Apparently Jews are stupid!
Good for you, my family are quite conservative in their beliefs, but it wasnt until I made an effort to find out for myself that I became a lot more tolerant of people. However, my family wouldnt behave in the manner that this post relates to. Some people are adamant in MAKING people / children follow their beliefs.0
Hi Everyone
I have just been for my lunch break. When I came back into the office she was still crying. I went to the lunch were another colleague was making tea and they said that she has not said anything all day.
I am not backing down on this, in my opinion she has gotten herself into this mess. I will wait to speak with my managers and HR on Monday.
I have also suggested to others as and when I have seen them that there should be no whispering about his in the office as it could throw fuel onto her fire. We should try to continue as normal. She goes home at 3pm anyway.
Speegs0 -
Hi Everyone
I have just been for my lunch break. When I came back into the office she was still crying. I went to the lunch were another colleague was making tea and they said that she has not said anything all day.
I am not backing down on this, in my opinion she has gotten herself into this mess. I will wait to speak with my managers and HR on Monday.
I have also suggested to others as and when I have seen them that there should be no whispering about his in the office as it could throw fuel onto her fire. We should try to continue as normal. She goes home at 3pm anyway.
Good for you - keep your dignity. Only 15 mins to go and then at least it's the weekend:001_smile:0 -
Good for you, my family are quite conservative in their beliefs, but it wasnt until I made an effort to find out for myself that I became a lot more tolerant of people. However, my family wouldnt behave in the manner that this post relates to. Some people are adamant in MAKING people / children follow their beliefs.
Hi Paul
Even my grandparents did not really ever understand how to relate to or talk with black or asian people. They would refer to them by a Yiddish word which meant black but I found the term offensive even if it was not their intention to be so. I explained to them that they could simply refer to the person by their name and that adding the extra description was offensive to me and they were fine about it. But I think it was a generational thing for them.
Oh and by the way, if anyone saw "Defiance" in the cinemas recently you might like to know that my Great Grandparents were two of the Jews who escaped from Poland with the three brothers portrayed in the movie.
Speegs0 -
How are things in the office today? Did she turn up?0
She did turn up. But HR have not (on holiday until Wednesday). She got in before me and when I arrived she had left a letter on my desk. I read along the lines of, her behaviour being unacceptable and she was really sorry bla bla bla. But she hasn't actually spoken to or acknowledged anyone at all this morning. I really don't know what to do. Although I want to accept her apology and give her a second chance (this time she may actually change, you never know), she needs to learn her lesson and be disclined in some way. I don't think I would want her to lose her job over this though. As for the police action I have no idea what is happening yet. Maybe she has been given a warning I don't know. I am sure the police will write to me soon anyway.
Speegs:001_smile:0 -
She did turn up. But HR have not (on holiday until Wednesday). She got in before me and when I arrived she had left a letter on my desk. I read along the lines of, her behaviour being unacceptable and she was really sorry bla bla bla. But she hasn't actually spoken to or acknowledged anyone at all this morning. I really don't know what to do. Although I want to accept her apology and give her a second chance (this time she may actually change, you never know), she needs to learn her lesson and be disclined in some way. I don't think I would want her to lose her job over this though. As for the police action I have no idea what is happening yet. Maybe she has been given a warning I don't know. I am sure the police will write to me soon anyway.
I don't envy you your dilemma. It is a very awkward situation. It would make your working environment nicer if you could sort things out. Do you think she is genuinely remorseful though? Perhaps you could just become civil toward each other without becoming over friendly? It is really up to her to approach you though - face to face rather than the cowards way of leaving a note on your desk!0 -
She did turn up. But HR have not (on holiday until Wednesday). She got in before me and when I arrived she had left a letter on my desk. I read along the lines of, her behaviour being unacceptable and she was really sorry bla bla bla. But she hasn't actually spoken to or acknowledged anyone at all this morning. I really don't know what to do. Although I want to accept her apology and give her a second chance (this time she may actually change, you never know), she needs to learn her lesson and be disclined in some way. I don't think I would want her to lose her job over this though. As for the police action I have no idea what is happening yet. Maybe she has been given a warning I don't know. I am sure the police will write to me soon anyway.
Hi Speegs
Id advise not to do anything untill HR have had a word with you but even if it comes down to an apology it should be made in public and properly0 -
Not sure if you will be able to wait until Wednesday until the return to the office of your HR guys.
