FRA - Yay!!!! It's over!!!



  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    *Jo wrote: »
    I put both the accrual and the prepayment as a debit as my trial balance didn't balance without doing this, so hopefully got it right???

    i put the accrule as the opening balance db
    db bank
    cr prepayment
  • *Jo
    *Jo Registered Posts: 509 Epic contributor 🐘
    opps ok so meant i put them both as a credit...durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!
  • sazzle01
    sazzle01 Registered Posts: 25 Regular contributor ⭐
    A-Vic wrote: »
    i put the accrule as the opening balance db
    db bank
    cr prepayment

    I think i put the bank on the credit side cause i looked as it as in the rent account, i credited the bank payment as i was reducing the expense am i wrong here?, i have the rent for the year (Balancing figure) as a debit but i think i got my accrual wrong as i put that as a debit as Accural (credit) and a
    prepayment is a (debit) so i put that on the credit side of rent, not sure what my total was but i know my tb was out by £4000 which is to do with the
    prepayment but ran out of time so put into suspense account, its scary reading these forums cause i am getting depressed now :confused1::thumbdown::crying::crying::crying:
  • Esme
    Esme Registered Posts: 711 Epic contributor 🐘
    I think they were both a credit, and the balance c.d
  • HayleyB
    HayleyB Registered Posts: 27 Regular contributor ⭐
    Think the accrual should have been your bal b/d on the cr side, and the 2,000 was prepayment on cr side. Hope I was right anyway!! Oh well thank god its over!
  • DaveIOW
    DaveIOW Registered Posts: 85 Regular contributor ⭐
    Anyone catch the trick in the second to last question?

    List the current liability that would appear in the balance sheet? I put Bank (credit balance) Accrual, creditors and loan.

    Then when i was reading through I remembered that it mentioned the loan wouldnt be paid till 2010 therefore making it a long term liability rather than a current one!

  • acc1077
    acc1077 Registered Posts: 138 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    The bank had a payment 9??? to rent on the credit side so surely on the rent t account that wouldbe on the debit side or is this third glass of wine getting to me lol
  • HayleyB
    HayleyB Registered Posts: 27 Regular contributor ⭐
    sazzle01 wrote: »
    I think i put the bank on the credit side cause i looked as it as in the rent account, i credited the bank payment as i was reducing the expense am i wrong here?, i have the rent for the year (Balancing figure) as a debit but i think i got my accrual wrong as i put that as a debit as Accural (credit) and a
    prepayment is a (debit) so i put that on the credit side of rent, not sure what my total was but i know my tb was out by £4000 which is to do with the
    prepayment but ran out of time so put into suspense account, its scary reading these forums cause i am getting depressed now :confused1::thumbdown::crying::crying::crying:
    No point stressing. I did that with ECR in June and for some miraculous reason I passed even though I didn't have the same answer as one single person! Think positive!!!
  • lopez
    lopez Registered Posts: 5 New contributor 🐸
    I had the accrual and prepayment on the cr side and had a rent for the year fig of £7150. I think!!!
  • CJC77
    CJC77 Registered Posts: 62 Regular contributor ⭐
    DaveIOW wrote: »
    Anyone catch the trick in the second to last question?

    List the current assets that would appear in the balance sheet? I put Bank (credit balance) Accrual, creditors and loan.

    Then when i was reading through I remembered that it mentioned the loan wouldnt be paid till 2010 therefore making it a long term liability rather than a current one!


    Why would our creditors be an asset - they are our liability - it is our debtors that are an asset surely?
  • Registered Posts: 94 Regular contributor ⭐
    What profit did you get for the P&L? I got £19,525. I balanced so hopefully get points anyway for what I did.

    How nice is it to not have to pick up a book, until next year anyway!

    Is anyone going to start the last year now?:huh:
  • acc1077
    acc1077 Registered Posts: 138 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Bum I missed that one I put it as a current liability
  • HayleyB
    HayleyB Registered Posts: 27 Regular contributor ⭐
    DaveIOW wrote: »
    Anyone catch the trick in the second to last question?

    List the current assets that would appear in the balance sheet? I put Bank (credit balance) Accrual, creditors and loan.

    Then when i was reading through I remembered that it mentioned the loan wouldnt be paid till 2010 therefore making it a long term liability rather than a current one!

    I only put bank and accrual, Was there any creditors? Can't remember!!
  • DaveIOW
    DaveIOW Registered Posts: 85 Regular contributor ⭐
    CJC77 wrote: »
    Why would our creditors be an asset - they are our liability - it is our debtors that are an asset surely?

    Sorry meant current liability not assets!
  • CJC77
    CJC77 Registered Posts: 62 Regular contributor ⭐
    What profit did you get for the P&L? I got £19,525. I balanced so hopefully get points anyway for what I did.

    How nice is it to not have to pick up a book, until next year anyway!

