Apportionment and Allocation

mxrraiia Registered Posts: 6 New contributor 🐸
I am struggling with re-appoint calculation. I forgot how to.

Anyone can help out with this?


  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 515 Epic contributor 🐘
    -29150 to get rid of it out of the services.
    Then 40,000/55000 times the above for the first production area for machinery and then 15,000/55000 for the finishing times the above number.

    Does that make sense? You need to get rid of the amount from the services and essentially spilt it between the production areas on the basis of what production area has used more. In this scenario, the bulk has come from machinery so the large majority would go towards that area to pay for it.
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 515 Epic contributor 🐘
    So machinery would be 21,200 and then for the other one you could either do the whole amount as 29150-21200 and get 7950 or do 15000/55000 times the full amount.
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