If they return and see you being civil to one another, it's a problem they don't have to solve themselves but it also says to them everything is OK and nothing further needs to be done with regards to discipline - (not that she isn't due a disciplinary, it just seems your HR staff just don't want to take any action).
The matter will be at a close when the police write to you, once that's happened, and she has mustered the balls to come and speak to you face to face maybe you could send an unrelated email to your colleagues inviting them to a drink at lunch time? and include her?
This will give her the impression you have forgiven her and that you can both move on from her ignorance.
Personally though, I wouldn't be making contact until at least the HR staff had had their say in the matter. But I work in a larger firm and so it would be much easier for me - I dont envy the position you're in.
You've done well so far.0 -
Hi Guys
I am in complete agreement with you all. I will not approach the her until HR are back on Wednesday. The girl concerned is on annual leave tomorrow so this should not be a problem.
She is still not saying a word to anyone socially, however when I have spoken to her today about work related things (because I have to) she has been perfectly neutral so I think she is treading very carefully.
I am sure HR will speak with us both on Wednesday and provided they do actually discipline her properly and she apologises to not only me but also to the others she has upset or offended then I am willing to accept her apology. I do not like to hold grudges. I am a firm believe in learning a lesson and then moving on. Life is too short after all.
Going to lunch with my colleagues is a really good idea though. I will have been with the company 5 years this Friday so I will invite people out to the pub for drinks. Hopefully this should clear the air.
:thumbup: speegs0 -
How has this panned out? Have the HR team come back in today and have they spoken with the girl in question? How has she been since she came back in today from having yesterday off?
Very interested to know how this one went!
J0 -
Wow, I missed this, sorry.
Speegs, so sorry you've had to put up with this, and I think you've handled it really well. Sometimes something serious like the police is what's needed to get the message through to some people that behavoiur like that is unacceptable and has no place in work, or indeed in society as a whole. I also hope it gives HR a kick up the jacksy as they acted like a bit of a wet blanket really, which ain't on either.I should also say that I am always to first to laugh at Jewish jokes, but this was not at all funny.
I hope things resolve themselves ok at work, Speegs, and I do hope this incident has educated her, as really this would be one of the most important outcomes of the whole incident.
Just remember you've done nothing wrong and don't let it make you feel uncomfortable at work if at all possible.
Jenni :001_smile:0 -
Good afternoon everyone.
So here is the update.
HR came back from holiday today and called the girl into a meeting with the CEO. Then I got called in and she was asked/forced to apologise to me. I said the apology would only be accepted if she apologised to everyone else she had upset, and thus the meeting was moved out into the main office and believe of not, she actually apologised. She even appeared to be sincere.
After that when I was in the kitchen she came in a had a chat with me were she reiterated that she "really was sorry". I asked her what was happening with the police and she said she is been charged.
So, there you have it. The police really have surprised me. I think she has been charged because this was not her first offence. I get she is now waiting for a court date.
She is still very quiet, but apart from that the atmosphere in the office is pretty much back to normal. I guess it won't be truly normal until after the court appearance.
So now we wait again.
Speegs:thumbup1:0 -
The police really have surprised me.
Thanks for the update. Sounds like this may have made a lasting impression on her, let's hope so.
I do feel a little sorry for her actually being prosecuted but then she made her own bed.
I hope your working conditions get back to normal and everything goes smoothly now :001_smile:0 -
Well done speegs
Now at least you can now hold your head up and enjoy the job without behavour like that from supposed work colleuges and hopefully trust that this wont happen again and if it does HR will deal with it without having to go to as much dramatic measures (thanks to you standing by your guns):thumbup:0 -
Well done you. I think it's people like you taking action that will eventually stamp out this behaviour. I have no sympathy at all for her. As you said this wasn't her first offence and she chose not to take on board previous comments made to her that she was upsetting people. Perhaps you will be able to get on with your work in peace now. Some people not so strong as yourself may have been driven out of their job!0
One chap was driven out of his job by her. The Hare Krishna employee left the company on Friday, but he rang me on Saturday and told me why he really left.
He had told the company that he did not like the journey to work, but he told me that this stupid ignorant girl would walk past him and pull his seeker (the longer piece of hair that some Hare Krishna's grow) and take the mick out of him when he used to sit in the offices gardens saying a chant to himself.
