Should I study GCSEs or AAT Level 3 first

Crystal_Krystal Registered Posts: 7 New contributor 🐸
I've just finished and passed AAT Level 2. Unfortunately I never took my GCSEs at school due to bullying (I regret letting them win). So obviously the next step would be AAT Level 3 but I can't get an apprenticeship due to not having GCSE Maths & English.

I have a few options so just trying to decide which is the best route to take

1) Study AAT Level 3 & 1 GCSE at my local college


2) Study AAT Level 3 & both GCSEs at my local college


3) Study only AAT Level 3 & then GCSEs the following year (which means another year until AAT Level 4)


4) Study only 3 GCSEs this year (Math's, English & Biology) & then AAT Level 3 the following year

Either way if I choose options 3 or 4 I'll be a year behind in AAT either way and worry I'll lose what I learnt at Level 2. However, I think im very capable of studying AAT L3 & 2x GCSEs together but I wonder if it's too much to take on at one time. Would you guys recommend please?

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