Phew! ECR done



  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Jodi-90 wrote: »
    Member Join Date: Jun 2009
    Location: Nottingham
    Posts: 15

    Did anyone else get £500,000 for break-even , with a MOS of £375000 - 42. something%?


    I put all the same!! WAHOOOOOO

    I did too
  • jow774
    jow774 Registered Posts: 465 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Can anyone remember the basics of all the questions and the order? I know its alot to ask but I was going to fill in the exam feedback questionnaire and cannot remember all the questions as it only gives you 1.1, 1.2 etc.

  • mark130273
    mark130273 Registered Posts: 4,234 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    A-Vic wrote: »
    I did too

    so im guessing youve passed then a-vic ?
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    mark130273 wrote: »
    so im guessing youve passed then a-vic ?

    Nope Section 2 wasnt good i totally messed up process questions and the rest is a blur
  • mark130273
    mark130273 Registered Posts: 4,234 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    A-Vic wrote: »
    Nope Section 2 wasnt good i totally messed up process questions and the rest is a blur

    you be alright...smarter than the average bear !
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    mark130273 wrote: »
    you be alright...smarter than the average bear !

  • somers87
    somers87 Registered Posts: 18 New contributor 🐸
    Can anybody remember which side of the journal you put O/H control, O/H absorbed and the under-absorption amounts? I think I got it wrong... I put DR O/H abs, DR under abs, CR O/H control. I can never get my head around the entries!
  • Mog17
    Mog17 Registered Posts: 91 Regular contributor ⭐
    somers87 wrote: »
    Can anybody remember which side of the journal you put O/H control, O/H absorbed and the under-absorption amounts? I think I got it wrong... I put DR O/H abs, DR under abs, CR O/H control. I can never get my head around the entries!

    It's the other way round. The expense actually incurred goes on the DR side, then the absorbed overheads and underabsorbed overheads on the CR side. The underabsorbed overheads is then a DR in the P&L account (the other side of the double entry).
  • somers87
    somers87 Registered Posts: 18 New contributor 🐸
    Ah. I was thinking that the overhead incurred had already been charged, therefore the entry was to balance O/H control and create a DR entry in the absorbed & under-absorbed accounts, like an expense a/c as shown on the P&L. That's where I always get confused.

    Cheers for the reply.
  • whos that girl
    whos that girl Registered Posts: 28 Regular contributor ⭐
    i got 625000 for break even, margin of safty 250 000 and MOS % at 40%. i did have to think about it alot. and i balls up the abnormal and normal loss account for definate. i got fifo as i though it asked you to chose the method that gave a higher stock value so i knew i wasnt lifo as that gives the lower. hope i done enough thou.
  • whos that girl
    whos that girl Registered Posts: 28 Regular contributor ⭐
    i know your allowed one fail when you move on during a level. but is that one failed simulation or can it be an exam. im just thinking that if you failed the actual exam i.e ECR then surely you cannot proceed on to level 4 until your competent. Or maybe you can. does anyone know ?
  • Mog17
    Mog17 Registered Posts: 91 Regular contributor ⭐
    i know your allowed one fail when you move on during a level. but is that one failed simulation or can it be an exam. im just thinking that if you failed the actual exam i.e ECR then surely you cannot proceed on to level 4 until your competent. Or maybe you can. does anyone know ?

    Depends on the college or whatever. i'm doing distance learning and you can continue even if you fail.
  • Esme
    Esme Registered Posts: 711 Epic contributor 🐘
    somers87 wrote: »
    Can anybody remember which side of the journal you put O/H control, O/H absorbed and the under-absorption amounts? I think I got it wrong... I put DR O/H abs, DR under abs, CR O/H control. I can never get my head around the entries!

    That's what I put.. because the underabsorbed overheads would then be debited to p/l as an expense?
  • Pinkjo
    Pinkjo Registered Posts: 88 Regular contributor ⭐
    That's what I put too - fingers crossed! Why is August so far away......
  • Jodi-90
    Jodi-90 Registered Posts: 6 New contributor 🐸
    Im pretty sure the Margin of safety % is as follows:

    Target profit - Break Even / Target profit x 100 .. Therefore

    875000-500000/875000 x 100 = 42.86%

  • Xplosive
    Xplosive Registered Posts: 17 New contributor 🐸
    Hi, is anyone certain that they got the journal question right?

    I put

    CR - O/h absorbed
    CR - Under abs.
    DR - Overhead control

    I did that because i thought that under absorbed overheads are DR'ed to the P+L, so therefore in its own account it would have to be a CR, right?

    Hehe, maybe not then? :lol:

    Im also kicking myself for just putting the unit amount aswell (62 and 64 £) or something like that as opposed to multiplying it by the amount to get the whole overhead. Oh well :crying: :thumbup:
  • Pinkjo
    Pinkjo Registered Posts: 88 Regular contributor ⭐
    I put the opposite to you, but the more I think about it the more I think you are right. Trouble is we didn't really cover the overhead control account, only the fact that under absorbed is a debit in the P&L and over absorbed is a credit.
  • Mog17
    Mog17 Registered Posts: 91 Regular contributor ⭐
    Xplosive wrote: »
    Hi, is anyone certain that they got the journal question right?

    I put

    CR - O/h absorbed
    CR - Under abs.
    DR - Overhead control

    I did that because i thought that under absorbed overheads are DR'ed to the P+L, so therefore in its own account it would have to be a CR, right?

