AdamR banned???

LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
His avatar has gone and "Banned" appears under his name? What happened? :confused1:

Is it because of his post on Brown being responsible for the economy? His sending weapons to Gaza in sandwiches? His support of Chelski?? :ohmy:

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  • Cullen
    Cullen Registered Posts: 592 Epic contributor 🐘
    Forgive him, he knew not what he did.

    (Neither do we. I am so bereft without him.)

    Shall we do an online petition to bring him back? Isn't there a Moloko song that we could use as our theme...

    Bring him back, bring him back to me....
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    We should do more than an online petition….we should declare a gang war! They have messed about with one of ours and they must suffer! A couple of drive-by emails should do the trick, followed by a gansta rap in honour of the fallen..

    Oh, we could also get a tatoo of a tear drop on our faces, to signify the loss of a fellow soldier….
  • Cullen
    Cullen Registered Posts: 592 Epic contributor 🐘
    Yeah a tattoo.


    (Will it hurt?)
  • CJC
    CJC Registered Posts: 1,657 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    AdamR is innocent. OK?

    The admins can't be arsed to remove the spam but they can ban our friends it seems. Though it might just be the avatar that's been banned.

    Maybe it's time to get my old Accountants Unlimited site out of mothballs - you'd have to do something really bad to get banned there.
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Nah, tatoos don't hurt at all - well, they don't hurt real men anyway :cool2:

    All you got to do is rub them on...
    PAMDILL Registered Posts: 721 Epic contributor 🐘
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    His avatar has gone and "Banned" appears under his name? What happened? :confused1:

    Is it because of his post on Brown being responsible for the economy? His sending weapons to Gaza in sandwiches? His support of Chelski?? :ohmy:
    There is a new member joined today and doing quite a lot of posting 'Don Juan', anyone think there is any chance he is AdamR under a new name?
  • Cullen
    Cullen Registered Posts: 592 Epic contributor 🐘
    Right I have arranged to get my "tat" done tomorrow.

    I have been researching this whole gangsta culture and apparantly we have to wear "colours" I think a lilac can be very complimentary to most skin tones, and walk with a pronounced limp.

    I just love being in a gang. I feel I fit right in.
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    I like lilac as a gang colour as it doesn't clash with my slippers - which is a big faux pas in gangsta circles don't you know

    I didn't think we'd be one of those gangs that concerned ourselves with skin tones….? But…..If you insist we do…..

    I'd prefer we…..

    Only allow in…..

    People who are….


    I've always found the Blue Man Group rather intimidating :laugh:
  • SeanyBoy
    SeanyBoy Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    I like lilac as a gang colour as it doesn't clash with my slippers - which is a big faux pas in gangsta circles don't you know

    I didn't think we'd be one of those gangs that concerned ourselves with skin tones….? But…..If you insist we do…..

    I'd prefer we…..

    Only allow in…..

    People who are….


    I've always found the Blue Man Group rather intimidating :laugh:

    thats great because i am blue all over!!

    come on the chels!!! hahaha alright matty
  • Diannew
    Diannew Registered Posts: 2,814 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    I like lilac as a gang colour as it doesn't clash with my slippers - which is a big faux pas in gangsta circles don't you know

    I didn't think we'd be one of those gangs that concerned ourselves with skin tones….? But…..If you insist we do…..

    I'd prefer we…..

    Only allow in…..

    People who are….


    I've always found the Blue Man Group rather intimidating :laugh:

    I thought PINK was the Gangs official colour!!!
  • Cullen
    Cullen Registered Posts: 592 Epic contributor 🐘
    Blue, eh? Hmmmm.

    Are varicose veins a qualifying feature.

    (Not that I have any, of course)
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    SeanyBoy wrote: »
    thats great because i am blue all over!!

    come on the chels!!! hahaha alright matty

    No, not your blues my blues! First you steal our lion, then you steal our colours :thumbdown:

  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Diannew wrote: »
    I thought PINK was the Gangs official colour!!!

    How about this: pink with a lilac trim for the ladies and lilac with a pink trim for the men?

    But everyone covered in blue paint….including our bald heads…
  • SeanyBoy
    SeanyBoy Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    No, not your blues my blues! First you steal our lion, then you steal our colours :thumbdown:


    care free wherever we may be..
    we are the famous CFC..
    and we dont give a ****...
    whoever you may be...
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    SeanyBoy wrote: »
    care free wherever we may be..
    we are the famous CFC..
    and we dont give a ****...
    whoever you may be...

    F*** 'em all, f*** 'em all
    United, W*st Ham, Liverpool
    'Cos we are the Millwall, and we the best
    We are the Millwall, so f*** all the rest!

  • Cullen
    Cullen Registered Posts: 592 Epic contributor 🐘
    Come on Sean and Matt, we have important issues to explore which are non football related.

