    I’ve sent one over. I will find more.
  • wilburnet
    wilburnet Registered Posts: 93 Regular contributor ⭐
    After reading the new examiners report Task 4 ( ethics) is most poorly answered
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    Yh, that is the money laundering and conflict of interests. I only got 6/10. It seems weird that it isn’t task 6. @wilburnet if you need any help I’m here bro.
  • mxrraiia
    mxrraiia Registered Posts: 6 New contributor 🐸
    Hi guys,

    I almost passed, but I noticed a big improvement between my second and third exams. I scored 67% this time. I'm happy with the result, but I know I need to practice more. Hopefully, I’ll pass this year!

    Task 1 - Organisations and ethics for accountants 15/20 Met
    Task 2 - Analysing the external environment 11/18 Borderline
    Task 3 - Business structures, technology and data security 12/17 Met
    Task 4 - Ethical and legal compliance 7/10 Met
    Task 5 - Microeconomic environment and sustainability 9/10 Exceeded
    Task 6 - Communication and Visualisation 6/13 Below requirement
    Task 7 - Risk and big data 7/12 Below requirement

  • bcv2
    bcv2 Registered Posts: 1
    Hello what parts did you fail on? I done this exam twice and got 78% second time. Can offer some assistance.
  • mxrraiia
    mxrraiia Registered Posts: 6 New contributor 🐸
    edited February 16

    Task 6 is the reason that I got a lower percentage. I hate writing.
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    English isn’t my best. It is there to see if you are able to analysis data and information effectively, and to see if you can draw valid conclusions.
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