AdamR banned???



  • SeanyBoy
    SeanyBoy Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘
    they never ran rings around me before you youngsters appeared on the scene so why should things be any different now?
    I have the experience to know that bragging to a Moll gets you nowhere, you treat them with consideration and respect, works far better.
    And as for"don't touch", I would only touch a Moll if she invited me to

    HAVE YOU NOT READ THE POSTS? they want a real man!
  • farmergiles
    farmergiles Registered Posts: 1,693 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    SeanyBoy wrote: »
    HAVE YOU NOT READ THE POSTS? they want a real man!

    Yes, I have read the posts, that's why I can't understand why a young, wet-behind-the-ears whippersnapper like you keeps getting ideas way above his station. Now, go back into the playpen, there's a good little teaboy:lol::lol:
  • SeanyBoy
    SeanyBoy Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    I can see the loneliness has gone to your head….made you a bit crazy….i'll have to sort you out after I come back for my aat course...

    (Breaking it softly with a box of tissues) YOU ARE HISTORY PAL!!

  • SeanyBoy
    SeanyBoy Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘
    Yes, I have read the posts, that's why I can't understand why a young, wet-behind-the-ears whippersnapper like you keeps getting ideas way above his station. Now, go back into the playpen, there's a good little teaboy:lol::lol:

    Take a rest old man we dont want you to put your back out now do we!!

    I could get one of the molls to make you a cocoa but no sponge baths!! dont be smart!!
  • farmergiles
    farmergiles Registered Posts: 1,693 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    SeanyBoy wrote: »
    Take a rest old man we dont want you to put your back out now do we!!

    I could get one of the molls to make you a cocoa but no sponge baths!! dont be smart!!

    If you don't watch it, I'll wack you with my zimmer frame:lol::lol:
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Diannew wrote: »
    You are No 1 Gangsta.... Don't let it spoil the reward (the fact that you are the only Gangsta that appears to be man/boy enough to keep up with the Molls)

    Oh dear....look how far my ex-moll has a "moll" to a tea boy pimp :ohmy:

    Diannew, Jil.... I think you both need to take a long hard look at yourselves and see how far down the barrel you have began to've decided to trade in a gangsta who had a solid supply of ex-soviet socks, owned his own shed, took you to places you never thought you'd go - my shed - and knew more than enough fish puns to make casual conversation.......

    ....for a 'man' who was only good enough to make my tea, had a bromance with an old queen who pretended he was his mum (!), who struggled to add pics to his account and is a pimp.... a PIMP! :ohmy: :thumbdown:

    There is another....less .... elegant word for the 'moll' of a pimp....but I am too much of a gentleman (thief) to state it on here....:001_unsure:

    As long as you haven't yet done any 'molling' duties for your pimp yet, :glare: I'll be more than willing to let you come back to me....I'll even let you both grow your hair back and excuse you from the 'having-to-have-blue-painted-skin' rule....what d'ya say....??
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    SeanyBoy wrote: »
    And as my first act of leadership... the shed has been bulldozed!!!
    ...bulldozed to make way for a caravan....a 4 berth!!

    From now on, I plan to have this caravan as our gangs HQ, where we'll plan future daring daylight robberies - for instance, I have an 'inside man' who knows his way around the secuirity at the local scout-hut's tuck shop.... big money there!...And plenty of sherbet dibs :thumbup1:

    We'll also use the new HQ - which will henceforth be called "The Roving Ruffians Fortress of Mis-deeds" - to plan our consolidation of the local crime network....I even have a map of the town pinned up on the fridge door.....I've also colour coded certain sectors of the area and everything .....:thumbup:

    THAT is leadership :thumbup1:
  • jilt
    jilt Registered Posts: 2,903 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    ...bulldozed to make way for a caravan....a 4 berth!!

