AAT Level 4 Synoptic Exam



  • hangawi74
    hangawi74 Registered Posts: 19
    > @Lindi said:
    > It would definitely be worth it for the chance at and extra percentage and not enduring this hellish, stressful, soul destroying revision again. Nothing to lose. ;)

    That’s exactly what I’m thinking,,,the only thing is that the enquiry itself cost £32 and it’s not guaranteed that it will be accepted and will go forward for my assessment to be remarked ,,, I would lose the money without even getting AAT to remark anything !!!
  • MarieArmstrong
    MarieArmstrong Registered Posts: 6
    hazel123 said:

    I think I was very lucky with my exam and completely agree with the cryptic questions. The main thing was to actually learn and revise the accounting systems and controls information, I hadn't really even looked at them when I first sat it as I thought it was mainly based on the core modules. I started my revision by reading that book fully and making notes where I could. That kaplan revision kit also has the pocket notes for that for some quick reminders! Then I just went through and looked at each question individually to make sure I was as confident as I could be with each once, it also helps get you familiarised with exam style. The kaplan kit breaks down the pre-release as well and helps point out areas they may question you on and what to look out for. I would also make sure you're familiar with how to flex a budget as that will 100% be in the exam. If you send me your email I can forward you some revision notes I made from information on this forum :)

    Well done Hazel. That's fantastic. My e-mail address is mariearmstrong@hotmail.co.uk Would really appreciate your notes as I'm due to sit mine in February. Thank you. x
  • MissHermansen
    MissHermansen Registered Posts: 103
    Does anyone know if the pre-release material will be the same now in 2018??
  • Mcalpin
    Mcalpin Registered Posts: 5
    My tutor said that the pre-released material will be the same for February sitting.

  • kagan
    kagan Registered Posts: 1
    Hi everyone. This is my first time posting on here but have been reading since I started my PDSY journey. I had passed all my exams before getting an average of 83% but when it came to the PDSY I failed with 54%. I was so disappointed but really didnt know what to do to improve. I felt that I had been let down by the college and their tutoring. I decided to sign up with Peak Accountancy an online tutor and they provided me with all the information I needed. I regularly sent them answers to practice questions to mark and this really helped and also then provide 3 mock exams which they will mark and give you feedback. I got my results yesterday and passed with 87% !!
    I am so pleased but can honestly say I couldn't have done it without their help and I also think I got lucky with the questions. Just keep at it and you will succeed but do not give up. Good luck everyone and well done to the people who have passed as its a tough one.
  • MissHermansen
    MissHermansen Registered Posts: 103
    > @Mcalpin said:
    > My tutor said that the pre-released material will be the same for February sitting.

    Phew!! Thank you :)
  • shalls
    shalls Registered Posts: 8
    hazel123 said:

    I think I was very lucky with my exam and completely agree with the cryptic questions. The main thing was to actually learn and revise the accounting systems and controls information, I hadn't really even looked at them when I first sat it as I thought it was mainly based on the core modules. I started my revision by reading that book fully and making notes where I could. That kaplan revision kit also has the pocket notes for that for some quick reminders! Then I just went through and looked at each question individually to make sure I was as confident as I could be with each once, it also helps get you familiarised with exam style. The kaplan kit breaks down the pre-release as well and helps point out areas they may question you on and what to look out for. I would also make sure you're familiar with how to flex a budget as that will 100% be in the exam. If you send me your email I can forward you some revision notes I made from information on this forum :)

    Hi Hazel, I sat my first exam in September and failed with 62%, I have my next resit on 12th February - Please would you be able to also send me some of your revision notes, I'm at a loss with what to revise for and being a distance learning student don't have any support from other AAT students - My email address is Shelana.halls@googlemail.com. Thank you so much :)
  • lu_hy
    lu_hy Registered Posts: 4
    edited January 2018
    @hazel123 congratulations on passing, and thank you for the tip. I’m due to take my retake for the synoptic in February, I too have to study without help of college and would really appreciate any other advice you have. If you get a chance to email - My email is luahyd@gmail.com, I would be most grateful. Thank you
  • Viorica
    Viorica Registered Posts: 1
    Well done,hazel123. Could you please send me your notes to me as well. I am now preparing for the Synoptic exam and I will definetely need some additional information. My email address is carabetz@yahoo.com. I really appreciate. Thank you!
  • sophiemossop
    sophiemossop Registered Posts: 5
    Hi Hazel I would really appreciate it if you could send to me also thank you sophie.mossop@hotmail.com
  • Multiplicator
    Multiplicator Registered Posts: 116
    and I think everyone wants to thank you Hazel for giving proper assistance. Good luck everyone !
  • rabbia
    rabbia Registered Posts: 19
    Hi hazel. Could u also send me ur notes plz This is my 4th attempt ☹️ My email is aleenazoyauk@gmail.com
    Many thankz.
  • rabbia
    rabbia Registered Posts: 19
    Hi kagan. Is it possible that u email some of ur writing tips and notes to email me I would be really appreciate. Thankz my email isaleenazoyauk@gmail.com
  • Mokshharesh782
    Mokshharesh782 Registered Posts: 22
    edited January 2018
    Hello! Hazel its my 4th attempt as well and my Percentage are getting low day by day... I am not the same motivated lad as I used to be.. if anyone can help me with their notes and tips it will be really great of you... If anyone want my help let me know I will try my best. MY EMAIL - MOKSHHARESH782@gmail.com
  • Mokshharesh782
    Mokshharesh782 Registered Posts: 22
    AAT_Team said:

    As @AlisonSwanson has rightly pointed out - you are forbidden to share or discuss live assessment content. Further contributions of this nature will be removed and authors may be investigated. Do not do it.