    Ok, lilac with a pink trim for us, (ahem) men and pink with a lilac trim and a fruit based drink for the ladies.

    Now we need to decide on the limp. Which leg do we drag behind us, the right or the left or the.....

    (tee hee I nearly made a rude joke....)
  • groundy
    groundy Registered Posts: 495 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    "care free wherever we may be..
    we are the famous CFC..
    and we dont give a ****...
    whoever you may be...

    Is that the famouse CFC with no history and no European cups !!!:thumbup:
  • Cullen
    Cullen Registered Posts: 592 Epic contributor 🐘
    Weren't CFCs banned from fridges because of all the environmental damage. It really rots my guts that everytime I go into my freezer to get ice for a fruit based drink I find a shivering Chelsea fan. Seanyboy, I now realise where we met before!!!
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    groundy wrote: »
    Is that the famouse CFC with no history and no European cups !!!:thumbup:
    A'right, a'right, calm down, calm down….

    ….gis a job...:001_tongue:
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Cullen wrote: »
    Weren't CFCs banned from fridges because of all the environmental damage. It really rots my guts that everytime I go into my freezer to get ice for a fruit based drink I find a shivering Chelsea fan. Seanyboy, I now realise where we met before!!!

    That would be a fruit based drink for your lady, I hope….its a pint for the men…..:glare:

    Ah, imagine finding a young man in your fridge….his muscles shivering with cold…his thighs pressed against the'd have to warm him up…you'd have to…err….wait! No! I was never confused!!! :blushing:
  • groundy
    groundy Registered Posts: 495 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    A'right, a'right, calm down, calm down….

    ….gis a job...:001_tongue:

    Are you telling me to calm down! Eh Eh Eh:lol:
  • Diannew
    Diannew Registered Posts: 2,814 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    A'right, a'right, calm down, calm down….

    ….gis a job...:001_tongue:

    Will you lot get your priorities in order!!!!!!

    one of the gang members has gone missing....we have important dress codes to sort out and the matter of which leg we all limp with.......and you are talking football......:lol::lol:

    And by the I have to shave my paint it blue:lol::lol:
  • Buff
    Buff Registered Posts: 275 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    SeanyBoy wrote: »
    care free wherever we may be..
    we are the famous CFC..
    and we dont give a ****...
    whoever you may be...

    BUT HE ... IT UP

  • Cullen
    Cullen Registered Posts: 592 Epic contributor 🐘
    I quite agree with you Dianne.

    Lets stop all this in fighting now and all gang up on on the Chelsea supporters....

    (that is what you meant isn't it?)

    Anyway, I am going to commit to this project by dragging my left leg behind me.

    The tat is ready for transferring tomorrow.

    I have a nice pair of highwaisted lilac trousers on order from M&S and I'm ready to go and achieve gang related objectives.

    I've done the action plan, I've prepared a risk assessment. Hey I am cooking on gas!!!
  • Diannew
    Diannew Registered Posts: 2,814 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Cullen wrote: »
    I quite agree with you Dianne.

    Lets stop all this in fighting now and all gang up on on the Chelsea supporters....

    (that is what you meant isn't it?)

    Anyway, I am going to commit to this project by dragging my left leg behind me.

    The tat is ready for transferring tomorrow.

    I have a nice pair of highwaisted lilac trousers on order from M&S and I'm ready to go and achieve gang related objectives.

    I've done the action plan, I've prepared a risk assessment. Hey I am cooking on gas!!!

    I think a rule book would be a good idea........just incase someone gets above their station........and decide to rebell against the choice of limpy leg....or puts pink spots on their bald head......these things do happen in Gangs.......

    And this tatt we all have to have ......surley it should be a symbol of our brother/sisterhood........and we should all have the same....
  • CJC
    CJC Registered Posts: 1,657 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Diannew wrote: »
    or puts pink spots on their balled head......these things do happen in Gangs......
  • Gem7321
    Gem7321 Registered Posts: 1,438 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    CJC wrote: »

    Maybe it's time to get my old Accountants Unlimited site out of mothballs - you'd have to do something really bad to get banned there.

    I thought it was Accountants Unleashed :confused1:
  • Diannew
    Diannew Registered Posts: 2,814 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    CJC wrote: »

    Sorry!!! Have I spoken out of place.

    Gotcha....I have amended my spelling oops
  • jilbo
    jilbo Registered Posts: 197 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    I'm confused :confused1: AdamR is showing up as being on line but if he's banned I wouldn't have thought he could sign in. Just tried to send him a PM but the system said no!
  • Gem7321
    Gem7321 Registered Posts: 1,438 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    I wonder what he's done? I bet it was all those dirty PM's he was sending to Matt...

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