Cash management exam 2013!! Grrr

AATnovice Registered Posts: 46 Epic contributor 🐘
Hello, is there anybody else finding cash management hard and different fro the practice assessments on the aat website? can anybody suggest extra books for me to read!!

I am also studying with premier training

many thanks

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  • Jo Clark
    Jo Clark Registered Posts: 2,525 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️

    I'm not sure what text books you are currently using but I highly recommend the BPP text and question banks.

    I also recommend using the green light resource on the AAT website.

    ~ An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest ~
    Benjamin Franklin
  • Nps
    Nps Registered Posts: 782
    As usual, Jo and I agree!

    If you can answer all the questions in the BPP question banks, I doubt you will come across any exam question which you won't be able to handle with ease.
  • AATnovice
    AATnovice Registered Posts: 46 Epic contributor 🐘
    Thank you for the responses,

    I have spoke with my tutor and he has told me that new people have wrote the cash management exams early this year!! When did you two take your exam? was it this year?

    Many thanks
  • Jo Clark
    Jo Clark Registered Posts: 2,525 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️

    No, I have not sat cash management this year, however I still believe that if you purchase the BPP text and/or question bank you will be very well placed to sit the assessment.

    Reference your tutor telling you that new people have wrote the cash management exam, I personally don't think it matters or should make a difference if new people have written/updated the exam. Study the syllabus, complete practice questions and assessments, pratice some more... ohh and practice practice practice some more!

    A tip for the exam (well any AAT exam) don't rely on the practice assessments and the real assessments being similar as many students, myself included, have found that some are different in style/format. If you have a through understanding of the syllabus then you should be able to apply the knowledge in the exam.

    Is there a particular area that you are struggling with? Have you gone through this with your tutor? Perhaps you have questions you could post here for help?

    ~ An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest ~
    Benjamin Franklin
  • Nps
    Nps Registered Posts: 782
    Again, I agree.

    I sat my exam last year so maybe the exam is different now. However, I've never let myself get bogged down with worries about formats or how similar the real exam was to the practice exam. I knew I knew the syllabus and knew that I was well practiced with regards to practice questions. At the end of the day, the syllabus is the syllabus and if you know it, it doesn't matter what format the questions take, your sound knowledge will still allow you to answer them. The BPP question banks kept me well prepared, some people criticise them for being too in depth, but I never could understand why that was a bad thing!
  • AATnovice
    AATnovice Registered Posts: 46 Epic contributor 🐘
    Thank you, ill be sure to try out the BPP Books, you can never know too much ;)

    These new exams are baffling in the way they ask the question, im sure ill get over it though and move forward :D

    Thanks for the replies though, much appreciated

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