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Discussion of exam papers



  • *Data Input* officer
    *Data Input* officer Registered Posts: 59 Regular contributor ⭐
    CC86 wrote: »
    Yer hopefully they'll lower it.
    If they don't there's no chance for me!! What a time to do an exam! Nice thing to have to worry about all over Xmas!
    The wages jhournal threw me a bit 2! I think it was a bit of a trick question!!
    Perhaps you would not have worried if you would have taken it more seriously and put some work in.
  • saied
    saied Registered Posts: 3 New contributor 🐸
    Managing systems and people in an accounting env.

    where do i start guys?:confused1:
  • Studyhard
    Studyhard Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸

    can someone give me tips how 2 to consolidation & reconciliation and Index nos, any help will do!!!
  • kamthanki
    kamthanki Registered Posts: 6 New contributor 🐸
    Hay guys hope u all oryt?

    Sorry to distrube u all.

    Just wondering what was in the ection 1?

    And what lavel r u guys discussing about?

    Coz i'm in foundation and im bit scared for my june exam.

    and ive absolutely no idea what's gonna be, and how is its gonna be my exam?

    Please any advice what should i do at this time would be much appreciate.

  • taskey
    taskey Registered Posts: 1,800 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️

    gives past exam papers

    Look through them and see how you get on
  • Rumana_g
    Rumana_g Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸
    Simulation D1895

    I am doing FRA Simulation D1895 and do not understand Task 8 with regards to calculating closing stock.
    Can anyone help pls!!!
  • Cullen
    Cullen Registered Posts: 592 Epic contributor 🐘
    Hi Rumana,

    I think you may have got a better response if you posted in the Intermediate section of the student forum.

    If you haven't resolved this query, I haven't checked elsewhere, here is your answer:

    You must value stock at the lower of cost or selling price(NRV, net realisable value)

    So when you look at the list of items with two valuations you should select the lowest value. So "other" should be valued at £3312.00.

    If an item is damaged or for some reason cannot be sold at the full price we must check to see whether this will affect the value of our stock.

    We see that the paper is valued at £32,254.80, however £6500 is to be reduced by 25%.

    £6500 x 25% = £1625.00.

    £32,254.8 - £1625.00 = £30,629.80.

    We can now add up all the values of our inventory:

  • Jon_1984
    Jon_1984 Registered Posts: 186 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Surprised the original purpose of this topic hasnt been rehashed recently??? Have the AAT forgotten the board exists?:tongue_smilie:
  • sy-co
    sy-co Registered Posts: 3 New contributor 🐸
    Hi first time I'm using this. Quick question has anything changed in PTC as in will the shares still be in the paper?
    MOHMEDSALIM PATEL Registered Posts: 184 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    some questions

    I do not understand why examiner using complicated language, yes i do believe in work scenario complication arise but we than can resolve either communicate directly or ask for assistant,in exam scenario it is impossible to communicate therefore using complicate wording does not aim to test students knowledge but I believe they have another purpose which is to trip up us.

    how many are you think the way i am thinking.
  • Gingerheid
    Gingerheid Registered Posts: 12 New contributor 🐸
    To me the language seems ok; very straightforward and absolutely equivalent to what I would come across in real life.

    I've only looked at a question and felt ill because I haven't studied enough, never because I couldn't work out what they were asking :blushing:
  • Lexy
    Lexy Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
    Unit 9 June 09


    Sorry to change the subject but how did anyone find the Unit 9 exam? I expected it to have something about Production/Material Budgets etc and was shocked to find it didnt...or I am wondering if I completely messed it up and got the wrong end of the stick?


  • taskey
    taskey Registered Posts: 1,800 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    if you look under the technician part of the forum you will find lots of posts where people have discussed the paper plus some answers they had.

    hope that helps

  • dgforkings
    dgforkings Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
    ECR exam?FRA exam

    most of our class found ECR exam was really hard compared to past exams, we study hard but still not enough to understand everything in the is so confusing..specially the stock valuation...why it made it so complicated!!:confused1:
    The FRA exam i found it really hard... I did not manage to balance it all, why is that??its because of the Cost of Goods Sold that been added on the triall is so confusing..and i dont think i will pass is much harder compared to past exams.:thumbdown:
  • English Muffin
    English Muffin Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸
    I do not understand why examiner using complicated language, yes i do believe in work scenario complication arise but we than can resolve either communicate directly or ask for assistant,in exam scenario it is impossible to communicate therefore using complicate wording does not aim to test students knowledge but I believe they have another purpose which is to trip up us.

    how many are you think the way i am thinking.
    From when it was asking the value of the Fixtures only and not value of Fixtures and fittings which through me as I was unsure whether this was a typo error or a trick question, all in all the paper wording was confusing and you are right . . in an exam situation we can't put our hand up and ask . . . "what does this question mean".