    From now on, I plan to have this caravan as our gangs HQ, where we'll plan future daring daylight robberies - for instance, I have an 'inside man' who knows his way around the secuirity at the local scout-hut's tuck shop.... big money there!...And plenty of sherbet dibs :thumbup1:

    We'll also use the new HQ - which will henceforth be called "The Roving Ruffians Fortress of Mis-deeds" - to plan our consolidation of the local crime network....I even have a map of the town pinned up on the fridge door.....I've also colour coded certain sectors of the area and everything .....:thumbup:

    THAT is leadership :thumbup1:

    You have been busy Matt! Will have to discuss this with my sister Molls........ the sherbet may swing it though :laugh:
  • Diannew
    Diannew Registered Posts: 2,814 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    ...bulldozed to make way for a caravan....a 4 berth!!

    From now on, I plan to have this caravan as our gangs HQ, where we'll plan future daring daylight robberies - for instance, I have an 'inside man' who knows his way around the secuirity at the local scout-hut's tuck shop.... big money there!...And plenty of sherbet dibs :thumbup1:

    We'll also use the new HQ - which will henceforth be called "The Roving Ruffians Fortress of Mis-deeds" - to plan our consolidation of the local crime network....I even have a map of the town pinned up on the fridge door.....I've also colour coded certain sectors of the area and everything .....:thumbup:

    THAT is leadership :thumbup1:

    Verrrrry tempting.........can we also use the HQ for team building holidays!!!!
  • SeanyBoy
    SeanyBoy Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘
    I was thinking more along the lines of using the basement of an old charity shop for our "wrong doings".

    We could play poker and smoke cigars??

    I much prefer this kind of gangster lifestyle than cooped up in a tiny caravan....
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Diannew wrote: »
    Verrrrry tempting.........can we also use the HQ for team building holidays!!!!

    We could! We could take the HQ on a paint balling weekend - team building AND training the gang for success in the modern urban crime environment :thumbup:

    You'll have to leave your pimp first though.....
  • SeanyBoy
    SeanyBoy Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    We could! We could take the HQ on a paint balling weekend - team building AND training the gang for success in the modern urban crime environment :thumbup:

    You'll have to leave your pimp first though.....

    Hmmmm even the paintballing may temp me into the caravan...
  • Diannew
    Diannew Registered Posts: 2,814 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    SeanyBoy wrote: »
    Hmmmm even the paintballing may temp me into the caravan...

    Bless.........................real togetherness... how sweet:001_wub:
  • SeanyBoy
    SeanyBoy Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘
    i will happily make a place at the top spot for matt as long as i get my own moll and all the paintballing a guy could ever need....
  • farmergiles
    farmergiles Registered Posts: 1,693 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Diannew wrote: »
    Bless.........................real togetherness... how sweet:001_wub:

    If we leave the sweeties to get better aquainted in the caravan, we can run off and get some real"Moll appreciation" done:lol::lol:
  • SeanyBoy
    SeanyBoy Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘
    If we leave the sweeties to get better aquainted in the caravan, we can run off and get some real"Moll appreciation" done:lol::lol:

    It seem the saying is true... YOU CANT TEACH AN OLD DOG NEW TRICKS!!

    Did you not hear me yesterday Giles???? BACK OFF!!!
  • Diannew
    Diannew Registered Posts: 2,814 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    If we leave the sweeties to get better aquainted in the caravan, we can run off and get some real"Moll appreciation" done:lol::lol:

    Mmmmmm we have not had the full benefit of what you learnt on your Moll Appreciation day yet...have we:001_tt1:
  • Diannew
    Diannew Registered Posts: 2,814 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    SeanyBoy wrote: »
    i will happily make a place at the top spot for matt as long as i get my own moll and all the paintballing a guy could ever need....

    What an easily pleased Gangster:lol::lol:
  • SeanyBoy
    SeanyBoy Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘
    Diannew wrote: »
    Mmmmmm we have not had the full benefit of what you learnt on your Moll Appreciation day yet...have we:001_tt1:

    Major dissapointment Dianne... tut tut tut.... :mad2:
  • jilt
    jilt Registered Posts: 2,903 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    We could! We could take the HQ on a paint balling weekend - team building AND training the gang for success in the modern urban crime environment :thumbup:

    Paintballing? hmmmm, maybe I could practice on these 'low lifes' they call work colleagues :mad2:

    If it wasn't for this forum this week I think I would have killed one of them by now :cursing::cursing:

    Paintballing it is :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    SeanyBoy wrote: »
    i will happily make a place at the top spot for matt as long as i get my own moll and all the paintballing a guy could ever need....

