
Holly30 Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸
I have just failed Task 2 in PEV, is anyone else in the same boat as me and totally gutted now?!?!?! I'm thinking of appealing, does anyone know if that will get me anywhere?


  • NicoleKorwin
    NicoleKorwin Registered Posts: 9 New contributor 🐸
    I failed PEV too, but section 1, i cant believe it!!
    Im going to appeal but dont know if it will get me anywhere :crying:
  • Holly30
    Holly30 Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸
    I have read on these discussions that a lot of people found task 2 hard and that it helped if you were studying for PCR? I did PCR years ago so i can't remember that, do you know anything about that?:001_smile:
  • NicoleKorwin
    NicoleKorwin Registered Posts: 9 New contributor 🐸
    No not really, i studied PTC this year also but failed section two!
    So many people have passed, i dont know where i went wrong.
    I cant find the answers for PEV on here either so can not check.
  • woobabe
    woobabe Registered Posts: 35 Regular contributor ⭐
    I failed too! gutted but retake in June -sometimes makes you wonder why you bother! No, will be worth it in the - good luck x
  • NicoleKorwin
    NicoleKorwin Registered Posts: 9 New contributor 🐸
    Oh no, im so sorry to hear that! I had already taken PEV before, so annoyed i failed again on the same section and i was convinced i had passed!
    Was it only PEV you took?
  • lily
    lily Registered Posts: 16 New contributor 🐸
    i'm gutted too i expected to fail section 2 of pev and yet i passed that and failed section 1 my god i will never pass at this rate.
  • Katiepalmer
    Katiepalmer Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸
    I also have failed Section 1 of the PEV paper and really want to go mad at AAT for changing the way the paper was written is everyone whom failed Section 1 going to appeal because if we do then we might have a chance of getting a pass?
  • Rupert
    Rupert Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸

    Hi, I also failed PEV both sections which is rellly strange as i came out of the exam really confident! I also checked my answers to the ones Sandy Hood had put on here and i had the same answers more or less, so i dont know where it went so wrong?
    I am thinking of appealing but the trouble is its more money and they could simply turn around and give the same answer.
    Has anyone ever got a changed answer after a remark?:001_smile:
  • jimbob90210
    jimbob90210 Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
    Rubert, im in exactly the same boat as you mate, got my results lastnite n im totally gutted ive failed PEV AGAIN!!! its the only one im waiting for but i felt so confident coming out of the exam and checked my answers with what people had wrote on here n it only made me more confident, yet... is it worth appealing anyone???? :confused1:
  • Nicola1106
    Nicola1106 Registered Posts: 11 New contributor 🐸
    Failed section 1 pev

    I have also failed section one on the PEV exam! This is the second time that I have failed now.

    I have appealed before and I was 2% below the pass rate!
    If there are a few of us that are not happy with how section 1 was presented we could maybe raise this with the examiner?
  • jimbob90210
    jimbob90210 Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
    But you would still have to pay the £42 wouldn't you? how would you go about raising this Nic? I think its all wrong to be fair...i also so like it how they have taken the exam question paper for PEV off the AAT website...does this not look to anyone else like something is up? :confused1:
  • Nicola1106
    Nicola1106 Registered Posts: 11 New contributor 🐸
    But you would still have to pay the £42 wouldn't you? how would you go about raising this Nic? I think its all wrong to be fair...i also so like it how they have taken the exam question paper for PEV off the AAT website...does this not look to anyone else like something is up? :confused1:
    Yes you have to pay the £42..... I am so disppointed with the result, i really thought I had passed this time, this is the only one i need now to complete AAT!
    Have they taken the paper off??? I have not looked yet. That does seem very strange.
  • PhilW
    PhilW Registered Posts: 36 Regular contributor ⭐
    I failed Part 2 of PEV and I'm gutted but to be fair, the DCF question at the end completely suprised me as I wasn't expecting it!
  • jimbob90210
    jimbob90210 Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
    Yeah they been taken off...very strange i know! I'm in exactly the same situation Nicola, this is all i need to qualify for AAT, i just dont know how i've failed for the second time, was so confident and am now so gutted...dont know what step to take next!
  • Nicola1106
    Nicola1106 Registered Posts: 11 New contributor 🐸
    I am waiting for a reply from my old tutor as I have emailed him my results, I really thought I had passed.
    When you appeal your tutor has to sign the appeal form and state the reasons why you have valid reason to appeal the result. I will wait and see if he is aware of any issues with the AAT and PEV exam and go from there!
    So gutted, i do feel like just leaving it now and not bothering to complete it :-(
  • jimbob90210
    jimbob90210 Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
    Tell me about it, totally feel the same way! well will you be able to let me know if there were any issues that your tutor comes up with?

