The New AAT Magazine

alicemaylara Registered Posts: 259 Dedicated contributor 🦉
I was surprised to see i featured in the new AAT magazine under the 'forum' section. Spotted a few other regulars in the article also. I think we deserve an AAT mug for our contributions?!:thumbup:

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  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    What do you think of it going bi monthly now? Yeah ive been told am in it i should go have a look
  • mark130273
    mark130273 Registered Posts: 4,234 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    A-Vic wrote: »
    What do you think of it going bi monthly now? Yeah ive been told am in it i should go have a look

    yeh you are a-vic........

    :crying::crying:i wanna be in it.........

    mind you , dont you have to put sometime worth putting !!! to be in it ?
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    omg ive just noticed my status am a seasoned pro ok think i need a break from forums post way to much :lol:
  • jilt
    jilt Registered Posts: 2,903 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    A-Vic wrote: »
    omg ive just noticed my status am a seasoned pro ok think i need a break from forums post way to much :lol:

    Yes I was going to ask you about that, a sesoned pro eh! :laugh:
  • Pigpen
    Pigpen Registered Posts: 331 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    It's not terribly flattering is it?
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
  • Pigpen
    Pigpen Registered Posts: 331 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    We are just jealous that's all :thumbup1:
  • jay cutler
    jay cutler Registered Posts: 57 Regular contributor ⭐
    The new AAT magazine (paper copy) looks good. Smaller than before so they save on paper. It's just like what we've been taught on PEV. They've applied value engineering to the magazine, reducing it's size but the quality of the content remains high. Very well thought.
  • columbia
    columbia Registered Posts: 580 Epic contributor 🐘
    OOOh, you've been paying attention in class Jay!!!! :lol:

    On a serious note though, I agree that the new magazine looks great, and changing to Bi-Monthly is a really good idea.

    Do you think we might get in the next edition if we say loads of nice things??
  • alicemaylara
    alicemaylara Registered Posts: 259 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    columbia wrote: »
    OOOh, you've been paying attention in class Jay!!!! :lol:

    On a serious note though, I agree that the new magazine looks great, and changing to Bi-Monthly is a really good idea.

    Do you think we might get in the next edition if we say loads of nice things??
    Quite possibly! Only have to wait two weeks to find out :laugh:

    I agree though the new magazine is good. It's not boring and has some interesting and relevent articles in it that i actually enjoy reading!

  • mahdi87
    mahdi87 Registered Posts: 121 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    yer i reliased that on my way to college today i was reading the magazine and i saw the furum section and seen some of you guys it could be anyone next!!
  • rachelrunshaw
    rachelrunshaw Registered Posts: 41 Regular contributor ⭐
    Quite possibly! Only have to wait two weeks to find out :laugh:

    I agree though the new magazine is good. It's not boring and has some interesting and relevent articles in it that i actually enjoy reading!


    Sorry, doesn't bi monthly mean every 2 months?
  • columbia
    columbia Registered Posts: 580 Epic contributor 🐘
    No, it means every 2 weeks!!
  • alicemaylara
    alicemaylara Registered Posts: 259 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    columbia wrote: »
    No, it means every 2 weeks!!

    Mmm i dont no! One 'dictionary' says twice a month and another says every two months...:blushing:
  • AdamR
    AdamR Registered Posts: 668 Epic contributor 🐘
    2 months - the magazine says July/August. They'd do well to increase the size and frequency of the magazines.

    Oh and Bicentennial man was about a 200 year old robot...

  • alicemaylara
    alicemaylara Registered Posts: 259 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    AdamR wrote: »
    2 months - the magazine says July/August. They'd do well to increase the size and frequency of the magazines.

    Oh and Bicentennial man was about a 200 year old robot...


    It should be twice a month! Ah well. Thanks for clearing it up for us thickies
  • AdamR
    AdamR Registered Posts: 668 Epic contributor 🐘
    It should be twice a month! Ah well. Thanks for clearing it up for us thickies

    Can't you have too much of a good thing? At least by only producing 6 magazines a year, they can find more to go in them and (in theory) create a better publication.

    That said, the new issue only has 66 pages compared to 42 in the last - perhaps they are running out of items to put in it as well?
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    it says it on the mag it is now bi monthly we now get one every two months
  • AdamR
    AdamR Registered Posts: 668 Epic contributor 🐘
    Just searched this:

    "Q.Does bi monthly mean every two months or twice a month? A.I'm afraid it means both! But in the publishing industry, it is used fairly consistently to mean 'every two months'. The same ambiguity affects biweekly and biyearly. If you want to be absolutely clear, use a phrase such as 'twice a week' or 'every two years'."

