Project - case study

aatfree Registered Posts: 86 Regular contributor ⭐
Has anyone done the project using the case study - Printing and Packaging Plc? I'm a bit stumped about what I'm supposed to be looking for. Its clear there is a problem with personnel, the HR & Payroll system, the general accounting system but I'm really not sure where to start. Any suggestions gratefully received. Thanks.

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  • pikeydiva
    pikeydiva Registered Posts: 16 New contributor 🐸
    I am just starting my project based on The Premier Print Ltd. It seems that the majority of case studies have a similar content and the 'goal' of the report is to ensure students cover the criteria and knowledge and understanding.
    AAT provide guidance for the report but I would suggest that once you have read your case study, make notes on the following:
    possible areas of fraud
    training needs of staff
    how colleagues can resolve and report any issues
    demonstrate you understand what a contingency plan is and make suggestions
    Strengths and Weaknesses evident (SWOT analysis)
    How to do risk assessments/analysis

    Do you have any books to refer to to help with the PC and KU?

    I have attached some documents which are available via AAT website but they may help...hopefully these will help you understand what is required a little bit more about the requirements.

    Attachment not found.
  • karenv
    karenv Registered Posts: 114 Dedicated contributor πŸ¦‰
    I was told to include the following:-

    "You will need to insert section and paragraph numbers to facilitate the mapping. So for example, Terms of Reference will be sections 1, the first paragraph will be 1.1 and the second paragraph 1.2. Executive Summary will be the second section, the first paragraph 2.1 and the second paragraph 2.2 and so on.

    Please insert a title page showing your name, AAT number, title and word count, also please insert a contents page.

    Please ensure that your report contains the following sections, ensure that you number each section and then paragraph number within, i.e. Terms of Reference will be Section 1, and then the first paragraph will be 1.1 and the second paragraph 2.2 and so on... .
    Title page
    Terms of Reference
    Executive Summary
    Management of People
    Analysis of the System
    Contingency Planning
    Implementation and Review

    Secondly, please note that you should also include the following in the appendices:
    SWOT analysis
    Cost benefit analysis
    Organization chart
    Fraud matrix
    Process flow chart
    Query Log

    The β€˜Executive Summary’ should be in a memo format setting out to, from, date and subject. This should be a mini report within itself. It should therefore echo your project. To lay this out in a logical approach it should set out the aims, why this analysis was necessary, i.e. the weaknesses, if possible quantify these weaknesses and then the recommendations, and the benefits expected from the recommendation, again if possible quantify them, you could do this using a cost benefit analysis, this should appear in the appendices."

    The main aim is to match the info in your project to all the performace criteria and knowledge & understanding. Its quite time consuming.
    Good luck
  • speegs
    speegs Registered Posts: 854 Epic contributor 🐘

    I have completed my project, using a different case study, but what my tutor said to do was to specialise on just a few of the problems. So for example, you might specialise on the purchase ledger (as I did) and then find that the one of the staff in that department is having other problems (as mentioned in the case study), then you talk about that as well.

    A good start though is to look at the whole case study and do a swot analysis for the whole company. Then choose an area to specialise on and do the SWOT analysis for that area alone. Then you are left with what you need to resolve/discuss.

    Does this help? Please feel free to contact me if you want any further assistance.


  • shbh80
    shbh80 Registered Posts: 15 New contributor 🐸
    i am still not very clear which deptt i need to focus on? To me it appears that problem lies in personnel deptt...(Sheila and Diane case).
    can someone tell me how to go about doing this particular case study.

  • karenv
    karenv Registered Posts: 114 Dedicated contributor πŸ¦‰
    There is no set way of approaching the project apart from adhereing to the layout above.
    It is something you have to work out yourself. Everyone will be different.
    You have to decide on areas that need improving (you may not need to cover all the problems in the case study).
    As Speegs says doing a SWOT analysis ( which you put in the appendix of the report) will give you areas to work on.
    Once you start make sure that you closely map things to the PC,s and K&U.
    I did mine based on my work and, as I am the sole person in accounts, had to improve a system for both accounts and sales in order to cover my managing other people. So you can do it on either a small section or the whole system. The problem being that of keeping to the word count. The larger the system the harder to keep the count down.
    Once you get started its not as bad as it first seems.
  • speegs
    speegs Registered Posts: 854 Epic contributor 🐘
    Hi shbh80

    That is the joy of this project. You can focus on whatever area you like. You are not expected to do every department, and if you tried to you tutor would probably tell you you were as wrong to do so (as mine did). So I say, if you focus on personnel alone I would not expect that to be a problem.

    Start with a SWOT and then put together a proposal of what problem areas you would like to work on. Then speak to your tutor and see if he/she thinks that is a good idea.

