Histogram of Assessment Scores - Norm Groups

Spartacus Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
Hi there,

I would just like to pick someone's brain...

I recently did two AAT Level 2 bookkeeping exams:
(1) - Introduction to Bookkeeping - ITBK (level 2)
(2) - Principles of Bookkeeping Controls - PBKC (level 2)

I would like to see the histogram of scores for these assessments. The histogram of the distribution of scores, is also called a Norm Group. And looks something like the image below:

So for any given score you can see how it relates to the overall distribution of scores.
Often the graph will express the scores as percentiles, allowing a reader to see, for a given score (x), what proportion of scores occur to the left and right of 'x' in the distribution.

For example you might see that 85% of scores occur to the left of 'x' and 14% of scores exceed 'x'.

So my question is: Where can i find this information for the ITBK and PBKC assessments ? Or alternatively, to whom at the AAT should I address my question?

Thank you to anyone and everyone that replies.

Have a lovely day :-)


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