AAT Level 4 Synoptic Exam
exam on friday! dreading it! any last minute tips on key areas to revise? Ratios is an obvious but other than that i'm thinking of reading through all three books again0
> @Debbie021 said:
> Well I have just taken my Synoptic exam (first time) and was surprised I finished with an hour to spare. I feel I have written enough to gain 70% although I know some people have come out confident but failed so not counting my chickens.
> TBH it was not as bad as I expected and think it was one of the easier versions of the exam.
> There was many parts I was dreading but they never came up in my exam.
> I wrote enough to match the amount of marks awarded for each so hopefully some will count.
> I also checked my answers once finished but I must also add that I am a qualified typist so can type written answers extremely fast.
> Fingers crossed.
> How has everyone else done this week?
I sat mine today after previously failing and I also feel that the paper was so much better than the first one. I’m praying for a pass this time lol
Good luck for your results, let me know how you did!0 -
> @Ella95 said:
> exam on friday! dreading it! any last minute tips on key areas to revise? Ratios is an obvious but other than that i'm thinking of reading through all three books again
The tips I can give you is to read through the pre release and try and get a feel for GPL. Think of what it’s telling you (the Kaplan study kit £18 is great for this!!)
Go over the budgeting tutorial, know your budgets inside out, 110% go through MDCL. Do the green light tests on AAT. Read the examiners report. Do all the practise assessments you have and make sure to go through the answers to see where you can improve.
A tip for in the exam - use the marks awarded to suss out how much you need to write. If you’re in doubt I’m sure it’s always better to write a bit more even if it’s not required, better than not writing enough I guess?!
Good luck and let me know how you do!0 -
Does anyone have any pointers on where I can do some more revision on relevant costing? It seems to be the part of the exam that I do worst in.
Also, I've seen many people recommend the Kaplan study books, however, when I go to order them from Kaplan they are out of stock. Does anyone have any second hand books they would be able to pass on to me?
0 -
Can anyone tell me how to work out relevant costs and then the contribution costs?
I’ve sat this exam 4 times now ? highest mark I’ve got is 61%
Can anyone also give me all the budget types?
Or does anyone have any notes of budgeting and descion and control! I sat these exams over a year ago now and can’t really remember much even though I’ve gone through my notes a hundred times!!!
Thanks0 -
Can you please give me advice on the synoptic level 4. I'm particularly struggling with task 2 and task 4. Any help, advice or tips may come in handy. Since you've sat it so many times, you must be aware now of what kind of exam you're getting. Is it the similar each time? Or is it completely different to your previous sittings?Vmazzo said:Hi
Can anyone tell me how to work out relevant costs and then the contribution costs?
I’ve sat this exam 4 times now ? highest mark I’ve got is 61%
Can anyone also give me all the budget types?
Or does anyone have any notes of budgeting and descion and control! I sat these exams over a year ago now and can’t really remember much even though I’ve gone through my notes a hundred times!!!
I just don't know where to start. I have already had a look at the BPP resources and there just seems to be so much to remember.
A lot of people are recommending the Kaplan books, however I am on a tight budget which is why I am trying to get as much advice and tips on this exam. Thanks0 -
> @Joe1997_ said:
> Hi
> Can anyone tell me how to work out relevant costs and then the contribution costs?
> I’ve sat this exam 4 times now ? highest mark I’ve got is 61%
> Can anyone also give me all the budget types?
> Or does anyone have any notes of budgeting and descion and control! I sat these exams over a year ago now and can’t really remember much even though I’ve gone through my notes a hundred times!!!
> Thanks
> Can you please give me advice on the synoptic level 4. I'm particularly struggling with task 2 and task 4. Any help, advice or tips may come in handy. Since you've sat it so many times, you must be aware now of what kind of exam you're getting. Is it the similar each time? Or is it completely different to your previous sittings?
> I just don't know where to start. I have already had a look at the BPP resources and there just seems to be so much to remember.