The arrogant little cow drove him out of his job.
Speegs0 -
One chap was driven out of his job by her. The Hare Krishna employee left the company on Friday, but he rang me on Saturday and told me why he really left.
He had told the company that he did not like the journey to work, but he told me that this stupid ignorant girl would walk past him and pull his seeker (the longer piece of hair that some Hare Krishna's grow) and take the mick out of him when he used to sit in the offices gardens saying a chant to himself.
The arrogant little cow drove him out of his job.
Well done for going to the police and well done to them for actually doing something about it.0 -
Good thing that your work place is more back to normal!
You definitely did the right thing. Hopefully this experience will change this person and make them think about their behaviour,...and change for the better in the Future. (Heres hoping anyway)0 -
How did the drinks thing go on Friday?0
Hi Again.
Drinks went really well. She was really chatty and even bought a round.
We are all putting in an effort to accept her apology and she seems to have calmed down in all areas of her behaviour which has made her a more approachable person and (dare I say it) likeable.
Thanks goodness!
Speegs0 -
That's great news Speegs!
Thanks for the update0 -
Wow! What a turnaround. That is really good news. Must be a lot more comfortable at work for everybody.0
I always thought a good drink and get together to de-stress amongst workmates can bring you closer together - glad everything seems OK and here's to the future .... dumbass...
** runs and hides! **
Nice outcome to a messy situation.0 -
Since I'm feeling in a particularly b*astardy mood tonight following the hounding out of a fellow forum member, I thought I'd now openly offer my honest thoughts on this thread.
Speegs; while I respect your status as a MAAT, please stop telling everyone you are a jew and then take alleged offence when people mention you are one back to you in a way you don't like. You can't have it both ways. Before you accuse me back, I've absolutely nothing against jews or people of any other race, creed, colour or religion but I don't need constantly reminding about it. It's annoying.
Exactly how outraged were you when this girl said what she did? Was it extreme - which I seriously don't believe you were - or a case of "B*tch, I'll show her...?" which I'm more inclined to believe?
You've banged on constantly on here and your blog about your employers and how badly they treat you but why do you still choose to work there? Seems to me you're actually quite well respected and you're making noise on here for the sake of making noise.
What crime was the girl actually charged with? If she actually has then I think it shows the joke our legal system currently is and if ignorance is a crime then we're all guilty of something. Will her lynching be public or held in private? Or have you dug yourself such a hole with this thread and your hysterical overreaction that you need to offer up a suitable conclusion to your supporters?
If the owner is a jew himself but was on holiday at the time, why not simply bite your tongue and wait until he got back then told him? Or did you need instant OTT vengeance? Are you now the workplace hero, someone who will right the wrongs of others? Because bluntly speaking, if you were in my workplace I now wouldn't trust you as far as I could throw you and would give you a wide berth for - well, forever really...
And since I've now happily and quite deliberately committed forum suicide, I'd like to thank all the people I've known on here through the last three years.
Steve (peugeot), Annette, Sandy, the two Deans and all the other experts/MAATs/MIPs who've helped people from humble beginnings at Foundation through to becoming MAATs themselves.
To Jan, Gem, Paul, Jamie, Chris & Farmer Giles who I've all known from the first time I appeared on the forums. We may have clashed in the past at times but I still consider you all as friends.
To my newer friend Vic - metal forever... but please learn to spell better FFS!!!
To Mark, LondonMatt, Cullen and Adam; the future of forum humour looks safe in your capable hands - even if Mark's posts require a little more interpretation than most. Oh, and good luck with the job hunt Mark.
Anyone else who I've been nice to in the past and who've been nice to me back, I wish you all well. For those who I haven't - and there are only a couple - well, I don't care anyway.
And now I've finally posted the response to this thread that I oh so wanted to write when it first started, I'll bid everyone farewell and join my forum soulmate Baggybooks in the online etherworld......
:mad: :mad: :mad: blobbyh 2006 - 2009 :mad: :mad: :mad:0 -
Oh dear Robert - any particular epitaph you'd like for your gravestone?
