Suspense Account question

Katriona Registered Posts: 4
Hi everyone,

I found the advice given on tackling a question very helpful and I passed the validation test. Moving on post lockdown I am trying to catch-up with the rest of the course tests. Bookkeeping Controls test is next Friday and I am stuck now how to answer another test.

Also, can anyone give some tips to calm test nerves. I sat a different test last week and it was a disaster. I couldn't get answers right and started to panic. Ended up spending too much time on one or two questions and had to rush through others. I did flag one or two to complete at the end. I kept telling myself to get a grip and get on with it but wondered why I was doing this to myself!

thanks very much


  • Katriona
    Katriona Registered Posts: 4
    Thank you for your reply. It has helped me out.
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