What did you think of the PCR exam



  • gini76
    gini76 Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
    renae wrote: »
    I'm with you gini, & when I fail I will def. be appealing!
    against the exam for me
  • Marcus007
    Marcus007 Registered Posts: 5 New contributor 🐸
    Dear jesus......that was Painful

    I have to say that I would have rather sat on burning coals for 3 hours than sit that exam.

    I know the fundements were the same but the exam layout was so so so different to anything before.

    It fustrates me so much to work so hard and then to know you have done bad and it all starts again.

    The exam was alot more complex than others and no one left before 3 hours which is very rare.

    Help...Im Gutted
  • zebs
    zebs Registered Posts: 5 New contributor 🐸
    ha! if i fail it - then i'm giving up and taking my toys in!! DFS was ok yest - got that in the bag i reckon (how embarrasing if i dont!) but not confident - just wandering around with a small feeling of deflatedness!! :001_unsure:
  • oxongirl78
    oxongirl78 Registered Posts: 13 New contributor 🐸
    I was expecting a change in the paper, as my tutor warned me about it months ago.
    I thought it was good because it made me concentrate harder on the questions and (hopefully) has reduced the risk of stupid mistakes born out of complacency.

    I did think that the amount of information to absorb was far greater than previous papers, and lots more calculations to do.
    However this meant there was less theory, which is always good in my books! Plus I thought the questions were worded better and were far less confusing than some of the past papers.

    I don't think we've got anything to complain about, generally. It was a good paper and I feel as confident as I could possibly do, without knowing the results.

    Good luck everyone!
  • gini76
    gini76 Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
    me to :( i just cant do this anymore
  • zebs
    zebs Registered Posts: 5 New contributor 🐸
    Pigpen wrote: »
    Zebs - I think you are referring to section 1 - But there was an apparent reason for the calculations being in the order they were in, included in the text - We just can't discuss the reasons why yet

    I appreciate that we can't discuss yet - itching too!! Tell you though, can't see the apparent reason at this point, will wait til 3pm! I managed to get it finished at least - worked on the basis that there were alternative answers (in my opinion) and so put every possible calculation in there 'just in case' then got up and left at 12! Needed to get home for me bacon butty! :001_rolleyes:
  • Pigpen
    Pigpen Registered Posts: 331 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Hopefully there will be alot of allowance built into the marking of this paper as it is somewhat controversial - Hope you enjoyed your bacon buttie - I am going to get ceremonioulsy trashed later after that and Pev on Monday lol
  • najki_2000
    najki_2000 Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸
    yeah, true, the layout was a bit different, but nothing scary..but that 'revised' task in part 1 did really blow me off ... cant wait to find out how that was supposed to be calculated...I know that once I see the suggested answers I will just think: 'now, that was easy, why didnt I think of that?' :))
  • elnino2201
    elnino2201 Registered Posts: 11 New contributor 🐸
    Due to the layout change i have no idea whether i have done well or not, i had the same answers up to 1.4 with a classmate, so either were both wrong or both ok, i am not to worried about it though, as allowances will be made due to the new layout, i know i messed up the last part of section 2 regarding forecasting, my mind went blank... but as soon as i left the room it came to me :( all in all 1st section not good, second section ok. i was pleased about no reallocation of stocks or production levels were required!
  • gini76
    gini76 Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
    forecasting where??? in which part please u mean the variance part?
  • elnino2201
    elnino2201 Registered Posts: 11 New contributor 🐸
    2.3 re forecasting future sales......
  • Staffz
    Staffz Registered Posts: 40 Regular contributor ⭐
    In all opinions on this paper seem vary varied, out of 33 sitting at my College, only 3 were ok with the set out - I was one of them!

    I have to say I found the first few questions a little difficult to decide on what was being asked, and only realized after starting the next one and realizing it was the same result and the initial one wasn't asking what I'd though. It clarified itself, but took up valuable time erasing answers and re-doing them with newly interpreted meaning of the question. I feel for anyone who's first language is not English though, as between the wording and the report and memo requirement lots of time was taken up.

    The second section was much better, and followed the usual format so easy enough to understand.

