Struggling to fid work in accounting ...



  • Bookworm55
    Bookworm55 Registered Posts: 479 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    mollymoo wrote: »
    Lie about your experience, once your in your job muddle through till you know what your doing, what's the worst that can happen?

    My employer finds out and dismisses me on the spot?
    Then refuses to give a reference so no-one else will employ me?
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    and concidering accountancy is higly ethics based a really bad reputation and really struggle to find a job in the sector.

    and why on earth would you want to lie in the first place, its ok to gloss up your CV (i mean hobbies ect, nothing else) but anything bigger its just silly
  • mollymoo
    mollymoo Registered Posts: 23 New contributor 🐸
    But if as you say you have some experience then surely you can beef that up a bit, I intend to, then as pointed out I'm not going for an accounting position as I'm still at the beginning and will be going for a lowly sales/purchase ledger position.
    My point is is if you have some knowledge just beef it up, when it comes to doing something you dont know then ask a colleague, state that you haven't done x in a while and the colleague should give you a quick lesson. Of course as you have all pointed out it may be different in accounting and that I can understand.
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    to what extent tho? is it like watching some produce a set of accounts on VT translation - i have had intensive training on the use of VT accounts ? or even to the level of saying i have used VT accounts???

    Also sales and purchase leadger is a financial position or so i was lead to believe
  • mollymoo
    mollymoo Registered Posts: 23 New contributor 🐸
    A-Vic wrote: »
    to what extent tho? is it like watching some produce a set of accounts on VT translation - i have had intensive training on the use of VT accounts ? or even to the level of saying i have used VT accounts???

    Also sales and purchase leader is a financial position or so i was lead to believe

    Can't really understand what you have said there but will give it a go :)

    Don't know what you have said in the first bit, but yes it is a financial position, also one that a year ago you didn't require experience in as they considered it an easy job to train people to do. With the knowledge I am acquiring coupled with some very minor experience some years ago plus running a virtual business that incorporates all the functions of a normal company but obviously no money or goods changing hands, am I not in effect acquiring experience in the job I intend to do?

    Surely the OP can use the limited experience that he/she mentioned coupled with the knowledge that they have acquired and beef their C.V up a bit, make themselves more employable. If they did I'm 100% certain that they would not be the only one doing such and certainly not the last.

    As long as you don't go over the top ( which I assume you were trying to point out in your post though it looks to me like gobbledy gook ), you should be onto a winner.
    I certainly wouldn't go for an accounts asst job with my knowledge and experience but I intend on beefing up and furthering my knowledge and experience to get a foot in the door.
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Well it wasnt me who said lie on your CV.

    Honestly how many threads do you think there has been over the years on here people complaining they cant get a job after all the years of training?

    Now i didnt say you didnt have experience in finance but i can say you dont have experience in accountancy.

    And by the way that gobbdy gook you seem to have spoke about shows to me you dont have in any way shape or form experience on public relations, honestly if you came to me with an attitude like that looking for a job do you think id trust you to deal with my clients, please get a reality check and get some manners.
  • Bookworm55
    Bookworm55 Registered Posts: 479 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    mollymoo wrote: »
    Surely the OP can use the limited experience that he/she mentioned coupled with the knowledge that they have acquired and beef their C.V up a bit, make themselves more employable. If they did I'm 100% certain that they would not be the only one doing such and certainly not the last.

    You think I wouldn't already make my CV as good as I can get it? There are different ways of presenting the same facts, but I wouldn't want to misrepresent my own position.

    It's perfectly normal (and reasonable) to paint your existing experiences in the best possible light. Emphasising the best of what you have and glossing over your weaknesses is to be expected. Adding duties you never performed or making up entire companies/placements is not.

    You did actually say "Lie about your experience", which is just wrong. They tried to get it knocked out of me when I was at Business School, but I still have a sense of ethics.
  • mollymoo
    mollymoo Registered Posts: 23 New contributor 🐸
    A-Vic wrote: »
    to what extent tho? is it like watching some produce a set of accounts on VT translation - i have had intensive training on the use of VT accounts ? or even to the level of saying i have used VT accounts???
    A-Vic wrote: »
    Well it wasnt me who said lie on your CV.
    And by the way that gobbdy gook you seem to have spoke about shows to me you dont have in any way shape or form experience on public relations, honestly if you came to me with an attitude like that looking for a job do you think id trust you to deal with my clients, please get a reality check and get some manners.