    In the meantime, just shout if you need a hand. :thumbup: Me and others are here to help and you are not on your own out there. :001_smile:
  • aatfree
    aatfree Registered Posts: 86 Regular contributor ⭐
    Thanks for all the advice and the template.
  • welshwizard
    welshwizard Registered Posts: 465 Dedicated contributor πŸ¦‰
    I would agree with speegs. Rather than try to address all of the problems (and in PPL there seem to be loads, try to address 3 or 4 key problems than coudl impact on other areas as well - eg staff training, fraud, IT implications. Remeber 4,000 words sounds a lot but really isn't too much (about 8 sides of A4!)
    Good luck!
  • AatAbi
    AatAbi Registered Posts: 47 Regular contributor ⭐
    I am just starting my project based on The Premier Print Ltd. It seems that the majority of case studies have a similar content and the 'goal' of the report is to ensure students cover the criteria and knowledge and understanding.
    AAT provide guidance for the report but I would suggest that once you have read your case study, make notes on the following:
    possible areas of fraud
    training needs of staff
    how colleagues can resolve and report any issues
    demonstrate you understand what a contingency plan is and make suggestions
    Strengths and Weaknesses evident (SWOT analysis)
    How to do risk assessments/analysis

    Do you have any books to refer to to help with the PC and KU?

    I have attached some documents which are available via AAT website but they may help...hopefully these will help you understand what is required a little bit more about the requirements.

    Attachment not found.

    Nice one,
    My case study is different from yours but the ideas are good.
  • AatAbi
    AatAbi Registered Posts: 47 Regular contributor ⭐
    speegs wrote: Β»

    I have completed my project, using a different case study, but what my tutor said to do was to specialise on just a few of the problems. So for example, you might specialise on the purchase ledger (as I did) and then find that the one of the staff in that department is having other problems (as mentioned in the case study), then you talk about that as well.

    A good start though is to look at the whole case study and do a swot analysis for the whole company. Then choose an area to specialise on and do the SWOT analysis for that area alone. Then you are left with what you need to resolve/discuss.

    Does this help? Please feel free to contact me if you want any further assistance.



    Brilliant, How long it tok you to finish it off, as I did not start yet :(
  • speegs
    speegs Registered Posts: 854 Epic contributor 🐘
    I did the project the long way, but always touching base with my tutor at every recommended point. So, from start to finish (the finish being a 5 minute easy presentation) it took about a month.
  • tai_yuun
    tai_yuun Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
    I am also doing the report on PPL, I have had the information for ages but this is by far the worst part of the AAT (I'd rather sit exams all day long)

    Anyway... I had some guidelines from BPP (not the AAT ones but actually issued by BPP) but I have mislaid them! Does anyone have a copy??? Please forward it to me at

    Also I have nearly completed the whole thing but a bit stuck on the potential fraud within the company, I have identified the payroll system as one (too much cash onsite etc) but I am struggling to think of anything else. Any help???

    Thank you for helping if you can.

  • Debz
    Debz Registered Posts: 17 New contributor 🐸
    UNIT 10 PROJECT - 4000 words

    Anyone know if your penalised for going over 4000 words (not inc appendices) ! Have done managing poeple, accounting system and contingency planning and already over 4000 words. Still have fraud and exec summary to do.
  • speegs
    speegs Registered Posts: 854 Epic contributor 🐘
    Hi Tai-yunn

    I have emailed you the course notes.

  • shbh80
    shbh80 Registered Posts: 15 New contributor 🐸
    hi speegs!

    i am just back from holiday.
    Can you please email me BPP course notes (including the sample case study & its solution) at

    Many thanks

  • kateo
    kateo Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸
    speegs wrote: Β»
    Hi Tai-yunn

    I have emailed you the course notes.

    Hello Speegs,

    I hope you don't mind me asking but is there any chance you could email the notes to me also?


    Kate O.
  • aatfree
    aatfree Registered Posts: 86 Regular contributor ⭐
    And I'm finally getting round to doing this project.:laugh: I suppose it could be worse. I could be taking something like ten years to be getting back to it. Hopefully I'll get in done within the next month before I leave this place.
  • sebula
    sebula Registered Posts: 18 New contributor 🐸
    Hello Speegs,

    I hope you don't mind me asking but is there any chance you could email the notes to me as well

    Many Thanks

  • jimbob
    jimbob Registered Posts: 43 Regular contributor ⭐
    just starting my unit 10 project with case study. my tutor says you dont need to focus on the accounts side as long as you focus and recommend and review the managing people part. and show you can manage the hr part of the company and the laws regarding it.
    my case study does not have any major issues with accounts.(premier office supplies ltd)

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