AAT Level 4 Synoptic Exam



  • dsg1978
    dsg1978 Registered Posts: 19
    I sat my exam on Monday 30th April and as like Shopie I am yet to fail an exam. On the one hand I felt I had an answer for all the questions but on the other hand I could have written so much more leaving more to feel confused if what I wrote was correct. Also of course the AAT threw in there little twist on questions which they do in all exams to confuse you even more even though in real life you could easily gain clarity if something was unclear. Such a long wait now so fingers crossed, don't really want to do it all again.
  • sanyaqayyum
    sanyaqayyum Registered Posts: 5
    Hey guys.

    This synoptic is my final paper and im really struggling!! I sat it on 4th May but it really didnt go well at all. I'm 95% sure it will be a fail. My results are on 15th June and the next sitting is week commencing 30th June and im already beginning to prepare for it now. Im absolutely dreading it because its the lengthy written questions that scare me off... which is practically the whole paper!!
    I dont even know how to study for this as anything could come up as it'll be based on the given scenario.

    Any tips or advice on how to pass this paper?! Thanks in advance.

  • stevesmiths
    stevesmiths Registered Posts: 25
    Forget about the past performance ,get prepared for upcoming exam, work on your negatives, be clear with industry and organisation, study topics from budgeting and decision and control, and how they could apply to the scenario, Analyse the financial information, practise more on how to compute ratios and consider the standards and how they apply.
  • sanyaqayyum
    sanyaqayyum Registered Posts: 5
    Thank you for your advice!
    I did financial statements recently so im confident on task 1.5 ratios, but the other exams i sat over a year ago and have forgotten everything! i have the osborne chapter activities for budgeting and decision and control, but i feel majority of it is calculations which barely come up in this paper?
    do you have any study material that you found particularly useful?
  • stevesmiths
    stevesmiths Registered Posts: 25
    Osborne books and Kaplan kits are really useful, as we can make out many things from it, don’t know about other materials. Spend time on relevant costing, learning SPAMSOAP, different types of budgeting, ratios and threats to accounting system, and other topics you are familiar with.
    Start off with the questions you are comfortable with, then you might feel to finish the studying process soon as you are already into it.

    List out which topics you are more confident, and questions you are less confident. First revise the topics you are confident at, and next for the other set of questions, focus more, you have more than a month, so schedule it accordingly, and then start doing it. For any topic, first understand the concept, then make bullet points, so that you have the clear picture on the question. In exams also, first do the questions you are comfortable with.

  • ashby73
    ashby73 Registered Posts: 1
    Hi @Charley1995

    would you be able to forward me a copy of your notes too please


    Thanks in advance

  • Debbie021
    Debbie021 Registered Posts: 26
    edited May 2018

    Could I have a copy too. Have mine on 27th June.
    Bought the Kaplan Kit but need all the help I can get.


    Many Thanks

  • AATstud
    AATstud Registered Posts: 41
    Hi Charley1995.
    I am sitting in June but still feel no where. It will be great help if you forward me your notes. My email is ashehzad3183@gmail.com
    Thanks in advance
  • joanie_mac
    joanie_mac Registered Posts: 2
    Afternoon All,

    I Had to take a break form studying since I started this module but I'm now looking to book my exam - I just wanted to confirm that it's still the same case study as when I started a few months ago? Green Print Ltd I believe?

    Thanks! :)
  • GMS1992
    GMS1992 Registered Posts: 27

    Afternoon All,

    I Had to take a break form studying since I started this module but I'm now looking to book my exam - I just wanted to confirm that it's still the same case study as when I started a few months ago? Green Print Ltd I believe?

    Thanks! :)

    Still the same :)
  • Lucygsy
    Lucygsy Registered Posts: 34
    Has anyone sat the Professional Synoptic exam recently?

    Does anyone have any advice/tips on the written answers without disclosing about the live assessment?

    Thanks in Advance!
  • Debbie021
    Debbie021 Registered Posts: 26

    I have seen on this post that many people refer to needing to know about relevant/irrelevant/sunken costs for the Synoptic Assessment.

    I transferred from the 2013 standards and have never heard these terms.

