AAT Level 4 Synoptic Exam



  • Mokshharesh782
    Mokshharesh782 Registered Posts: 22
    Hello! If anyone could help me with writing techniques. I am not really good with English and I believe that could be the reason I am failing.My answers are right but the way and words I use might be effecting.

    If anyone could write down their synoptic task 2 sample 1 answer and send it to me on mokshharesh782@gmail.com
    it will be really kind and helpful of you.

    and if someone could get me tips please on writing.

  • gagan
    gagan Registered Posts: 69
    Hi Mokeshharesh, I'm facing same problem
  • Lindi
    Lindi Registered Posts: 166
    @Mokshharesh782 My writing's not great either but so far I have learnt, keep it factual but simple, so it needs to be to the point but easy to understand. At the same time you need to keep it professional so don't use layman's terms when making comparisons. Imagine you are explaining your points to another colleague who may not be in accounts.
  • Venoxulous
    Venoxulous Registered Posts: 14
    My tutor explained it to us that we need to attempt to keep the answers to the point, no need to flaunt big, fancy words. Just convey the message and stay on that point, they're apparently aware when people are trying to write and write just hoping that the answer is in there somewhere, and that they'll only entertain the first few points you make.

    Obviously I cannot confirm this is 100% accurate but it's what a tutor said so I have no reason to doubt.
  • GemGem17
    GemGem17 Registered Posts: 30
    Sitting this exam for the second time tomorrow, good luck to everyone else sitting it this week! Here's hoping we have more passes this time round :) I'm personally finding that everything seems to be making a bit more sense to me now.
  • MissHermansen
    MissHermansen Registered Posts: 103
    GemGem17 said:

    Sitting this exam for the second time tomorrow, good luck to everyone else sitting it this week! Here's hoping we have more passes this time round :) I'm personally finding that everything seems to be making a bit more sense to me now.

    good luck and thank you- I am seriously struggling to revise, so I am unsure how well I will do after 7 months since the first sitting :'(
  • GemGem17
    GemGem17 Registered Posts: 30
    @MissHermansen That's the main problem, the length of time since the first time we sat the exam. Hopefully they've amended the exam and taken into consideration all of the complaints from previous sittings and we'll all be absolutely fine :)
  • MissHermansen
    MissHermansen Registered Posts: 103
    GemGem17 said:

    @MissHermansen That's the main problem, the length of time since the first time we sat the exam. Hopefully they've amended the exam and taken into consideration all of the complaints from previous sittings and we'll all be absolutely fine :)

    I sincerely hope so!!
  • gagan
    gagan Registered Posts: 69
    Good luck everyone. Please share your experience about this sitting
  • LewGallagher
    LewGallagher Registered Posts: 7
    Sat the exam this morning, didn’t seem to be any surprises and felt alright overall. Just can’t help feeling hugely unsure which I don’t tend to get with the modular ones. Good luck everyone!
  • gagan
    gagan Registered Posts: 69
    @LewGallagher How was task 4. That is really scary part
  • GemGem17
    GemGem17 Registered Posts: 30
    @LewGallagher that’s slightly reassuring that there weren’t any surprises, I think we’ll all feel a bit unsure over the synoptic until we pass the exam....!
  • LewGallagher
    LewGallagher Registered Posts: 7
    edited December 2017
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  • TashaJNB
    TashaJNB Registered Posts: 3
    Sitting this exam for the first time tomorrow and have really struggled to revise for it... I'm not sure I feel any better about it after reading the comments in this thread :open_mouth: Good luck everyone!
  • Multiplicator
    Multiplicator Registered Posts: 116
    Good luck - all of you
    take a deep breath - and breathe out......

    Retook level 3 (I am not prepared to do level 4 whatever so what on earth am I doing resitting a level 3 - there is obviously something very wrong with me that the AAT examiners have already identified)

    You paid for a course and an exam testing the knowledge gained from it. It is obvious that some of you have been damaged by this experience. You have been demoralised and dis(en)abled which is ..... not really the point of an AAT course. The point is - since AAT seem to have lost the plot on this - is to cupply a course and test the knowledge gained on it, and assist people on a career course.

    Anyway good luck - Oliver Dearlove
  • Lindi
    Lindi Registered Posts: 166
    edited December 2017
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  • GemGem17
    GemGem17 Registered Posts: 30
    @Lindi I was feeling far more positive about sitting the exam this time round, now I'm not too sure after reading your comments :( they tend to amend the questions each day so I'm hoping for a slightly easier one - budgeting and decision & control will definitely be my downfall in this exam...!
  • Lindi
    Lindi Registered Posts: 166
    @GemGem17 I was expecting it to be easier as well. I was far more prepared when sitting it in July than last night, mainly because I'd forgotten a lot of stuff already, and getting back into it a second time without tutoring was incredibly difficult. I have grown more confidence this time round though, and found myself calmer so took my time to read the questions. Even though I was still unsure of what they wanted from me, I tried to relay my answers in a confident manner, and tried to apply all I had learnt to the given situations. I figured I may as well make the most of it. If I can make any comment on it it would be there still wasn't enough time. By the time I have waded through all the tasks I only had 10 minutes remaining to go through and double check my answers. I would suggest AAT allocates additional reading time to allow the students to fully review and understand the scenario.

    Good luck and I'm sure it's just my insecurity talking.
  • GemGem17
    GemGem17 Registered Posts: 30
    @Lindi I feel far more prepared this time round bizarrely, I'm feeling more focused and determined but it could go out the window as soon as I sit down and start reading the questions. The way they word the questions does not help - when you read the sample answers it seems so straight forward sometimes and completely different from what they've asked. Approaching it calming will have helped I'm sure and answering the questions confidently! At least it's done for you now and you can count down to results day come January :)
  • Multiplicator
    Multiplicator Registered Posts: 116
    Oh Lindi ! - good luck by the way and have a good Xmas break.

    Did you see the email of the AAT members survey where 93% of the punters approve of AAT and all it stands for ?
    I thought of you whilst I laughed.

    anyway good luck
  • Venoxulous
    Venoxulous Registered Posts: 14
    How useful are people finding the pre-release materials?

    I've only taken one real look at a practice paper so far and thought the relevant pre-released for that particular practice exam was virtually useless.

    I mean sure you can calculate certain ratios such as gearing % but unless you're asked something like "How likely is this business to secure a loan in future", it's little help.

    So, has anyone else actually found the material useful to any degree? Is there a point in me calculating ratios and writing out some relevant points about each one or...?
  • martuska85
    martuska85 Registered Posts: 7
    edited December 2017
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  • gagan
    gagan Registered Posts: 69
    edited December 2017
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  • martuska85
    martuska85 Registered Posts: 7
    edited December 2017
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  • gagan
    gagan Registered Posts: 69
    edited December 2017
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  • gagan
    gagan Registered Posts: 69
    I'm really scared
  • GemGem17
    GemGem17 Registered Posts: 30
    edited December 2017
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  • Lindi
    Lindi Registered Posts: 166
    edited December 2017
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  • Lindi
    Lindi Registered Posts: 166
    edited December 2017
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  • GemGem17
    GemGem17 Registered Posts: 30
    edited December 2017
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