> A lot of people are recommending the Kaplan books, however I am on a tight budget which is why I am trying to get as much advice and tips on this exam. Thanks
I’ve sat this exam again after failing the first time and I found the re sit somewhat easier... still awaiting my results but I feel like I should have passed now (HOPEFULLY)!! I do recommend the Kaplan kit - for those still sitting I can email you some resources if you’re still struggling?0 -
I don't want to sound harsh but you really need to be going back through your study books thoroughly I'm afraid. You are now aware of the types of questions that you could be asked and, just as importantly, the way in which they are asked - so use that knowledge to focus your revision. All of MABU was based on different budget types so you will get a wealth of practice on budgets in there. In terms of relevant costs, have a look on the internet - that is what I did in the end as there was only one small piece on relevant costs in my book so went looking for more information and practice questions - and there is an awful lot on the web to explore about relevant costs..Vmazzo said:Hi
Can anyone tell me how to work out relevant costs and then the contribution costs?
I’ve sat this exam 4 times now ? highest mark I’ve got is 61%
Can anyone also give me all the budget types?
Or does anyone have any notes of budgeting and descion and control! I sat these exams over a year ago now and can’t really remember much even though I’ve gone through my notes a hundred times!!!
At the end of the day, you will learn far more by exploring the topics yourself so that you can fully understand the underlying concepts and then be in a position to apply those concepts to the questions posed. I personally have an issue with using other people's notes as people learn in different ways and what makes sense to one person may not necessarily make sense to someone else, leaving the reader none the wiser and more confused on a topic.
Further, tasks 2 and 4 are only 15% of the marks each, whereas tasks 1 and 5 are 20% each. Look to see how you scored on those two tasks and if you did not get exceeded on them then you will be able to see where some easyish marks might be available which will likely raise your mark above the magic 70%.
Oh, and I know how anxious you must be feeling - it took me 4 attempts to pass this one0 -
> @Joe1997_ said:
> Hi
> Can anyone tell me how to work out relevant costs and then the contribution costs?
> I’ve sat this exam 4 times now ? highest mark I’ve got is 61%
> Can anyone also give me all the budget types?
> Or does anyone have any notes of budgeting and descion and control! I sat these exams over a year ago now and can’t really remember much even though I’ve gone through my notes a hundred times!!!
> Thanks
> Can you please give me advice on the synoptic level 4. I'm particularly struggling with task 2 and task 4. Any help, advice or tips may come in handy. Since you've sat it so many times, you must be aware now of what kind of exam you're getting. Is it the similar each time? Or is it completely different to your previous sittings?
> I just don't know where to start. I have already had a look at the BPP resources and there just seems to be so much to remember.
> A lot of people are recommending the Kaplan books, however I am on a tight budget which is why I am trying to get as much advice and tips on this exam. Thanks
I have osbourne Kaplan and BPP material.
Kaplan is very helpful!!
I have found the same questions do come up but my problem is that I don’t understand what they want to write! That’s why I keep failing. I didn’t particularly do well In the written sections of any of the exams. I wish the synoptic had more calculations questions.
I have been exceeding tasks 1 and 5 and getting a met in task 6 and 3 but the budget and decision and control questions is where I lose all the marks
I don’t know how I should be strutting my answer. Will give it another attempt in August!
Trying to not give up!!!0 -
I have osbourne Kaplan and BPP material.
Kaplan is very helpful!!
I have found the same questions do come up but my problem is that I don’t understand what they want to write! That’s why I keep failing. I didn’t particularly do well In the written sections of any of the exams. I wish the synoptic had more calculations questions.
I have been exceeding tasks 1 and 5 and getting a met in task 6 and 3 but the budget and decision and control questions is where I lose all the marks
I don’t know how I should be strutting my answer. Will give it another attempt in August!
Trying to not give up!!!
Don't give up now VMazzo, you've come too far. Ok, couple of tips for you (oh and don't forget the examiner's feedback also available on the AAT website):
1. Have you clearly linked the pre-release with the answers? In my last exam, I made sure I included something from the pre-release in every answer, except, obviously, task 5. As you've got Kaplan, have a look at their 'walk through' session on the pre-release - it's got some helpful tips.
2. Look very carefully at how many marks are for each section of q3 and q6 - I thought I'd answered it really well before realising that I needed to put a lot more information in (I had only answered part of the question asked, not the whole question). So type in the answer box the key words that you need to deal with so you can't forget to include these in your answer.
3. I really do recommend you doing an internet search for concepts such as relevant costs and contribution. Trust me, you will be surprised how much is out there on it and it will link nicely with contribution costs with D&C does go into detail with.