    Is anyone going to start the last year now?:huh:

    Lucky you - we only started Intermediate in September, so still have the whole ECR work to do as well as unit 7 (whatever that is?)
  • acc1077
    acc1077 Registered Posts: 138 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    I have simulation in fortnights time then hopefully thats the end of level 3 for me. Level 4 still in air - as work committments and funding an issue.
  • wastewe
    wastewe Registered Posts: 12 New contributor 🐸
    DaveIOW wrote: »
    Anyone catch the trick in the second to last question?

    List the current assets that would appear in the balance sheet? I put Bank (credit balance) Accrual, creditors and loan.

    Then when i was reading through I remembered that it mentioned the loan wouldnt be paid till 2010 therefore making it a long term liability rather than a current one!


    I put a note in saying that the loan was a long term liability, not repayable within one year, so am hoping it will make up for other glaring inadequacies!
  • lopez
    lopez Registered Posts: 5 New contributor 🐸
    I only put bank and accruals. Don't think there was any creditors or did I miss something? I got the profit figure of £20,000.
  • smelleykins
    smelleykins Registered Posts: 5 New contributor 🐸
    I didn't find the exam as bad as i thought it was going to be. The past exam papers seemed alot harder. The stock question threw me complety and i ended up picking a figure which was wrong i know. And my TB didnt' balance at first so had to stick a suspense in towards the end.

    On the second part i think i got a profit of around 20,175 or something like that. Was just so happy i could get the thing to balance... and have the difference on P&L and B&S be what i needed!!! haha.

    Roll on Feb now as i want to know hwo ive done. But back to college for me tomorrow to start costings and professional ethnics!! Oh the joys xxx
  • Pinkjo
    Pinkjo Registered Posts: 88 Regular contributor ⭐
    I put provision for doubtful debts as well
  • HayleyB
    HayleyB Registered Posts: 27 Regular contributor ⭐
    That's what i thought and got the same figure as well. I didn't think here was any creditors as there was no Purchase Ledger Control on ETB.
  • Esme
    Esme Registered Posts: 711 Epic contributor 🐘
    DaveIOW wrote: »
    Anyone catch the trick in the second to last question?

    List the current liability that would appear in the balance sheet? I put Bank (credit balance) Accrual, creditors and loan.

    Then when i was reading through I remembered that it mentioned the loan wouldnt be paid till 2010 therefore making it a long term liability rather than a current one!


    There wasn't any creditors was there? I put bank and accrual
  • CJC77
    CJC77 Registered Posts: 62 Regular contributor ⭐
    HayleyB wrote: »
    I only put bank and accrual, Was there any creditors? Can't remember!!

    3 things for 'current liabilities'?

    I put :
    Bank (it was overdrawn)


    da da da

    I could only see one other possibility which was the provision for doubtful debts

    There was only a SLC i think (no PLC), so the debtors could not be used as they are an asset - If I is wrong, then roll on June for the resit :thumbup1:
  • HayleyB
    HayleyB Registered Posts: 27 Regular contributor ⭐
    What profit did you get for the P&L? I got £19,525. I balanced so hopefully get points anyway for what I did.

    How nice is it to not have to pick up a book, until next year anyway!

    Is anyone going to start the last year now?:huh:
    Yes starting it in Jan, can't decide if I want to do it in 1 or 2 years. Anyone have any suggestion??
  • smelleykins
    smelleykins Registered Posts: 5 New contributor 🐸
    Ooo did they only ask for three?? cos i put the loan in even though i originally highlighted the 2010 part! haha hopefully they'll decide to ignore than and go with the others i put instead! x
  • mazzy
    mazzy Registered Posts: 13 New contributor 🐸
    Closing Stock Figure??

    The selling price of the stock £19,800 was vat inclusive wasn't it? being 165% of cost

    wouldn't this make the closing stock figure of £12,000 includung vat

    £12000-17.5 % =£9.900 closing stock figure on the TB

    Lower of cost price or NRV - if you are vat registered your 'purchase cost' would be the net value not vat inclusive.

    Anyone else get this rather than £12000

  • HayleyB
    HayleyB Registered Posts: 27 Regular contributor ⭐
    mazzy wrote: »
    Closing Stock Figure??

    The selling price of the stock £19,800 was vat inclusive wasn't it? being 165% of cost

    wouldn't this make the closing stock figure of £12,000 includung vat

    £12000-17.5 % =£9.900 closing stock figure on the TB

    Lower of cost price or NRV - if you are vat registered your 'purchase cost' would be the net value not vat inclusive.

    Anyone else get this rather than £12000

    I thought it said excluding VAT. Hope it did coz I put 12000!
  • Esme
    Esme Registered Posts: 711 Epic contributor 🐘
    I put 12,000 too.. got well confusd on this question at first but then divided by 1.65
  • Pinkjo
    Pinkjo Registered Posts: 88 Regular contributor ⭐
    It did say excluding VAT - didn't it :confused1:
  • acc1077
    acc1077 Registered Posts: 138 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    so did i:huh:

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