    I emailed my tutor and the response was "relevant and irrelevant costs are exactly what they sound like" - YES VERY HELPFUL!

    I have checked all my books and these terms are not mentioned in any way.

    Could someone please explain what these costs are. Maybe my books call them something different.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Lindi
    Lindi Registered Posts: 166
    @Debbie021 It has been a while since I visited these, but from memory I think a sunk cost is a cost that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered. Another name for sunk cost is irrelevant cost. It's mainly used when you are looking at new ventures such as running a new production line, or operating from a new building. Here's a useful link that explains it nicely. The key is to be able to identify irrelevant costs in the question you are asked. So I think the more examples you come across, the better prepared you will be for whatever AAT throws your way.

  • 00783
    00783 Registered Posts: 4
    I receive my results in 2 days, would like to hear feedback from people who have had results recently, both competent and not yet competent
  • Debbie021
    Debbie021 Registered Posts: 26
    Thank you Lindi. A lot more helpful than my tutors response x
  • tinkerbell0406
    tinkerbell0406 Registered Posts: 58
    Me too. I am dreading it, if I fail I have said I am not doing anymore.
  • 00783
    00783 Registered Posts: 4
    Is it your first result for this exam
  • tinkerbell0406
    tinkerbell0406 Registered Posts: 58
    No third time. And I have never had a tutor because my training provider hasn't got a tutor who can go through tho with me. So I keep going and trying to gain five percent but I seem to have hit a wall. I have decided that if I don't do it this time that's it. I have been told no one will employee me as I am to old to be entry level in account.
  • 00783
    00783 Registered Posts: 4
    Fingers crossed for a good result for you, do let me know how you get on. As far as age goes I have never heard of it being a disadvantage in this line of work. Not much waiting left to go!!
  • Greigc123
    Greigc123 Registered Posts: 10
    Waiting for my results tomorrow, it's my first sitting and i'm a little bit nervous to say the least! Fingers crossed we get the job done, just want AAT done with now.

    Good luck everyone!
  • dsg1978
    dsg1978 Registered Posts: 19
    I am also waiting for tomorrow. Been a very very long wait. It's my final exam and have nothing to do while we have to wait which has made it worse. Fingers crossed for everyone, I am yet to fail an exam so hoping the trend doesn't break.
  • liblob89
    liblob89 Registered Posts: 6
    Hi all, I am also awaiting and DREADING my result tomorrow. It's my last one and I've never failed an exam, but left my exam in May feeling awful. My tutor retired so I decided to sit the last unit with no tutor - I signed up to Babington (who I don't feel I benefited from) and did it by myself. Think I might live to regret that tomorrow. Good luck all and hoping to see some positive messages :)

  • davealucas
    davealucas Registered Posts: 152 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    I am waiting too. Have to admit, I have done quite well so far, so I am looking forward to getting my result. As far as I am concerned if I get the magic 70% I will take it, if not...oh well, dust myself down and try again.
  • lindsaymay
    lindsaymay Registered Posts: 7
    Refreshing the page all day begins... good luck everyone!
  • 00783
    00783 Registered Posts: 4
    Good luck everyone
  • badger636
    badger636 Registered Posts: 12
    Good luck everyone, fingers crossed!!! :-)
  • tinkerbell0406
    tinkerbell0406 Registered Posts: 58
    Good luck and all the best to all. X
  • SophieW3122
    SophieW3122 Registered Posts: 11
    So today's the day for those of us that sat in the 30th April window... Anyone got their results yet?
    Currently studying AQ2016 Professional Diploma
    FSLC: 93% | PDSY: 88%
    MDCL: 87% | MABU: 88%
    PLTX sitting 25/06/18
    CTRM sitting 28/06/18
  • SophieW3122
    SophieW3122 Registered Posts: 11
    Been refreshing the page since 5:30 :# good luck all!!
    Currently studying AQ2016 Professional Diploma
    FSLC: 93% | PDSY: 88%
    MDCL: 87% | MABU: 88%
    PLTX sitting 25/06/18
    CTRM sitting 28/06/18
  • Greigc123
    Greigc123 Registered Posts: 10
    Good luck all, still refreshing like crazy!
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