    So what does it mean then and as far as I can tell I'm not asking you for a job, I'm posting on a public forum.
  • Marga
    Marga Registered Posts: 981 Epic contributor 🐘
    Lying on your cv is against the AAT guidelines as well as the compromises the integrity, reliability and professional competence to name a few of the principles you would breach....

    you could also got us accountants to be in serious issue as if they find out they could think all accountants are like that and by extend damage the good reputation of the AAT

    Studying Unit 32 Professional Ethics :)
  • mollymoo
    mollymoo Registered Posts: 23 New contributor 🐸
    Marga wrote: »
    Lying on your cv is against the AAT guidelines as well as the compromises the integrity, reliability and professional competence to name a few of the principles you would breach....

    you could also got us accountants to be in serious issue as if they find out they could think all accountants are like that and by extend damage the good reputation of the AAT

    Studying Unit 32 Professional Ethics :)

    So would it be lying if I set up a company and run it everyday exactly as a company should run, doing all the work myself then claiming it as experience?
  • Bluewednesday
    Bluewednesday Registered Posts: 1,624 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    If you ran it yourself - who would sign off your experience???
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    mollymoo wrote: »
    So what does it mean then and as far as I can tell I'm not asking you for a job, I'm posting on a public forum.

    what everyone is saying accountancy isnt just a job it is a vocation, and yes you are posting on a public forum, an accountancy student public forum not facebook or bebo we like to show mutural respect for students.

    Anyway back to the thread, how is the search going gental jesus?
  • mollymoo
    mollymoo Registered Posts: 23 New contributor 🐸
    mollymoo wrote: »
    Can't really understand what you have said there but will give it a go :)

    ( which I assume you were trying to point out in your post though it looks to me like gobbledy gook ),
    A-Vic wrote: »
    what everyone is saying accountancy isnt just a job it is a vocation, and yes you are posting on a public forum, an accountancy student public forum not facebook or bebo we like to show mutural respect for students.

    As far as I can see from your posts even you don't know what you mean.

    If you want to show mutual respect at least answer what people are asking you.
    A-Vic wrote: »
    to what extent tho? is it like watching some produce a set of accounts on VT translation - i have had intensive training on the use of VT accounts ? or even to the level of saying i have used VT accounts???

    That makes no sense to me, what exactly are you on about there?
  • mollymoo
    mollymoo Registered Posts: 23 New contributor 🐸
    If you ran it yourself - who would sign off your experience???

    Nice one cheers, then this is what I shall do :)

    Oops mis-read your post sorry.

    How do self-employed people do it?
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    mollymoo wrote: »
    As far as I can see from your posts even you don't know what you mean.

    If you want to show mutual respect at least answer what people are asking you.

    That makes no sense to me, what exactly are you on about there?

    Well molly VT accounts is a programme that a lot of accountants use to produce accounts, but of course you know this with all your experience
  • blobbyh
    blobbyh Registered Posts: 2,415 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    mollymoo wrote: »
    I'm not going for an accounting position as I'm still at the beginning and will be going for a lowly sales/purchase ledger position.
    mollymoo wrote: »
    I certainly wouldn't go for an accounts asst job with my knowledge and experience but I intend on beefing up and furthering my knowledge and experience to get a foot in the door.

    An accounts assistant can cover everything from basic ledger work right up to assisting with producing management accounts as it depends more on the company's bespoke job description and own role definition rather than a generic job title.
    A-Vic wrote: »
    Honestly how many threads do you think there has been over the years on here people complaining they cant get a job after all the years of training?

    Too bloody many, especially lately.

    As for the lying of one's skills, well, sitting next to a driving instructor and learning from a driving instructor doesn't automatically make you a driving instructor, the point being that a mixture of both experience and qualification are required to help you succeed in your career path. Suitable experiences can be enhanced and embellished but you should never be dishonest about the core skills you do or do not possess.
  • mollymoo
    mollymoo Registered Posts: 23 New contributor 🐸
    A-Vic wrote: »
    Well molly VT accounts is a programme that a lot of accountants use to produce accounts, but of course you know this with all your experience

    Can't say I do really considering I haven't and never claimed to have experience as pointed out in my posts, I am at the beginning looking to get a post in sales/purchase ledger work but thanks for pointing out what you meant.
  • mollymoo
    mollymoo Registered Posts: 23 New contributor 🐸
    blobbyh wrote: »
    An accounts assistant can cover everything from basic ledger work right up to assisting with producing management accounts as it depends more on the company's bespoke job description and own role definition rather than a generic job title.

    Too bloody many, especially lately.

    As for the lying of one's skills, well, sitting next to a driving instructor and learning from a driving instructor doesn't automatically make you a driving instructor, the point being that a mixture of both experience and qualification are required to help you succeed in your career path. Suitable experiences can be enhanced and embellished but you should never be dishonest about the core skills you do or do not possess.

    I agree my point being in all of this is if you have some experience in a certain area surely you could get away with beefing it up, e.g you have six months experience in a purchase ledger role yet the position requires a years experience, well you know you can do the job and you know that you are good at the job yet you miss out from length rather then lack of experience, wouldn't you be tempted to embelish it slightly.

    My main concern as for anyone else has always been that when I set off on this route the posittions I was looking at required no experience, now they require experience, how does anyone go from one career to another when you can only do it with experience. It's almost like being locked out. I personally don't have the luxury of being able to do unpaid work as I have children that would require child care , so I feel the only way left now is to start my own business from home that gives me experience.
  • Bookworm55
    Bookworm55 Registered Posts: 479 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    blobbyh wrote: »
    An accounts assistant can cover everything from basic ledger work right up to assisting with producing management accounts as it depends more on the company's bespoke job description and own role definition rather than a generic job title.