    Resit for me I guess.
  • britfil09
    britfil09 Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
    improving our english language


    I am a foreigner too my friend, I understand your situation, however; to be honest with you, I did not encounter any complicated words or phrases that are confusing in the exam. Don't get me wrong my friend by saying, if and only if we try our best to learn, read and communicate as often as possible this english language...any exams in AAT that you will encounter in the future will be as easy as reading our own languages...this is just an advice for you my friend.

  • aly
    aly Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
    Last 5 min i realized my mistake

    In PCR exam this june i made a silly mistake on the 1st question of section1
    which made my rest of answers wrong. Only 5 min were left to give the paper back..i started changing the values and messedup i was so sure i knew the correct answer im so worried I wish i pass :crying:
  • cs_1988
    cs_1988 Registered Posts: 231 Dedicated contributor 🦉

    It will be classed as a carried forward error, you should only lose a couple of marks!!

  • AK002
    AK002 Registered Posts: 2,492 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    If you have carried forward the wrong amount, you will only be peanlised once.

    Providing that you use the 'wrong' amount in the rest of the section it should still pass.
  • poojahmy
    poojahmy Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
    Pev-aat nvq 4

    I sat PEV exams in Jun 09. I am dreading the result on the 18th Aug. I was so disappointed in section 1. I am almost sure I have failed it. I worked so hard and wasted 1 week's annual leave from work for nothing. I just circled round in soap question and have made errors and corrections in the first question. Not so tidy work.

    Am I the only one or does anyone else feel the same.

    I did complete the student survey re the exam feedback re this. Hope many other students did the same.
  • messedup89
    messedup89 Registered Posts: 1,281 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    i sat PEV and PCR and think their both touch ago whether i pass or fail :crying:
  • beaneygirl
    beaneygirl Registered Posts: 79 Regular contributor ⭐
    me too. I did loads of past papers without a problem but this years exam was terrible!
  • Susie79
    Susie79 Registered Posts: 7 New contributor 🐸
    June 09 DFS exam section 2

    I was very dissapointed to hear I had failed section 2 of the DFS exam, along with so many of my colleagues! We all passed the PEV exam and section 1 of DFS but for some strange reason all failed section 2! :cursing:

    I have put my appeal forward and I hope that it will be looked into as we have all worked so hard for this and being the first fail I've had, it makes it very dis-heartening indeed.

    Has anyone else had a similar result?
    What can we do about it?
  • AK002
    AK002 Registered Posts: 2,492 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    ^ Would be good to hear the outcome of this!
  • abiv
    abiv Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
    I failed DFS part B as did many i know, also PEV as well... both had a ratio question in so not sure if I slipped up but I know on DFS they mentioned about a change in standard which many did not answer correctly, i was one who learnt what i was taught word for word to find what i was told was wrong... think my local centre will investigate but they probably won't bother!
  • Urmila
    Urmila Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
    About certification

    Can we give direct exam without attanding classes?
  • Portsmouth_AAT
    Portsmouth_AAT Registered Posts: 96 Regular contributor ⭐
    Urmila wrote: »
    Can we give direct exam without attanding classes?

    You can just enter exams online at your chosen venue. You do not have to attend classes.
  • ladygee.akafunky
    ladygee.akafunky Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
    pcr june 2009

    neva thought culd fail the pcr paper up until the results were out. They told me i hav failed the section 1 part...u knw i went lyk (what??nop this aint ma paper) bt hey what more culd i've bn done,it was ma paper n i jst had 2 admit dat i hav failed the paper. Now m jst scared cz i wil be sitting 4 the same paper dis comin dec. got no clue how the paper wil be lyk bt hey guys m so so scared cz i dnt wana fail the paper again.
  • dani.b
    dani.b Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
    AAT exams June 2009

    I had to re-sit my PEV and PCR along with my first attempt at DFS in June. I ended up passing my PEV and PCR, but my DFS paper was lost!!! I have no choice but to re-sit that now in December... I'm absolutley gutted! I can't believe that DFS is the only unit without a simulation, because if they had that, i may have been able to get a pass with that. I'm really worried now whether or not my exam script will just get lost again...
  • hoobs
    hoobs Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸

    I am about to sit the dfs exam in December. Bit worried as our college had no tutor for us. Was just wondering I'm the exam papers of says to complete the proformas. Are these actually set out for us or do we have to put in all the wording too? I'm finding this studying stressful and self study is hard. This is my last exam, any advice?
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