    Hehe, maybe not then? :lol:

    Im also kicking myself for just putting the unit amount aswell (62 and 64 £) or something like that as opposed to multiplying it by the amount to get the whole overhead. Oh well :crying: :thumbup:

    You're logic is right. The o/h absorbed and underabsorbed are the CRs. Other sides being absorbed o/h DR to WIP account, and underabsorbed o/h DR to P&L Account.
  • Esme
    Esme Registered Posts: 711 Epic contributor 🐘
    I did the opposite too, I'm pretty sure it's right (but could be wrong!) Because, if you were debiting the under absorbed, you would then credit that account and debit profit and loss.
  • Mog17
    Mog17 Registered Posts: 91 Regular contributor ⭐
    Esme wrote: »
    I did the opposite too, I'm pretty sure it's right (but could be wrong!) Because, if you were debiting the under absorbed, you would then credit that account and debit profit and loss.

    Maybe I misunderstood the question altogether!!!! I thought it was a case of entering the figures as if on a T account for overhead...
    Can anyone actually remember the wording of the question?
  • Pinkjo
    Pinkjo Registered Posts: 88 Regular contributor ⭐
    It was something along the lines of "complete the journal entries...."
  • Mog17
    Mog17 Registered Posts: 91 Regular contributor ⭐
    Because thinking about it - there isn't actually an overhead absorbed account or an overhead under-absorbed account..... Surely it was all the entries in one account....
  • JakkiMitchell
    JakkiMitchell Registered Posts: 11 New contributor 🐸
    I totally balls'd up the process costing question, just could get it to make any sense, I knew the formula i needed to use, but my figures looked so out!
  • Laura Cameron
    Laura Cameron Registered Posts: 46 Regular contributor ⭐

    I thoughjt i did ok..

    I put fifo for first question
    for the graphs i put relevant and irelevant in short term so semi variabel first and fixed cost second ?

    I got pay back of 1 year 2 months i think

    i totally messed up the process costing as we never actually got taught how to do it we were told it wont come up !! so annoying

    overall though i think i may scrape a passs..... hopefully
  • izolatka
    izolatka Registered Posts: 6 New contributor 🐸
    t2000becky wrote: »
    and does anyone else write it all in pencil and then spend most of the exam rubbing it all out and writing it up in just me??

    It wasn't just you, I did the same, and promised myself never use pencil again. But I have heard more rubbing noices around me so I think there was more of us :)
  • Lou1234
    Lou1234 Registered Posts: 210 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    I pretty much use pencil for all my calculations first! Makes me feel happier that I can easily rub out and do it again if I realise I've made a mistake. Then once happy I go over it in pen and rub out the pencil!
  • izolatka
    izolatka Registered Posts: 6 New contributor 🐸
    Vidya_r wrote: »
    Of wht I remember:
    FIFO as it increases stock valuation in times of rising costs...

    Break even I calculated by using the PV ratio(5/8 = 0.625)...
    so break even sales revenue= 312500/.625= £500,000

    Margin of safety in terms of sales revenue= 875,000-500,000 = £375,000

    Margin of safety as %= (375,000/875,000) x 100 = 42.86%

    Graph 1 : semi variable cost

    Graph 2: Stepped fixed cost

    Normal loss = 12 tonne abnormal loss= 28tonne

    expected output = 388 tonnes

    Cost of unit output : (73960-240) / 388 = £ 190

    In the process account Dr side = 73960

    Cr Side
    Normal loss = 240
    Abnormal loss 28 x 190 = 5320
    Finished output 360 x 190 = 68400
    Total =73960

    Pay back period: 2.125 yr ~2yrs 2 months

    NPV IN £000 = 39.72

    exactly the same answers :)
  • CJC77
    CJC77 Registered Posts: 62 Regular contributor ⭐
    I thoughjt i did ok..

    I put fifo for first question
    for the graphs i put relevant and irelevant in short term so semi variabel first and fixed cost second ?

    I got pay back of 1 year 2 months i think

    i totally messed up the process costing as we never actually got taught how to do it we were told it wont come up !! so annoying

    overall though i think i may scrape a passs..... hopefully

    A lot of people seem to have not thought about the possibility of a process account being on the exam. On Monday, I was looking through a past paper and came across a 2006 one (December I think), IT HAD A PROCESS COSTING QUESTION ON IT! And since the simulation didn't have one - I suddenly realised it may be on our paper - My friend and I said in the pub at lunchtime prior to the exam and quickly went through, believe it or not, how to calculate an abnormal loss whereby there is normal loss scrap sales..........I still messed it up though 2 hours later! (I can laugh about it now........)

  • Xplosive
    Xplosive Registered Posts: 17 New contributor 🐸
    I know this is getting on a bit now but im still baffled by one part of the exam :001_tt2:

    Section one, the Stock record card, In the working part underneath the SRC i drew up two draft stock record cards and two profit and loss accounts (upto gross profit) so that i could complete both stock cards with Avco and Fifo and then see how resulting closing stock figures affected the profit. And this took me about 20/30 minutes :blushing: But i eventually came to the stock method with the highest profit being Avco. As in that paticular example it had the highest closing stock figure and thus highest profit.

    Now, i already know i have it wrong and the answer was infact Fifo as put by virtually everyone else :laugh: But is anyone able to explain why this is?

    Many thanks :thumbup1:
  • davem
    davem Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸
    thank god for tippex
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