    PCR is one of those subjects that you either get or take ages over, if you are mathematical it is great, if you learn how to apply formulas it isn't. Definitely you are either a PEV person or a PCR person - to be both naturally is extremely good luck!
  • gini76
    gini76 Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
    sorry im still in shock
  • GreenTea
    GreenTea Registered Posts: 13 New contributor 🐸
    I am also in Shock, it wasn't so much the layout but the amount of info & wording that threw me !!!!
  • Shiv
    Shiv Registered Posts: 3 New contributor 🐸
    I was so upset by this exam, the worst one I have taken. I'm annoyed as I studied so hard for this exam and I kept changing my answers to the revised part in section 1. When are the answers available on the website?:thumbdown:
  • GreenTea
    GreenTea Registered Posts: 13 New contributor 🐸
    I suppose the bonus is we can all now think about Christmas :-)
  • GreenTea
    GreenTea Registered Posts: 13 New contributor 🐸
    Answers don't come out until after we have our Results in Feb !
  • Emma555
    Emma555 Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸
    PCR paper

    feeling more confident about this paper than PEV on Monday. All hail to new examiner, it was more obivous what was being asked in the questions, please can he write PEV resit for June :001_tt2:
  • ^Joe
    ^Joe Registered Posts: 35 Regular contributor ⭐
    monka wrote: »
    i just sat PCR and i feel very upset. can someone tell what figures you used for openning and closing stock in 1.2?

    Are you referring to the ones that are already given in the first question (for opening), and then for closing it was to reduce the figure by 'X'% ??
    gini76 wrote: »
    Im fed up of studying my ass of for ages and then some guy decides to lump us with a christmas present becuase hes in a bad mood.

    no way totally unfair and its not why i started doing this

    I don't think that's fair, It wasn't a MASSIVE change to the recent papers, they asked for the same sort of things, and I actually thought it was laid out easier than previous (especially section 2)

    I was quite happy to be honest, took my time, and kept double checking. :001_smile:
  • gini76
    gini76 Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
    Emma555 wrote: »
    feeling more confident about this paper than PEV on Monday. All hail to new examiner, it was more obivous what was being asked in the questions, please can he write PEV resit for June :001_tt2:

    er he wrote both papers

    u had to edit closing stocK? doesnt it say to ignore it for the second part of the question
  • jh999
    jh999 Registered Posts: 17 New contributor 🐸
    I thought the paper was fairly self explanatory and straightforward. Famous last words, but I think it went well :001_smile:
    monka wrote: »
    i just sat PCR and i feel very upset. can someone tell what figures you used for openning and closing stock in 1.2?

    If this is the correct question, I used the closing 15,000 from the closing accounts as the opening stock and the 5,000 the supplementary info said you were reducing to as the closing stock.
  • gini76
    gini76 Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
    ^Joe wrote: »
    Are you referring to the ones that are already given in the first question (for opening), and then for closing it was to reduce the figure by 'X'% ??

    I don't think that's fair, It wasn't a MASSIVE change to the recent papers, they asked for the same sort of things, and I actually thought it was laid out easier than previous (especially section 2)

    I was quite happy to be honest, took my time, and kept double checking. :001_smile:

    as i said before everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
  • andrewtdk
    andrewtdk Registered Posts: 150 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    ive always considered it that its the content we are being examined on and the layout usualy being the same is just a bonus. I know it can throw you at first but to me they seemed like the same questions but just worded differently just like they are in workbooks etc.

    Anyway are we allowed to post about the actualy figures now? i was expecting loads of posts as soon as it hit 3
  • gini76
    gini76 Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
    me too
  • ^Joe
    ^Joe Registered Posts: 35 Regular contributor ⭐
    jh999 wrote: »
    I thought the paper was fairly self explanatory and straightforward. Famous last words, but I think it went well :001_smile:

    If this is the correct question, I used the closing 15,000 from the closing accounts as the opening stock and the 5,000 the supplementary info said you were reducing to as the closing stock.

    They're the ones I got mate. :thumbup1:
    gini76 wrote: »
    as i said before everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

    And I'm just airing mine. :thumbup:
  • ambitious
    ambitious Banned User Posts: 93 Regular contributor ⭐
    elnino2201 wrote: »
    2.3 re forecasting future sales......

    I listed linear regression as a possible stastical solution to their forecasting problem.
  • andrewtdk
    andrewtdk Registered Posts: 150 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Seeing as though there arent many answers ill post what i can remeber.

    Anyone get 311500 adverse for profit variance in section 2?
  • GreenTea
    GreenTea Registered Posts: 13 New contributor 🐸
    andrewtdk wrote: »
    Seeing as though there arent many answers ill post what i can remeber.

    Anyone get 311500 adverse for variance in section 2?

    Yes I also got that :thumbup1:
  • gini76
    gini76 Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
    one more thing before i start studying for june again :mad2:

    to recalculate the labour did u use the overtime as well as a separate part to compare with?

    as in

    Just with the hrs x1.40 = xxx
    then using overtime( same units) x overtime rate= xxxx

    i did this then i compared the whole stock rate usin overtime and normal and then using normal overtime + subcontacting out.

    Bascially i compared it 3 ways.

    did anyone else do it like this
  • andrewtdk
    andrewtdk Registered Posts: 150 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    i think ive done ok on section 2 but i was hoping people would have been throwing figures around for section 1. im hoping someone will do the answers to this as i think ill remember when i see the figures

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