Tattoos at work?



  • CJC
    CJC Registered Posts: 1,657 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    "Can I have a double entendre please, barman?"
    "Certainly madam, wait there and I'll give you one."
  • Baggybooks
    Baggybooks Registered Posts: 522 Epic contributor 🐘
    Why do sailors have tattoos? What is it about seamen?
  • CJC
    CJC Registered Posts: 1,657 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    I'm saying nothing, I'll just get into trouble.
  • X5wrangler
    X5wrangler Registered Posts: 170 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    I'm saying nothing either, I will just think it!
  • Baggybooks
    Baggybooks Registered Posts: 522 Epic contributor 🐘
    Is it because they haven't got much to do with their hands when they're at sea?
  • tattookitten
    tattookitten Registered Posts: 46 Regular contributor ⭐
    Lol I know that this thread has taken a detour but I'd like to say that I have a set of huge wings down my back and lots of other smaller pieces that include a transformers symbol, a star and some tribal. People are always shocked that I have them cause I'm so quiet in the office and it isn't until we go to an office do and they see them or they see the picture on my wall of me being tattooed that they go "omg is that you?!" then they know!

    I also have a vertical ear bar which I used to have to take out, to avoid this I have my hair covering my ears and I haven't taken it out for work in 4 years!

    My companies policy is that no ink should be showing and my boss is a bit of a convential lady and doesn't like ink but everytime I get something new I go in and show her. I think I amuse her so she lets me get away with things like breaking in new dangerously high heels or practicing walking in my pole dancing shoes!
  • Jan
    Jan Registered Posts: 654 Epic contributor 🐘
    ...breaking in new dangerously high heels or practicing walking in my pole dancing shoes!

    :lol::lol: And who said accountants are boring!

    I wonder what your boss would allow if she was not so conventional?? Bringing in the pole and practicing dancing:biggrin:
  • tattookitten
    tattookitten Registered Posts: 46 Regular contributor ⭐
    Lol accountants aren't boring, we just like the added shock value!

    lol if she wasn't so covnentional she might start pole dancing with me! Now that is something I would LOVE to see!
  • sharon
    sharon Registered Posts: 161 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    LOL!!!! Apparentely Pole dancing is a great form of exercise and i've heard it's very hard!
  • tattookitten
    tattookitten Registered Posts: 46 Regular contributor ⭐
    yea it is quite hard, but really fun once you've gotten over you inhabitions. I did it at the beginning of the year and passed the beginners course, I'd like to do the other levels but I need to finish this first!
    I've had my pole up in the front room at home, which was a fab convo piece:
    guest - "wow you have a pole in your room"
    me - "yea look what I can do!"
    however it made a dark mark on the white ceiling which my mum wasn't impressed with so I've had to take it down for now!

    I'd def reccommend everyone has a go, but be warned you will get huge bruises!
  • caz784
    caz784 Registered Posts: 7 New contributor 🐸
    Jan wrote: »
    At the risk of sounding like an old fuddy duddy :lol:, it may be your body, but other people have to look at you!

    Unfortunately, tattoos and body piercings do give out the wrong impression to some people. After all you wouldn't turn up to work wearing the same clothes that you wear at the weekend to go out in, would you? We are expected to act and dress professionally. I have nothing against tattoos, but surely it's better if they can be kept out of sight during work time? I don't think I could take financial advice seriously if my accountant was sat opposite with a nose/tongue/eye/lip piercing and covered in tattoos :laugh:

    I have 5 tattoos, only 2 of which are really obvious, one on my wrist and one on my chest. So I shouldn't be taken seriously as an accountant for showing my individuality? Please! Whilst some people are dead against tattoos that is their right as it is mine for wanting tattoos. I've never had bad reactions about mine, and if I were to get a bad reaction well not much I can do about that really. Each to their own and all of that. I can understand why some employers wouldn't want their employees displaying body art but at the end of the day if we were all the same how boring would this world be?
  • tattookitten
    tattookitten Registered Posts: 46 Regular contributor ⭐
    haha very boring! I don't mix with the public at my accounting job so the only way they'd know if I said, "oh btw I got a tattoo done at the w/end, would you like me to put you through to my boss now?!"

    Yay for you being an individual, what ink have you got specifically?
  • zuzana
    zuzana Registered Posts: 3 New contributor 🐸

    I used to be a bodypiercer :) and am covered in tattoo`s, am working in accounts for the past 2 years and never had a problem.....however it does make people curios, i just find it amusing :)
  • LouLou143
    LouLou143 Registered Posts: 74 Regular contributor ⭐
    sharon wrote: »
    LOL!!!! Apparentely Pole dancing is a great form of exercise and i've heard it's very hard!

    Oh god yeah - it is hard work but so much fun - I must add - I do this for fun not for money!!!!

    A total body workout and a stress reliever!
  • CJC
    CJC Registered Posts: 1,657 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Might have to try it... there are lots of Poles round these parts now after all.
  • CJC
    CJC Registered Posts: 1,657 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    I'll get my coat...
  • tattookitten
    tattookitten Registered Posts: 46 Regular contributor ⭐
    hehe dance CJC dance! Shake that money maker!!
  • Baggybooks
    Baggybooks Registered Posts: 522 Epic contributor 🐘
    Now that would be worth paying for!
  • CJC
    CJC Registered Posts: 1,657 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    A whole new career lies ahead of me.
  • Baggybooks
    Baggybooks Registered Posts: 522 Epic contributor 🐘
    Depends how much you shake!
  • CJC
    CJC Registered Posts: 1,657 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    And how much I have to shake :blushing:
  • Baggybooks
    Baggybooks Registered Posts: 522 Epic contributor 🐘
    Surely you're all muscle?

    Think of it as CPD - Chris Pole Dancing!
  • DannyT90
    DannyT90 Registered Posts: 158
    Nearly 10 years on from this thread, I'm curious to see if things have changed since then with having tattoos and working in accounts?

    Anyone come across any issues?
  • AAT_Team
    AAT_Team Administrator Posts: 505 🤖 Admin 🤖
    edited November 2017
    Personally speaking I would say never let somebody put you in a box. Once a recruiter asked me what I did with my piercings when I have job interviews. I told them they stay and if the employer doesn't like it then I wouldn't want to work at the company anyway. To which they replied 'Yes, well, it is becoming more acceptable these days.'
    I said 'Because of people like me!'

    Some inspiration for those who are modded.

  • Pinaaa
    Pinaaa Registered Posts: 17
    I have 6 tattoos. No matter where you go, people are judgemental and it's sad we get judged in a modern world. I'm defo not some hard core raver just because I have tattoos. My old company was very image focused. They believed heavily in females in dresses so tattoos were a no no. If they turn you down because of a little wrist tattoo then it's their loss.
    Simple advice is don't shove them in people faces when you go for an interview. Cover them up to be on the safe side if you really want the job. Then when you settle into your role wear sandals or whatever and don't be afraid to get it out! As long as it's not fully distracting in your face then they can't really say anything.
  • DannyT90
    DannyT90 Registered Posts: 158
    Are you in an accounts role now?
  • MichaelBevan
    MichaelBevan Registered Posts: 4
    I'm Interested to be inked..... Its a matter of pride
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