    Chin up hun!
  • Nicola1106
    Nicola1106 Registered Posts: 11 New contributor 🐸
    I will let you know. I will be appealing it still as i was so sure that i had passed.
  • PhilW
    PhilW Registered Posts: 36 Regular contributor ⭐
    The PEV exam paper, answers and Chief Examiners Comments are on the site now in Past Papers - Technician Level
  • Poppy
    Poppy Registered Posts: 105 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Can I give you all some advice having been there, I appealed when I failed PEV and DFS and although the information I received back was fairly helpful it didn't change anything. Only 2% of appeals are successful so highly unlikely it'll be you and they're £42 a go so not cheap. The AAT automatically reviews the borderline ones any way so wait to hear is what I'd say.

    I have just done my resits for PEV and DFS and passed so don't give up, just don't want any one else wasting there money like I felt I did.
  • PhilW
    PhilW Registered Posts: 36 Regular contributor ⭐
    Congratulations Poppy
  • Nicola1106
    Nicola1106 Registered Posts: 11 New contributor 🐸
    Hi Poppy, thanks for the advice and Contratulations on passing well done.
  • Rupert
    Rupert Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸
    Yes this is all i need as well to complete and i just cant see where i went wrong. Is anyone going to get a remark? I think i might else i will never know
  • chemayne
    chemayne Registered Posts: 7 New contributor 🐸
    Ive just got my results, sat PCR (which I passed,:001_smile:) but failed PEV. I had a feeling I had failed this one. I struggled on Section 1 of this, going to get feedback but paying £42 for it is abit unfair! Resit in June along with doing DFS for the first time, joy!

    Hope everyone was bit more successful than myself x
  • lily
    lily Registered Posts: 16 New contributor 🐸
    i know how you all feel i am only needing pev to finish and i was so convinced I had failed part 2 as it through me. yet I have passed part 2 and failed part 1, it makes no sense at all. would like a review but dont want to throw money away. a resit in june I think
  • Nicola1106
    Nicola1106 Registered Posts: 11 New contributor 🐸
    Lily.... I feel the same that i do not want to throw money away and the appeal gives you feed back on all the questions that you answered in the exam. You will be able to see where you have gone wrong but as another member has said only 2% of remarks are successful!
    I does seem strange that we are all so suprised that we have failed on scetion 1. I will be appealing as I felt so confident and have taken the exam twice now, I put so much time and effort in for revision!
  • Don-Don
    Don-Don Registered Posts: 3 New contributor 🐸
    I totally agree wiv all ur comments on here! I was sooo sure id passed this time (my 2nd attempt) and if i hadnt have passed it wud have been coz of Section 2 but then i got my results back y'day sayin id passed Section 2 and failed Section 1! I just dnt understand coz i dnt recall havin a problem wiv that section at all!
    I have emailed my old tutor 2 c wot her opinion is on me appealling as i am defo considering it!
    Also, the most annoying fing is that the nxt resit is in June and my baby is due at the beginning of the mth, which means i will prob have 2 wait till December 2 resit

    I am sooo annoyed! I feel like givin up! I wanted 2 start ACCA in Sept aswell 2 build up my CV whilst workin part-time (coz of baby) but now i cnt go on coz ive failed AGAIN n maybe i just havent got the brains anyway =(

  • lily
    lily Registered Posts: 16 New contributor 🐸
    Yep thats how I am feeling. Its starting to knock my confidence now as it too is my second time in failing the exam. I looked at old exam papers yesterday and I just felt so down thinking how much effort I put into the revision and not passing. It makes me wonder also if I have got the brains to do it now. Its the fact that I really thought I had failed part 2 and never considered failing part 1. Maybe I put too much effort into part 2 and not enough into part 1. God i dont know it seems so long ago now to remember clearly.
  • swampy1901
    swampy1901 Registered Posts: 50 Regular contributor ⭐
    I am feeling totally fed up now - I had my second resit in December and was hopeful of passing as I had really pulled out all the stops with regard to studying. My first attempt in June 2008 I failed both units but knew I had because the exam went so badly but this time I was much more confident but passed the 2nd section and failed the 1st.
    I also failed my PTC and now have to resit this too with all the hassle of learning new tax limits etc.

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