    So everyone is right, but half of us are wrong also!:lol:
  • Rachey
    Rachey Registered Posts: 589 Epic contributor 🐘
    Can anyone tell me what was in the magazine about the forums? Im afraid my little baby decided to rip it all up and try to eat it.....! So it was hardly readable and needed a new home in the wheelie bin :-(
  • alicemaylara
    alicemaylara Registered Posts: 259 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Rachey wrote: »
    Can anyone tell me what was in the magazine about the forums? Im afraid my little baby decided to rip it all up and try to eat it.....! So it was hardly readable and needed a new home in the wheelie bin :-(

    Just a selection of our conversations really. They were stealing our witty conversation and therefore i should sue for copy right reasons:laugh:
  • AdamR
    AdamR Registered Posts: 668 Epic contributor 🐘
    Just a selection of our conversations really. They were stealing our witty conversation and therefore i should sue for copy right reasons:laugh:

    I had the wittiest of them all the last time they were printed - on a thread dedicated to the AAT Valentine song, I asked if it was available as a ringtone yet!:blushing:

    Anyway Alice, your comment wasn't witty, it was informative and useful - that should demand an even higher royalty!
  • alicemaylara
    alicemaylara Registered Posts: 259 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    AdamR wrote: »
    I had the wittiest of them all the last time they were printed - on a thread dedicated to the AAT Valentine song, I asked if it was available as a ringtone yet!:blushing:

    Anyway Alice, your comment wasn't witty, it was informative and useful - that should demand an even higher royalty!

    Nothing i have every said has been described as 'informative and useful' :laugh:

    But yes i will offer my services for a 'reasonable' hourly rate. Ill base it on Jonathan Ross's salary.
  • AdamR
    AdamR Registered Posts: 668 Epic contributor 🐘
    Nothing i have every said has been described as 'informative and useful' :laugh:

    You're welcome; I'm here all week!
    But yes i will offer my services for a 'reasonable' hourly rate. Ill base it on Jonathan Ross's salary.

    Hourly rate is hard to define when they are just selecting quotes - how about a charge per character? That way you get twice as much money w r i t i n g l i k e t h i s!
  • alicemaylara
    alicemaylara Registered Posts: 259 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    AdamR wrote: »
    You're welcome; I'm here all week!

    Hourly rate is hard to define when they are just selecting quotes - how about a charge per character? That way you get twice as much money w r i t i n g l i k e t h i s!

    What an excellent suggestion, do you charge for your advice?
    I think ill add colour as well...added charge of course
  • AdamR
    AdamR Registered Posts: 668 Epic contributor 🐘
    do you charge for your advice?

    What a daft question, of course I charge! I'll give you a choice of fee structure though:

    First, you could pay £1 for my first 25 words, £2 for the next 25, £3 for the next 25 and so on. (I estimate you owe around £6 to date)

    Or, you can pay £0.01 for the first 35, £0.02 for the next 35, £0.04 the next 35 and so on, doubling each time. So far you only owe me 3p.

    Which do you choose?
  • alicemaylara
    alicemaylara Registered Posts: 259 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    AdamR wrote: »
    What a daft question, of course I charge! I'll give you a choice of fee structure though:

    First, you could pay £1 for my first 25 words, £2 for the next 25, £3 for the next 25 and so on. (I estimate you owe around £6 to date)

    Or, you can pay £0.01 for the first 35, £0.02 for the next 35, £0.04 the next 35 and so on, doubling each time. So far you only owe me 3p.

    Which do you choose?

    Do you take chocolate as currency?
  • AdamR
    AdamR Registered Posts: 668 Epic contributor 🐘
    Card, hold cash only. Oh no wait, that should be hard, cold shoudn't it?!:blushing:

    Got an introductory offer for you though - you can everything so far for free as you agreed to be my friend!:biggrin:

    (Yes I know, SAD!:lol:)
  • alicemaylara
    alicemaylara Registered Posts: 259 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    AdamR wrote: »
    Card, hold cash only. Oh no wait, that should be hard, cold shoudn't it?!:blushing:

    Got an introductory offer for you though - you can everything so far for free as you agreed to be my friend!:biggrin:

    (Yes I know, SAD!:lol:)

    Excellent you have just doubled the amount of friends i have (this includes in real life) :laugh::laugh:
  • AdamR
    AdamR Registered Posts: 668 Epic contributor 🐘
    Excellent you have just doubled the amount of friends i have (this includes in real life) :laugh::laugh:

    Should we really be joking about such things?!:lol:

    We accountants don't have time for friends - work, study, cook and sleep is the only routine we have. (Atleast that's what the voices in my head say...)

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