AdamR banned???



  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    You know, this thread was quite busy until a certain someone came back….:001_rolleyes:

    Well done Adam!!! :glare:

    Adam 'The Thread Killer' R :thumbdown:
  • jilt
    jilt Registered Posts: 2,903 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    You know, this thread was quite busy until a certain someone came back….:001_rolleyes:

    Well done Adam!!! :glare:

    Adam 'The Thread Killer' R :thumbdown:

    Do not cheek your cyber father!!
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    jilt wrote: »
    Do not cheek your cyber father!!
    Cullen - the s.o.b - is my Cyber father! Not Adamr…..!

    Adam was the 'front' for my business before he went do-lally and tried to overthrow me :mad2:
  • jilt
    jilt Registered Posts: 2,903 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    OK, back to the basement :bored:
  • Diannew
    Diannew Registered Posts: 2,814 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    jilt wrote: »
    OK, back to the basement :bored:

    Please keep still Jill......:lol::lol: I have only just got here!!
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Diannew wrote: »
    Please keep still Jill......:lol::lol: I have only just got here!!
    Do not fret Dianne, I am here! :001_smile:

    And I will endevour to entertain you with my wisery words, some juggling, a picture of Dawn French, some subtly suggested at f*rnication and chocolate digestives :thumbup:

    Don't leave!!! :crying: :001_unsure:
  • jilt
    jilt Registered Posts: 2,903 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Diannew wrote: »
    Please keep still Jill......:lol::lol: I have only just got here!!

    Sorry sister, thought you were still busy with your pole,.... sorry payroll :laugh:
  • Cullen
    Cullen Registered Posts: 592 Epic contributor 🐘
    Look, I want to make it clear that I am Adam and Matt's Cyber Father.

    I is the daddy.

    I get the child allowance.

    I attend the parents evenings at their approved schools and I require the respect that a good parent deserves. If my boys need a role model, I am the one who makes the suggestions as to whom they should look up to (they are very small for their age....)
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    Do not fret Dianne, I am here! :001_smile:

    And I will endevour to entertain you ….

    First part of my entertainment is a dancing fluffy animal….check it out on my profile :thumbup:

    ….I could watch it for days :001_wub:
  • jilt
    jilt Registered Posts: 2,903 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    First part of my entertainment is a dancing fluffy animal….check it out on my profile :thumbup:

    ….I could watch it for days :001_wub:

    Much prefer the pud to the car :thumbup::thumbup:
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    jilt wrote: »
    Much prefer the pud to the car :thumbup::thumbup:
    Ah, you've 'checked me out' before have you….:cool2:

    I had to trade in the car to get the caravan - AKA gang HQ…..I think I got a good deal :001_unsure:
  • SeanyBoy
    SeanyBoy Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    Ah, you've 'checked me out' before have you….:cool2:

    I had to trade in the car to get the caravan - AKA gang HQ…..I think I got a good deal :001_unsure:

    be careful Matt a certain monkey has been seen scowering caravan parks with a swiss army knife and spray paint looking for a certain gang hq!

  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    SeanyBoy wrote: »
    be careful Matt a certain monkey has been seen scowering caravan parks with a swiss army knife and spray paint looking for a certain gang hq!


    Just to let you know, I have the dancing animal chained up outside, so if you come any where near HQ, I'll unleash it! :mad2:

    You have been warned.....
  • SeanyBoy
    SeanyBoy Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    Just to let you know, I have the dancing animal chained up outside, so if you come any where near HQ, I'll unleash it! :mad2:

    You have been warned.....

    well i have allowed my pole dancing dog to roam the area and so will bedazzle your dancing "pussy" with its amazing moves on the pole...
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    SeanyBoy wrote: »
    well i have allowed my pole dancing dog to roam the area and so will bedazzle your dancing "pussy" with its amazing moves on the pole...

    Oh per-lease……my kitten will not be dazzled by your gay dog….."pussy" just don't care for gay dawgs :thumbdown:
  • SeanyBoy
    SeanyBoy Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    Oh per-lease……my kitten will not be dazzled by your gay dog….."pussy" just don't care for gay dawgs :thumbdown:

    hey!! ur cat dont look to straight to me either!!
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    SeanyBoy wrote: »
    hey!! ur cat dont look to straight to me either!!
    It is a female cat….that be how they dance though, innit!
  • SeanyBoy
    SeanyBoy Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    It is a female cat….that be how they dance though, innit!

    it used to be a boy though matt didnt it... eh eh eh... nudge nudge... it used to....
  • LondonMatt
    LondonMatt Registered Posts: 1,110 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    SeanyBoy wrote: »
    it used to be a boy though matt didnt it... eh eh eh... nudge nudge... it used to....