    Hmmmmm.....I don't demolished my shed, tried to steal my molls, cheated on Farmer Giles.....all you seem to bring to the group is dis-loyalty, this is second(?) time you have tried to overthrow me....and failed.....don't get me wrong, you make a lovely cuppa tea, but you need to bring more to the group than that....

    Come up with a fiendishly clever way of making a lot of money, and I will consider letting you back in....
  • CJC
    CJC Registered Posts: 1,657 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    SeanyBoy wrote: »
    Did you not hear me yesterday Giles???? BACK OFF!!!
    Oooh, isn't he butch.
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    jilt wrote: »
    Paintballing? hmmmm, maybe I could practice on these 'low lifes' they call work colleagues :mad2:

    If it wasn't for this forum this week I think I would have killed one of them by now :cursing::cursing:

    Paintballing it is :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

    Damn! This thread is meant to inspire MORE crime not less....murder is an extreme event.....but all crime is welcome I take it that you are officially back in the gang? And moll to gangsta no1...?
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    If we leave the sweeties to get better aquainted in the caravan, we can run off and get some real"Moll appreciation" done:lol::lol:

    You see, I disagree with this "moll appreciation course" learn the art of romance from a washed up old teacher...? What is it they say..."people who can't, teach"?

    Moll appreciation can't be learnt, but is instinctual, have it or you don't....and you, my friend don't have it.... :001_tongue:

    Tell me one thing you learnt...?
  • jilt
    jilt Registered Posts: 2,903 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    Damn! This thread is meant to inspire MORE crime not less....murder is an extreme event........

    Well if you put it that way I'll abliterate the lot of them willingly!!!
    LondonMatt wrote: » I take it that you are officially back in the gang? And moll to gangsta no1...?

    I didn't realise I'd left......... and yes, the king stays the king :laugh:
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    jilt wrote: »
    Well if you put it that way I'll abliterate the lot of them willingly!!!
    Good good, don't forget to steal their wallets when you're done, I need you to pick up some milk on your way back to the HQ

    jilt wrote: »
    I didn't realise I'd left......... and yes, the king stays the king :laugh:

    Welll.....the way you were treating the tea boy yesterday, a man is bound to get suspicious...
  • jilt
    jilt Registered Posts: 2,903 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Where is A-Vic today? Doesn't she know it's Friday?! :lol:
  • SeanyBoy
    SeanyBoy Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘
    :crying: brushed aside like i never even exsisted...

    and in answer to your question re: making money..

    I thought and come up with a quick solution... i think we could play on these silk socks.. sell them on ebay perhaps? or that is too easy me thinks... but then again perhaps they are exclusive to the gang only.. hmmmm

    perhaps we could use my charity shop basement for belly dancing classes?? Whilst everybody is in lesson then we could send FG in dressed as a classy moll with a feather boa and he rumage through all of the lockers?? I would happily allow my basement to be used for this purpose :thumbup:

    Im more into betting scams personally but i was thinking perhaps the gang should have a trade?? What better than belly dancing... :laugh:
  • jilt
    jilt Registered Posts: 2,903 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    SeanyBoy wrote: »
    :crying: brushed aside like i never even exsisted...

    Oh seanyboy you've not been brushed aside, seem to remember someone giving up his leadership for an offer to go paintballing!! :laugh:
  • SeanyBoy
    SeanyBoy Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘
    jilt wrote: »
    Oh seanyboy you've not been brushed aside, seem to remember someone giving up his leadership for an offer to go paintballing!! :laugh:

    oooooooh its soooooo hard to resist though!!! :confused1:

    But i only offered 50% of my throne...

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