PEV - how did you all find it....?



  • George Tse
    George Tse Registered Posts: 241 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Ash1711 wrote: »
    use the seasonally adjusted index. what about everyone else?

  • block15
    block15 Registered Posts: 21 New contributor 🐸
    dobbieobby wrote: »
    I did £1200 / 105 (Mays index) x current index.

    Did the same and was very happy with it came out with answers like 1519.999998 as that is normally a good sign :001_tongue:
  • karenv
    karenv Registered Posts: 114 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Thats exactly what I did too....Phew!
    At least we all seem to agree on how weve calculated the Index question.
  • George Tse
    George Tse Registered Posts: 241 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    block15 wrote: »
    Did the same and was very happy with it came out with answers like 1519.999998 as that is normally a good sign :001_tongue:

    yea lol i tried it with the normal index figures and the adjusted ones and the one that came .99998 I used lol just common sense really haha ....
  • Pencil
    Pencil Registered Posts: 97 Regular contributor ⭐
    It's always more reassuring when the figures come out at a nice round figure.

    I seem to remember coming up with one figure being 115%, it's a bit of a worry but it's only one question at the end of the day.

    Managed to get my reconcilliation to balance with an overall variance of something like £1,771 (F).

    Luckily enough, I had revised the NPV yesterday, struggled with it and then cracked it just in time <phew> :thumbup1:
  • playboybunny_110
    playboybunny_110 Registered Posts: 10 New contributor 🐸
    I am glad that 1 is out of the way!!

    i got confused on the wording on 1.3 as well and so think i might have got that wrong. Rest of the paper went fine though i think so hope this is enough to pass?!
  • George Tse
    George Tse Registered Posts: 241 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Pencil wrote: »
    It's always more reassuring when the figures come out at a nice round figure.

    I seem to remember coming up with one figure being 115%, it's a bit of a worry but it's only one question at the end of the day.

    Managed to get my reconcilliation to balance with an overall variance of something like £1,771 (F).

    Luckily enough, I had revised the NPV yesterday, struggled with it and then cracked it just in time <phew> :thumbup1:

    over all varience wtf ??? lol wots an overall varience ??
  • Mathew_Hill
    Mathew_Hill Registered Posts: 23 New contributor 🐸
    Hey pencil

    I got 1771 too. Sounds hopeful.

    I think by the sounding of things I got section 1 pretty much spot on. Couple of mistakes on 2.2 and 2.3 by the sounds of things but fingers crossed will be good enough to pass
  • block15
    block15 Registered Posts: 21 New contributor 🐸
    Yep got £1771 too.
  • Pencil
    Pencil Registered Posts: 97 Regular contributor ⭐
    the overall variance when taking into account all the favourable and adverse variances, the standard cost of actual production was something like £30,030 and the actual cost of production was £28,259, which means the overall production variance was £1,771
  • karenv
    karenv Registered Posts: 114 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Ditto...1771 total variance
  • russlola
    russlola Registered Posts: 9 New contributor 🐸
    Yes i got 1771 as well! But i should of revised NPV!! :angry:
  • George Tse
    George Tse Registered Posts: 241 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    o rite lol yea i got that then whooo.. :D i dint do the check at the end of my actual cos of actual production tho ... will i lose marks ??
  • lala2009
    lala2009 Registered Posts: 95 Regular contributor ⭐
    My reconciliation balanced but I did not show the overall variance - will I get marked down for that?! :(
  • chrim
    chrim Registered Posts: 18 New contributor 🐸

    i got my operating rec correct, think i messed up on score card though :( didnt finish off question for variation one bit confused on that one and the renting costing at the end threw me so hope i pass but doubt i will ......:001_unsure:
  • block15
    block15 Registered Posts: 21 New contributor 🐸
    lala2009 wrote: »
    My reconciliation balanced but I did not show the overall variance - will I get marked down for that?! :(

    No you don't need to show it. It is just a check.
  • chrim
    chrim Registered Posts: 18 New contributor 🐸

    seems majority struggled on the same bits though so hopefully this will help pass rates if theres alot that have got it wrong fingers crossed haha:thumbup:
  • lala2009
    lala2009 Registered Posts: 95 Regular contributor ⭐
    thanks Block 15! What a relief! :D
  • kjg-kj
    kjg-kj Registered Posts: 68 Regular contributor ⭐
    Damn, for the leasing question I didn't even think about the running costs. Just put the lease payments through, starting in yr 0 and finishing in Yr 4.

    I got stuck on the question about the additional investment. Where we had the additional profit of £2,400,000, and they also invested 3,000,000. We had to work out the return on investment. It wasn't very specific about what to use so I think i did my revised profit (4005 or somethin around that amount) over the investment of 3000). But I think that must be wrong. However I wrote next to it that the question wasn't very specific so thats why I did what I did.
  • russlola
    russlola Registered Posts: 9 New contributor 🐸
    I cant believe I done both last questions wrong! :thumbdown:

    Hopefully I get good marks for my reports to pass both sections!! :001_rolleyes: !!
  • Hayley
    Hayley Registered Posts: 23 New contributor 🐸
    kjg-kj wrote: »
    Damn, for the leasing question I didn't even think about the running costs. Just put the lease payments through, starting in yr 0 and finishing in Yr 4.

    Oops, I didnt put in the running costs either. I thought that these were related to the purchase option only. Was that not the case?
  • lala2009
    lala2009 Registered Posts: 95 Regular contributor ⭐
    Uh oh I didnt put the running costs in the lease option - thought they only related to the purchase?
  • chrim
    chrim Registered Posts: 18 New contributor 🐸
    me too :(
  • taskey
    taskey Registered Posts: 1,800 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    i did the same, but i did say that i would purchase it.

    i think i did ok, but i completely forgot how to do RONA and and the fixed assets - had a go though, did all the questions and feeling quite confident.

  • block15
    block15 Registered Posts: 21 New contributor 🐸
    I didn't put the running costs in either. It sounds like one of those questions where you can argue either way.
  • chrim
    chrim Registered Posts: 18 New contributor 🐸
    hate the wait now wish they would mark them sooner!
  • tauq786x
    tauq786x Registered Posts: 35 Regular contributor ⭐
    What did every1 get for the standard cost card for 10000units?????? i got some messed up figure like £27700 :(
    and i messd up da 2nd discount factor question :@ hope pass mark is low this year!
  • lily
    lily Registered Posts: 16 New contributor 🐸
    i thought the leasing included running cost's so I only put them in buying
  • jorja1986
    jorja1986 Registered Posts: 210 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    :crying: First section i could not get the reconciliation to balance. i put what the difference s/b and how to work it out but 1 of my variances i fudged completely - indexation whoosh that went wrong could not remember 4 the life of me how to do it. The performace indicators s2 seemed like a rounded bunch but the lifecycle costing section argh! Again panicked and i did not have a what on earth it was all about. All through revision I have taken about 2.5 hours this time i took the whole 3.25 hours! :confused1:

    Lets say i am not putting in for any exemptions just yet :tongue_smilie:

    Never mind - Have another go its all fun :001_tt2:
  • Nagra
    Nagra Registered Posts: 28 Regular contributor ⭐
    My reconciliation did not balance in section 1, I got that Standard was £30,030 but had a variance of £666 (just had to be the devil's number didn't it, lol.) Couldn't find where I went wrong though - any chance people can remember the variances for section 1??

    I got:

    Price 1400F
    Usage 300A
    Labour Rate 525F
    Labour Efficiency 220A
    O/H Expenditure 500A
    O/H Volume 200F

    What have I got wrong there??

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