5. Read the question twice before heading straight into your answer. Read it the first time, have look at the information you have in front of you, then read the question again. Take your time now as it will save you so much time later.
6. Final tip - ensure that you do the online learning on AAT site which takes you through the action words and how to structure your answer around them (explain, discuss, etc). Yes very boring I know, but crucial if you are to gain the extra marks you need by answering the question set and not the one we would all like AAT to be happy with.0 -
Lol m> @aat2200 said:
> > @Ella95 said:
> > exam on friday! dreading it! any last minute tips on key areas to revise? Ratios is an obvious but other than that i'm thinking of reading through all three books again
> The tips I can give you is to read through the pre release and try and get a feel for GPL. Think of what it’s telling you (the Kaplan study kit £18 is great for this!!)
> Go over the budgeting tutorial, know your budgets inside out, 110% go through MDCL. Do the green light tests on AAT. Read the examiners report. Do all the practise assessments you have and make sure to go through the answers to see where you can improve.
> A tip for in the exam - use the marks awarded to suss out how much you need to write. If you’re in doubt I’m sure it’s always better to write a bit more even if it’s not required, better than not writing enough I guess?!
> Good luck and let me know how you do!
@aat2200 - When i took the exam - i got 75% way through the exam and the aat software failed on me. I couldnt click on anything and it wouldnt even let me end the assessment. So i had to leave a write a report to AAT! obviously AAT have come back and said NOTHING - not even an appology!!! I sit it again on 13/08/2018!! i felt the exam was a nice exam - not as difficult and daunting as i thought it would be! Do not think i will get an exam like that this time! Do not feel anywhere as prepared as last time - just going to smash a lot of revision this week and hope for the best! Once this is out the way i have a 3 week break of just waiting for results to come in!! So at least i can have a bit of a break!! thanks for the tips! they did help and i will do the same this time!!0 -
Hi all,
Help needed!
Got the exam for this next Monday (13th), I have used the Osbourne tutorial and workbook and also the Kaplan study text. I dont know what can and can't be disclosed on this forum. Anyhow, anyone got any tips for the exam? Will the study books that i have used suffice for the exam? Is the exam similar to the kaplan or osbourne practice assesments?
K0 -
Can you share the feedback that you go for the other 3 tasks, as i have been informed that ive got:345 said:I passed all my previous exams in first attempt 86%, 86%, 95%. I thought I was well prepared for the synoptic.
I sat my exam in May.
I find that it was not enough time to answer all questions (which were very tricky).
Task 2 - was written in such way that it was difficult to understand how to answer it. After my exam, I spent hours and hours trying to find some ideas on the Internet. I just wanted to prove to myself if my answer for that question was right; but I could not find anything similar.
I received my result last Friday 68%. For task 2 I got 'significantly below'. If I had same question again, I would not know how to answer it any differently.
Task 3 and 6 - I was confident that I've done it well; however, I got 'Borderline'.
I do not know how to prepare myself for re-sitting as I do not understand why I received such low marks.
I would be very grateful for any tips on how to achieve good marks on task 2, 3 and 6.
It feels too close to call and get my actual mark tomorrow0 -
I sat the Synoptic Exam in May 2022 & it was based on Horizon Hot Tubs Ltd. (little rant)
Being in the freight & logistics sector myself i thought this would be a breeze.
reality i got 61% & i feel there was some questionable marking going on here.
Q2 was a cash budget (pre released stated cashflow changed from 100% up front to 20% up front & the remaining 80% 1 week before delivery)
Q2 asked for 3 assumptions of the cash budget & I gave the examiners 4
Q3 was about a payroll process with the purchase ledger supervisor supervising the payroll clerk (P/L supervisor had no payroll experience) they asked for 5 issues & impacts, I gave them 6/7
Q4 was regarding the transportation & shipping of the hot tubs, i felt my answer was sufficient (i dont remember much of this question)
Q6 was a SWOT analysis question.
I listed more than enough Strengths, weakness, opportunities & threats for a respectable mark.
i previously sat the exam in Q4 of 2021 where i got 67% when the pre-release was on some kind of sustainable vegan food company.
The exam i sat in May 2022 felt a lot better than Q4 2021 & i specifically targeted Q2,3,4 & 6 in my revision.
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