    As a student - We are facing lots of problems regarding proper material to use... I understand it is forbidden but can we ask about the live assessment but can we ask for just some common notes which can help to prepare?
  • hangawi74
    hangawi74 Registered Posts: 19
    Hi hazel congratulations for passing your synoptic assessment I got 69%and my next attempt is feb I was wondering if you can email me as well the notes ,thanks so much
    Hangawi74 @hotmail.com
  • Multiplicator
    Multiplicator Registered Posts: 116
    ya and me at melissant1950@gmail.com
    no I am not Melissa ! NT gk for honey but that is by the by
    Many thanks for the proffered help
    Oliver Dearlove
  • DomParmar
    DomParmar Registered Posts: 5
    edited January 2018
    > @hazel123 said:
    > I think I was very lucky with my exam and completely agree with the cryptic questions. The main thing was to actually learn and revise the accounting systems and controls information, I hadn't really even looked at them when I first sat it as I thought it was mainly based on the core modules. I started my revision by reading that book fully and making notes where I could. That kaplan revision kit also has the pocket notes for that for some quick reminders! Then I just went through and looked at each question individually to make sure I was as confident as I could be with each once, it also helps get you familiarised with exam style. The kaplan kit breaks down the pre-release as well and helps point out areas they may question you on and what to look out for. I would also make sure you're familiar with how to flex a budget as that will 100% be in the exam. If you send me your email I can forward you some revision notes I made from information on this forum :)

    Hi Hazel,
    Congrats. I am retaking Synoptic after failing with 63%. Would you be able to email me some notes please?
    My email is. dominic.parmar@ntlworld.com
    Thanks in advance.
  • erpang
    erpang Registered Posts: 2
    Hi, Hazel
    Congratulations ,I’m going to retake mine in Feb for the third attempt, would be appreciate if you could email me the tip too.
    My email address is erpang1975@gmail.com.
    Many thanks
  • Multiplicator
    Multiplicator Registered Posts: 116
    Hangawi - you are almost there !
    I know the caring sharing AAT team will wish you all the very best for a retake at a phenomenally low retake price. - what is good for AAT is by their definition good for you !

    By level 4 you will have learnt that a good contract is one that is good for both parties. - multiple retakes are jolly good for AAT and we know from the thread above how much the students love retaking - or else they wouldnt do it so often !

    good luck retakers - all of you !
  • simonesmith
    simonesmith Registered Posts: 2
    Hi Everyone, Iv failed this exam twice and the last fail was by 2%. This has really knocked me back and i keep pushing my exam back. I have now decided to stick to do it february... has anyone got any tips or help on how to revise or pass this exam :(?

  • Inga01
    Inga01 Registered Posts: 1
    > @hazel123 said:
    > I think I was very lucky with my exam and completely agree with the cryptic questions. The main thing was to actually learn and revise the accounting systems and controls information, I hadn't really even looked at them when I first sat it as I thought it was mainly based on the core modules. I started my revision by reading that book fully and making notes where I could. That kaplan revision kit also has the pocket notes for that for some quick reminders! Then I just went through and looked at each question individually to make sure I was as confident as I could be with each once, it also helps get you familiarised with exam style. The kaplan kit breaks down the pre-release as well and helps point out areas they may question you on and what to look out for. I would also make sure you're familiar with how to flex a budget as that will 100% be in the exam. If you send me your email I can forward you some revision notes I made from information on

    Hi Hazel123
    Could you forward some of your revision notes please? My email is ingac1986@gmail.com
  • tinkerbell0406
    tinkerbell0406 Registered Posts: 58
    Hi and me please for revision notes Celiamull@msn.com. Thxs
  • NataliaT
    NataliaT Registered Posts: 1
    > @hazel123 said:
    > I think I was very lucky with my exam and completely agree with the cryptic questions. The main thing was to actually learn and revise the accounting systems and controls information, I hadn't really even looked at them when I first sat it as I thought it was mainly based on the core modules. I started my revision by reading that book fully and making notes where I could. That kaplan revision kit also has the pocket notes for that for some quick reminders! Then I just went through and looked at each question individually to make sure I was as confident as I could be with each once, it also helps get you familiarised with exam style. The kaplan kit breaks down the pre-release as well and helps point out areas they may question you on and what to look out for. I would also make sure you're familiar with how to flex a budget as that will 100% be in the exam. If you send me your email I can forward you some revision notes I made from information on this forum :)