This is not aimed at you when I say this, but I feel that forums can become a virtual battlefield at times - why people seem to behave so differently when they are hidden behind an IP address, I'll never know. While I may have disagreed with you in the past, I have not found your comments so unoffensive so as to provoke a response; unlike the Data Input fiasco which I'm sure many users will remember. (Trolling or not, things like that shouldn't have been said).
The hounding you refer to was perhaps out of line and this sort of behaviour is wrong; however, I don't think there's anything me or you can do to stop it.
As for the lines in that post that quite possibly signed your own death sentence, I sort of see where you are coming from - I'm not saying I agree but I understand your thought process. Nevertheless, as none of us know the full extent of the situation, it's quite hard to judge. I certainly didn't envy Speegs' position.
Without wanting to make excuses, perhaps on a better night your post might've been less pointed?
Hopefully you will still be around when I get back next weekend - the new guard isn't quite ready to take over from the old (no offence intended) just yet! I'm sure Matt has gone completely do-lally with his socks and blue faces (AdamR Banned thread) and Cullen's leopard (or whatever it was) has slunk off and been replaced with a pint-downing pacman! We need people like you to keep us in check!
Should this be your last breath, may you enjoy the rest of your days with Baggybooks and Dean - I would pray for your soul but as an atheist that would be a little strange! Besides which, the Grim Reaper seems to have already made his claim!
Best Wishes0 -
Speaking of epitaphs, how about this one for you?
"I am ready to meet my Maker.
Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter."
And does anybody know who that particular enscription belongs to?0 -
Since I'm feeling in a particularly b*astardy mood tonight following the hounding out of a fellow forum member, I thought I'd now openly offer my honest thoughts on this thread.
Speegs; while I respect your status as a MAAT, please stop telling everyone you are a jew and then take alleged offence when people mention you are one back to you in a way you don't like. You can't have it both ways. Before you accuse me back, I've absolutely nothing against jews or people of any other race, creed, colour or religion but I don't need constantly reminding about it. It's annoying.
Exactly how outraged were you when this girl said what she did? Was it extreme - which I seriously don't believe you were - or a case of "B*tch, I'll show her...?" which I'm more inclined to believe?
You've banged on constantly on here and your blog about your employers and how badly they treat you but why do you still choose to work there? Seems to me you're actually quite well respected and you're making noise on here for the sake of making noise.
What crime was the girl actually charged with? If she actually has then I think it shows the joke our legal system currently is and if ignorance is a crime then we're all guilty of something. Will her lynching be public or held in private? Or have you dug yourself such a hole with this thread and your hysterical overreaction that you need to offer up a suitable conclusion to your supporters?
If the owner is a jew himself but was on holiday at the time, why not simply bite your tongue and wait until he got back then told him? Or did you need instant OTT vengeance? Are you now the workplace hero, someone who will right the wrongs of others? Because bluntly speaking, if you were in my workplace I now wouldn't trust you as far as I could throw you and would give you a wide berth for - well, forever really...
And since I've now happily and quite deliberately committed forum suicide, I'd like to thank all the people I've known on here through the last three years.
Steve (peugeot), Annette, Sandy, the two Deans and all the other experts/MAATs/MIPs who've helped people from humble beginnings at Foundation through to becoming MAATs themselves.
To Jan, Gem, Paul, Jamie, Chris & Farmer Giles who I've all known from the first time I appeared on the forums. We may have clashed in the past at times but I still consider you all as friends.
To my newer friend Vic - metal forever... but please learn to spell better FFS!!!
To Mark, LondonMatt, Cullen and Adam; the future of forum humour looks safe in your capable hands - even if Mark's posts require a little more interpretation than most. Oh, and good luck with the job hunt Mark.
Anyone else who I've been nice to in the past and who've been nice to me back, I wish you all well. For those who I haven't - and there are only a couple - well, I don't care anyway.
And now I've finally posted the response to this thread that I oh so wanted to write when it first started, I'll bid everyone farewell and join my forum soulmate Baggybooks in the online etherworld......
:mad: :mad: :mad: blobbyh 2006 - 2009 :mad: :mad: :mad:
What a ridiculous and self-important post. Speegs did not take offence because someone mentioned they were a Jew, she took offence because the person said that Jews were 'stupid' for not getting out of Nazi Germany, which is quite another matter. In addition to this, this numpty had already caused offence in a similar fashion to other people (without any sign of remorse) and already had a related conviction.0
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