AAT Level 4 Synoptic Exam



  • unicorn1905
    unicorn1905 Registered Posts: 47
    @Vilma what is an analytical method?
  • Vilma
    Vilma Registered Posts: 11
    SWOT analysis, Cost - benefit analysis, Assessing the benefits (no cost involved), Cost saving analysis - When you assess if the proposed change is worthful
  • Vilma
    Vilma Registered Posts: 11
    net present value and internal rate of return - other methods
  • unicorn1905
    unicorn1905 Registered Posts: 47
    @Vilma thank you
  • unicorn1905
    unicorn1905 Registered Posts: 47
    @Vilma something I need to revise then....
  • Vilma
    Vilma Registered Posts: 11
    I have used Osborne books. Now I am using the Kaplan too.
  • unicorn1905
    unicorn1905 Registered Posts: 47
    @Vilma I have Osborne books so need to find it in there.
  • Vilma
    Vilma Registered Posts: 11
    page 139 Osborne Acounting Systems and Control.
  • Nicola22
    Nicola22 Registered Posts: 7
    Has anybody noticed that the new AAT mocks on the website do not match the published answers?
    It looks like the answers have been updated but the mocks are still the old ones
  • Kelly87
    Kelly87 Registered Posts: 6
    On the mocks for section 3 they give you 5 weakness to find . 3 marks max for each question.
    Works out 15 marks.
    In my two actual exams only had to find 3 weaknesses but can't remember if the question was for 15 marks? If so if it's only 3 max marks which would give only 9?
  • unicorn1905
    unicorn1905 Registered Posts: 47
    @Nicola22 I had this problem. Spoke with Aat and needed to clear the cache and history on computer and it then worked properly. Try this or use a browser that you haven't previously used for aat assessment practice.
  • Nicola22
    Nicola22 Registered Posts: 7
    @unicorn1905 It worked in a different browser. How strange! Thanks for letting me know
  • marialucas
    marialucas Registered Posts: 49
    When do you guys have the assessment? Mine is next Monday at 6pm.. !
  • Nicola22
    Nicola22 Registered Posts: 7
    Mine is this Monday at 9:30! Not sure to expect this time around
  • unicorn1905
    unicorn1905 Registered Posts: 47
    edited September 2017
    Wednesday @ 530
  • marialucas
    marialucas Registered Posts: 49
    Okay, I will post how it went . Fingers crossed
  • Lindi
    Lindi Registered Posts: 166
    Good luck guys - thinking of you. Let us know how you got on and I know time is tight but don't make the mistake I made, if a question seem too vague or ambiguous note it to the examiner or put a note on the answer that question was vague. Mine were all vague and though I tried to elaborate my answers clearly I did not answer the questions in the manner they expected. I should have just said something rather than guessing what they want. Even, perhaps I should ask the invigilator to re-iterate the question in a different manner to see if I get better identify what the monkeys they want. Good Luck B)
  • jfrecker
    jfrecker Registered Posts: 24
    Have I missed something but when I looked on the practice examples today online task 1 has now got 20% or 20 marks available and task 2 and 4 which previously had 20 marks available now only have 15 marks which would help all students as task 2 and 4 are normally low scoring
  • AlisonSwanson
    AlisonSwanson Registered, Tutor Posts: 209
    5 marks have been deducted from task 4 and added on to task 1 for the September 2017 Sitting.

    Task 2 was always 15 marks..
  • steady88
    steady88 Registered Posts: 25
    jfrecker said:

    Have I missed something but when I looked on the practice examples today online task 1 has now got 20% or 20 marks available and task 2 and 4 which previously had 20 marks available now only have 15 marks which would help all students as task 2 and 4 are normally low scoring

    Good point, I hadn't spotted that. If that is the case, gaining up to an extra 5 marks for Q1 may help more students pass
  • AlisonSwanson
    AlisonSwanson Registered, Tutor Posts: 209
    It might have helped a lot of the students who scored 68% or 69% on their first attempts as well !!
  • jfrecker
    jfrecker Registered Posts: 24
    Task 1 was previously only worth 10 marks and now is worth 20 so we must have 10 points removed from other tasks
  • AlisonSwanson
    AlisonSwanson Registered, Tutor Posts: 209
    Task 1 was previously worth 15 marks as per the AAT on-line practice assessments.
    Some publishers did not follow this mark scheme in their own practice assessments.
  • jfrecker
    jfrecker Registered Posts: 24
    Okay that explains it so hopefully better for everyone as potentially you could loose 5 marks less and gain 5 marks more which might mean more passes goood luck for next week everyone
  • unicorn1905
    unicorn1905 Registered Posts: 47
    I didn't notice this, it has definitely given me some more hope for next week!
  • Lindi
    Lindi Registered Posts: 166
    Hmmm... apparently I did rubbish in task 1. Think I'll revisit my L2 and L3 coursework.
  • Lindi
    Lindi Registered Posts: 166
    "Task 1
    This task was answered quite well, achieving reasonable marks. You answered incorrectly the parts regarding: actions, posting to suspense, reappointment of auditors and detection of errors."
  • Vilma
    Vilma Registered Posts: 11
    I am reading Colin Drury - Management and cost accounting – and I am finding the answer of how to manage most of the task of the synoptic exam. My humble opinion is that synoptic tasks require knowledge that haven’t been included in the whole course. AAT should redesign the previous exam material and then make an exam as the synoptic. It is just an opinion.
  • Multiplicator
    Multiplicator Registered Posts: 116
    eek ! I read a bit of Colin Drury for level 3 = and found it useful for the costing module. Yes I know this makes me a nerd. didnt help in the synoptic tho'. and yes I agree that AAT are testing things in the synoptic which were not covered in the modules and then insisting their system is meant to work like that

    there is another thread asking why a college has stopped teaching AAT - blimey it is obvious isnt it ?
    I cant say I can give AAT 10/10 for anything - or as they might say - "a lot of the questions they have been asked have been answered slowly and incompletely"
  • Lindi
    Lindi Registered Posts: 166
    @Vilma - which edition are you reading and does it matter if I got edition 7? Also I need some help, I've always printed off any helpful study texts found online on subjects I thought might help me with exams but failing the synoptic has reeeeeally knocked my confidence and made me reflect a LOT more on how I study. Has anyone got any tips for studying from text books? For instance if I get this Colin Drury book, what is the most effective way to extract information from it? Do I continue with my dictaphone making verbal notes and drawing flow/braincharts in colourful sections or is there a better way? Thanks to anyone who can share their ideas.
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