    Hi Hazel I would really appreciate it if you could send to me also thank you tseluyko@yahoo.com
  • rabbia
    rabbia Registered Posts: 19
    Hello everyone and especially AAT. AAT TEAM now loOk how many students are struggling. They just ignore all these comments however if someone try to explain ab exam then Aat wake up and threatened us. It’s been over the year but they did not do anything. People who pass they also did not confident ab question 2 and 4. If they cant change these questions then they should decrease pass percentage to 60%. Instead of 70%. I know like this other post this post also will be ignore as well.
    Biggest mistake to choose AAT.
  • Lindi
    Lindi Registered Posts: 166
    rabbia said:

    Hello everyone and especially AAT. AAT TEAM now loOk how many students are struggling. They just ignore all these comments however if someone try to explain ab exam then Aat wake up and threatened us. It’s been over the year but they did not do anything. People who pass they also did not confident ab question 2 and 4. If they cant change these questions then they should decrease pass percentage to 60%. Instead of 70%. I know like this other post this post also will be ignore as well.

    Biggest mistake to choose AAT.

    I agree more attention needs to be paid to student feedback and I will be paying close attention to this thread as I have recently enrolled an apprentice onto Level 2 AAT, if there is no motion from AAT to acknowledge the issues pertaining to Levels 3 and 4 then I will not be continuing my colleague on the AAT course. I am sure many other students share the same view, why should we give business to an entity who takes no notice of its stakeholders.
  • AAT_Team
    AAT_Team Administrator Posts: 505 🤖 Admin 🤖
    edited January 2018
    rabbia said:

    Hello everyone and especially AAT. AAT TEAM now loOk how many students are struggling. They just ignore all these comments however if someone try to explain ab exam then Aat wake up and threatened us. It’s been over the year but they did not do anything. People who pass they also did not confident ab question 2 and 4. If they cant change these questions then they should decrease pass percentage to 60%. Instead of 70%. I know like this other post this post also will be ignore as well.

    Biggest mistake to choose AAT.

    We are listening, though your feedback regarding assessments should be directed to our dedicated support team via customersupport@aat.org.uk.

    Having reviewed PDSY, we have adjusted some of the tasks to ensure they remain at an appropriate level. We also released a new practice assessment among other resources for training providers to help students prepare.

    As always, you are not permitted to discuss material in live assessments for obvious reasons. Please familiarise yourself with AAT's online community terms and conditions.
  • Adam144
    Adam144 Registered Posts: 28
    edited January 2018
    In my opinion this is what should also happen to MDCL exam. They are reducing the number of marks and number of tasks, which puts the students who sat that exam before the changes into disadvantage and a loss of money if they were close to passing. In my opinion they should uplift the marks at least by 5% for people who sat the exam before all of this changes, because many people didn't even manage to attempt all the tasks within 2.5hrs, whereas after the changes the exam will remain at 2.5hrs, so it is definitely unfair.
    @AAT @AAT_Team I wonder what AAT is going to do about it?

    I personally do not see the point of doing it any longer, I have tried my best 3 times and although the practice papers changed, they still don't reflect what is actually expected on the exam. As an example I can take the variances question in MDCL, the practice assessment has got nothing what is in the actual exam.
  • simonesmith
    simonesmith Registered Posts: 2
    Adam144 said:

    In my opinion this is what should also happen to MDCL exam. They are reducing the number of marks and number of tasks, which puts the students who sat that exam before the changes into disadvantage and a loss of money if they were close to passing. In my opinion they should uplift the marks at least by 5% for people who sat the exam before all of this changes, because many people didn't even manage to attempt all the tasks within 2.5hrs, whereas after the changes the exam will remain at 2.5hrs, so it is definitely unfair.
    @AAT @AAT_Team I wonder what AAT is going to do about it?

    I personally do not see the point of doing it any longer, I have tried my best 3 times and although the practice papers changed, they still don't reflect what is actually expected on the exam. As an example I can take the variances question in MDCL, the practice assessment has got nothing what is in the actual exam.

    I couldnt agree anymore with this! Twice I have done this exam and they change it after I have failed both times!
  • MissHermansen
    MissHermansen Registered Posts: 103
    Adam144 said:

    In my opinion this is what should also happen to MDCL exam. They are reducing the number of marks and number of tasks, which puts the students who sat that exam before the changes into disadvantage and a loss of money if they were close to passing. In my opinion they should uplift the marks at least by 5% for people who sat the exam before all of this changes, because many people didn't even manage to attempt all the tasks within 2.5hrs, whereas after the changes the exam will remain at 2.5hrs, so it is definitely unfair.
    @AAT @AAT_Team I wonder what AAT is going to do about it?

    I personally do not see the point of doing it any longer, I have tried my best 3 times and although the practice papers changed, they still don't reflect what is actually expected on the exam. As an example I can take the variances question in MDCL, the practice assessment has got nothing what is in the actual exam.

    I was 3% out last time- an uplift of 5% would have saved me lots of money and months of anguish for both myself and my little girl.. who has to take a backseat each weekend and evening I am studying. The exam has been amended without any uplift which is strange indeed..
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