    I don't know...I never thought to ask? How do you go about broaching that subject :confused1:

    I can tell you it pee's standing up....but then again, it is a cat
  • SeanyBoy
    SeanyBoy Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    I don't know...I never thought to ask? How do you go about broaching that subject :confused1:

    I can tell you it pee's standing up....but then again, it is a cat

    so what your saying is that you are unsure whether you had surgery on your "pussy". :laugh:
  • Diannew
    Diannew Registered Posts: 2,814 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    LondonMatt wrote: »
    I don't know...I never thought to ask? How do you go about broaching that subject :confused1:

    I can tell you it pee's standing up....but then again, it is a cat

    Do you resemble this cool looking dude!!!!!!
  • Diannew
    Diannew Registered Posts: 2,814 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    SeanyBoy wrote: »
    so what your saying is that you are unsure whether you had surgery on your "pussy". :laugh:

    Looks like it is just you and have frightenend the pussy cat away:lol::lol:
  • SeanyBoy
    SeanyBoy Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘
    Diannew wrote: »
    Looks like it is just you and have frightenend the pussy cat away:lol::lol:

    So now you show your face!!! (well not literally that would be a bit hard) YOU TOOK YOUR TIME!! :lol::lol:
  • Diannew
    Diannew Registered Posts: 2,814 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    SeanyBoy wrote: »
    So now you show your face!!! (well not literally that would be a bit hard) YOU TOOK YOUR TIME!! :lol::lol:

    Been on important family business(wink wink)

    I see Jilt and Matt are away......and the cyber father.......wonder what they are cooking up:lol::lol:
  • Cullen
    Cullen Registered Posts: 592 Epic contributor 🐘
    I am about to take a short sabbatical in the homeland, far to the west, on the banks of the ocean. Next parish New York, as my dear old father used to say.

    I am conducting important research on the benefits of communication using the medium of dance, specifically incorporating clogs, poles and bellies.

    This research is being facilitated by The Myles na gCopaleen Laboratories. As you all are probably aware Myles na gCopaleen, the da, is the brilliant inventor of the exploding ballet pump for that higher lift in Swan Lake and such like and the spring loaded top hat to prevent injury or possibly death from falling chimneys. Yes, this world is a much safer place thanks to the many patented inventions originating from these world famous laboratories.

    During my journey, I will be listening to music from that famous 80s band, Paddy Goes To Hollyhead. Do not fear, I shall return, but I may be some time......................
  • SeanyBoy
    SeanyBoy Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘
    Diannew wrote: »
    Been on important family business(wink wink)

    I see Jilt and Matt are away......and the cyber father.......wonder what they are cooking up:lol::lol:

    Well apparently Matt has been misbehaving at school pretending to be a gangster and trying to rob little kids.. and so Cullen has been called in to address his bad behaviour..
    Jilt i believe is torturing FG in her leather cat suite... poor old man... (trying hard not to laugh). :lol::lol:
  • Diannew
    Diannew Registered Posts: 2,814 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Enjoy yourself.......I shall take full control over your boys....they will be in safe hands(not)
  • Diannew
    Diannew Registered Posts: 2,814 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    SeanyBoy wrote: »
    Well apparently Matt has been misbehaving at school pretending to be a gangster and trying to rob little kids.. and so Cullen has been called in to address his bad behaviour..
    Jilt i believe is torturing FG in her leather cat suite... poor old man... (trying hard not to laugh). :lol::lol:

    Cullen is deserting the family(nothing new there) he has come up with some far fetched story...but hey ho while the cats away!!!!!!!:001_tt2::001_tt2:
  • SeanyBoy
    SeanyBoy Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘
    Diannew wrote: »
    Cullen is deserting the family(nothing new there) he has come up with some far fetched story...but hey ho while the cats away!!!!!!!:001_tt2::001_tt2:

    So how do you like my pimp thats a chimp?? or wait the other way round!! haha
  • Diannew
    Diannew Registered Posts: 2,814 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    SeanyBoy wrote: »
    So how do you like my pimp thats a chimp?? or wait the other way round!! haha

    Can't quite make my mind up on him...................looks a little like a gimp:lol::lol:

    What has he got on his chest?

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