    Very true, and it's what I was alluding to when I said my experience was a bit basic. I have extensive experience of the basic ledger entry type duties, but also some experience of more advanced things that took up relatively little of my time. This is going to be true of most people and it works both ways: sometimes you can get a low-powered job title with some relatively advanced duties. Just this week I applied for a sales ledger/credit control position that would also have involved assisting with sales and cashflow analyses and forecasts and other duties requiring higher skills than are generally requested of a 'pure' sales ledger clerk.
    I agree my point being in all of this is if you have some experience in a certain area surely you could get away with beefing it up, e.g you have six months experience in a purchase ledger role yet the position requires a years experience, well you know you can do the job and you know that you are good at the job yet you miss out from length rather then lack of experience, wouldn't you be tempted to embelish it slightly.

    You could easily say that it doesn't matter that you don't have quite as much experience as they ask for because you make up for it in other ways. But I still wouldn't expressly say that I had two years' experience when I only had one. I might apply for a job asking for two years experience when I only had one, and try to get them to give me a chance, but that isn't the same thing.
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Anyway all the rudeness, judgements and lies to one side, studying will never be a waste of time its all good on a CV and does give you the edge and if ANYONE naming no names disagrees tuff
  • mollymoo
    mollymoo Registered Posts: 23 New contributor 🐸
    A-Vic wrote: »
    Anyway all the rudeness, judgements and lies to one side, studying will never be a waste of time its all good on a CV and does give you the edge and if ANYONE naming no names disagrees tuff

    That's always good to hear, I was hoping when I started my course that if I went for a position such as a sales/purchase ledger clerk that I would at least stand as good a chance as someone unqualified but with experience, as I feel that someone that has taken the time to study and paid for it (£800 so far just for the foundation), should have their willingness to learn taken into account.
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    O btw molly as you said in a pm i cant write or construct proper sentences but hey i still have managed to get to diploma level on AAT have 5 years approved practise experience and surpass a purchase ledger role but hey what do i know am stupid.

    Next time you decide to try and personally attack and belittle anyone let me give you one word of advise try looking in the mirror.

    This person is now on block(end of)
  • blobbyh
    blobbyh Registered Posts: 2,415 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Hmmmmmmmmmm. Vic is one of my 'most favourite' people on these forums and a great example of someone who has asked for and was given good advice when she was on the lower rungs of the qualification and now happily returning that advice to those who are just starting out where she once was. To me, this should be the spirit and etiquette of this forum: not give and take but rather take now, give back later. Take note here Glynis if you still don't know what I mean.

    As for her spelling and writing, well I for one, love her even more for it and everyone has their slight imperfections. Not all of us were fortunate to have good educations when we were younger but are now choosing to make up for it later in life and it's what matters now that counts. As for imperfections, I have many and there are occasions where I no doubt make many of the others groan. None of us are perfect but as long as we recognise our flaws and don't continuously deny them, then I'll accept those of everyone else as I hope they do of mine.
  • jilt
    jilt Registered Posts: 2,903 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Very nicely put Robert, agree with you wholeheartedly. Only wish I could have put it so eloquently.

    I too have had help on this forum and greatly appreciate it. I am sometimes relunctant to answer other members questions in case (even though I believe I have the correct answer) I am wrong, guess it's a confidence thing.

    However, whenever I see a request for answers to assignments and I have the model answers from my training provider I make the effort to dig them out and pass them on.
  • AK002
    AK002 Registered Posts: 2,492 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Think this has got a tad out of hand tbh...
  • blobbyh
    blobbyh Registered Posts: 2,415 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Publicly posting private messages is a very big no no to anyone thinking of doing so and could deservedly attract the attention of the forum admins (if they ever show up that is)...
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    well i think my point was proven now move on
  • Diannew
    Diannew Registered Posts: 2,814 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    AK002 wrote: »
    Think this has got a tad out of hand tbh...

    AK and Robert I totally agree........

    Private messages are meant to be PRIVATE and most definatly do not need to be posted on the forum for everyone to see and doing it just shows complete and utter disrespect for the person involved and also in my opinion (and it is only an opinion) VERY unprofessional especially in the Accounting Profession and all the ethics surrounding it.

    And if I may be added to the majority who has on a daily basis had help and support and shared many a laugh with A VIC give her 100% support.

    There is enough pain and hurt going on in this world......................I for one certainly do not want this sort of discussion taking place on here so show some compassion and take it with you, grow up and deal with it off here.
  • James Cristiano
    James Cristiano Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 48 Regular contributor ⭐
    Direction of this thread...

    Dear AAT Forum users,

    Can i please ask you all to mellow down the general tone this thread?

    Please remember, different people have different thresholds of what they would consider to be offensive.

    Kind Regards,
  • mollymoo
    mollymoo Registered Posts: 23 New contributor 🐸
    Diannew wrote: »

    Private messages are meant to be PRIVATE and most definatly do not need to be posted on the forum for everyone to see and doing it just shows complete and utter disrespect for the person involved

    So why has A-vic took it upon herself to post a part of my private message.
    A-Vic wrote: »
    O btw molly as you said in a pm i cant write or construct proper sentences

    Seems like one rule for one and one rule for another.

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